Club 600


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliments! ive only grown and smoked the GDP so far and its by far one of my favorites all around for growing smoking and all. the bubba clone i have seems to yield small amounts but does have the classic kushy smell to it, ill give you a smoke report in a couple weeks as it will be coming down soon.

marmarb- does the FF line work with coco? or have you found a modified feeding schedule for it?
since I am growing the strains u mentioned, let me say thanx and damn! Damn that the bubba yields poor, and glad to hear the gdp is great. Cant wait for the smoke report though.


Well-Known Member
bassman- i hope you enjoy your GDP cut as much as i do mine. the bubba is most likely a different cut of a similar strain but im highly doubtful that they will have the same yields. ive seen bubba plants do alot better then mine so i think its mainly the pheno of the clone or seed that you are working with. hopefully you will have a good yielding high quality bubba! im going to keep messing with mine but i dont think it will be in my top favorites as of right now.


Well-Known Member
Sup gentlemen...

I remembered to snap a few pics earlier today and thought I'd share with the class. I apologize for not posting 600w pr0n but I didn't want to open the tents with the plants being so early into flower.

Here's a pic of the tents all closed up and a couple of the scrog. Sorry they're blurry, I'm still figuring out the new phone. (yes I turned off the GPS feature)

Glad to see peeps are well.

G'night 600!
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Well-Known Member
nice one Des, glad things are off to plan...
Sup gentlemen...

I remembered to snap a few pics earlier today and thought I'd share with the class. I apologize for not posting 600w pr0n but I didn't want to open the tents with the plants being so early into flower.

Here's a pic of the tents all closed up and a couple of the scrog. Sorry they're blurry, I'm still figuring out the new phone. (yes I turned off the GPS feature)

Glad to see peeps are well.

G'night 600!


Well-Known Member
Love the looks of that Super Silver Haze DST....used to be my favorite smoke till I found OG is a little cut and paste from our Mighty Midwest Growers Thread......Enjoy.............

So this is what's going down in the GreenRoom now...

Wanted to see if I could fill the screen and pull the same yield with just one plant.

1 Magus Genetics Warlock
Hortilux Super HPS
Galaxy Select-a-Watt ballast(running 1000w cause it's cold as fk in the basement now)
80*max when lights on/60*min when lights off
CAN 33 to CoolTube to HydroFarm 400 something CFM for exhaust
Intake is negative pressure in tent(looks like an hour glass when zipped up)
10 gal. pot of Fox Farm Ocean Forest with about 1/4 perlite(eyeballed)
sits in hydro tub with a homemade drain to waste to floor drain
homemade dual drip rings for easy water

LST'd...and topped....Bent over in every direction possible like the little slut she is!!!

She's almost 3months old from germination...about a week and a half of 12/12 now.
Here she is...............Pics are from the day of the flip.

So that's what's up now...ended up not putting on the screen for the reason I had to flip sooner cause I am moving....unfortunately she might not make it to the end...Taking a new job and have to sell the house...which means realtors and inspectors and showings and all that fun stuff...actually showed the house last soon as I got off the phone with the realtor I went out and bought 2 bonsais and an exotic orchid....took the bitch out(which was a total pain in the ass) and hid her in a corner of the storage room and surrounded her with boxes. Then threw in the newly bought plants along with an aloe and another bonsai we had....The next morning the couple showed up to see the house. They walked into the GreenRoom and said "Wow,cool plants...nice neat"....Fooled them...HAH.


Active Member
lmao. nice. thats what sucks about doing a scrog. thankfully you didnt have that bitch under the screen, woulda never been able to move it. +rep for sticking it to the realtors.


Well-Known Member
Good morning 600. I was strolling around the forum this morning and ran across this post. It is a response to an incident where one member made some comments about Mexican workers and how it's affecting economy, etc. Well someone else took offense, threatened to leave the forum all together, other people got involved and then this, and, in my opinion anyway, it was so well said, even though it was made back in 2007, that I wanted to revive it. Well said words should never die.

