Preserving a male for breeding


I have a white widow that has proven to be male after a few days in flower. I have removed him from the group but would like to preserve him for later breeding stock. If I put him back to 24 hrs/600W will he regress to veg until I am ready to put him into flower again to pollinate my choice of female?
he will go back to veg but consider that the stress you have put him under to flower and hten more stress going back to veg, well that might give you a male with lesser qualities you desire.


Collecting the pollen is the way to go for sure, but if you do want to keep him around then he'll have no problem reverting back to veg. This is what you have to do if you get some seeds that aren't feminized, a lot of growers will prematurely throw everyone into flower to determine sex them remove the boys from the garden and revert back to veg


Well-Known Member
i sex all my plants when they're young, then reveg them to get them to the size i want. ive never had a problem, they go back into veg real nice. the male may open a few sacs though and drop some pollen, so you may want to pull the pollen sacs off.