Originally posted by VictorVicious

I have a question. If you were just on the other side of that river and you knew you could find work and feed your family on the other side of that river what would you do?
This argument goes on all around the world folks. The same sterotypes are used and only the name of the group changes. My wife and I have hosted High School Foriegn exchange students and supervised for other host family from all over the world. My wife's favorite all time student explained to here what was bad about East Germans and those Southern Germans and the gooddam lazy turkish immigrants. He doesn't agree with the views of his peers.
The boy we had from Azerberjan a former Soviet state, said he went to school one day and was told he must now hate the Armenians. His best friend and next door neighbor is Armeninian.
Our Turkish boy explained why they hate the lazy Greeks. Our Brazilian boy explained why the people in the flavella's are just lazy and dumb. Thomas lives in a "Gated Community". I don't remember for sure but I think they have a husband and wife team for gardening and housekeeping. They have been with them for like 20 years and still get thier possesions searched at the gate every day.
People are people where ever you go. Do not form your opinions based on a limited knowledge of the people.
One thing to keep in mind when US citizens complain about what any group is taking from us, like we should have an exclusive right to it. We have 5% of the world's population and we consume 75% of the world's goods. Seems a little out of balance. Do you really wonder why folks would break the law to come here?
It's no different here either. Every year our fields are full of migrant workers, but try to get the young guys these days to go pick tobacco or harvest ginseng, not a chance in hell no matter how much you pay them and then if they do, they can't cut it. The young Mexican Mennonites and Amish men, who are born and raised here many, many years now, now that's a different story, these guys still work with horse drawn plows even!

OK gonna do some tending and will be back with a couple of pics later.

Cheers Duchie


Well-Known Member
I took some pics of what's inside the tents yesterday evening and was so baked that I forgot about them completely when I posted last night. I accidentally deleted soem though when I tried to upload them from said phone.

Here's what I have left to show and it's the smaller tent with 5 plants inside under a 600. These were in the vert room on the floor for a bit before going in the tent and they stretched more than I'd like them to. I'm just hoping they won't stretch much more or I'll be Supercropping them to even out the canopy.

I can't remember which plant is which at the moment so I'd have to take a look at the tags and write it down or something but it's 2 DOG plants, a Purple Haze, a HEadband and a Jack Herer. Only ones I'm sure of is the JH is in the first pic and the Purple Haze is the short plant in the middle of the group. I think the DOGs are in the left rear and front right corners but I'm not sure.



Well-Known Member
Dez, that's wicked man. I'm interested in keeping an eye on your JH. My tent's a sqaure meter, so 3'4" squared, and if that tent's the same size then I might be running into a pickle. I just put 6 into 12/12 including 2 Jackhammers, heavy haze with a 13 week finish. And then there's 2 WW Max fems that are really surprising me, and 2 The Purps from Jordan of the Islands. I'm not too impressed so far with them so far but I've got 2 more coming up that are looking better and 2 more WWMaxs. Anyway, man I ramble some times, my point is out of 10 I'm scrapping 1 Purp, and with the 4 fems that leave 5 possible males, so on the better side of 50% I'll have 3 females leaving me with 7 total. I think I better hold off on those ones I was thinking of sinking.



Well-Known Member
Damn those are some stretchy ass bitches you got there DEZ....what strain is that again????...clone or seed????
The ones that stretched the most are the DOG (seed) and the Headband (clone). The others arent stretched any more than normal so I really think being in the floor of the vert room is to blame for it and not genetics. The other two were closer to the bulb in the vert room.


Well-Known Member
Dez, that's wicked man. I'm interested in keeping an eye on your JH. My tent's a sqaure meter, so 3'4" squared, and if that tent's the same size then I might be running into a pickle. I just put 6 into 12/12 including 2 Jackhammers, heavy haze with a 13 week finish. And then there's 2 WW Max fems that are really surprising me, and 2 The Purps from Jordan of the Islands. I'm not too impressed so far with them so far but I've got 2 more coming up that are looking better and 2 more WWMaxs. Anyway, man I ramble some times, my point is out of 10 I'm scrapping 1 Purp, and with the 4 fems that leave 5 possible males, so on the better side of 50% I'll have 3 females leaving me with 7 total. I think I better hold off on those ones I was thinking of sinking.

Same size tent. You'll be fine I'm sure since you've got some reg seeds in there. People grow 9 plants in a 3x3 all the time so I think it would really depend on veg time as to whether you run out of room or not. My other tent has very little stretch so far. They were under a 1000w for about a week vegging before I swapped the light out for a 600 so I could put the 1000 in the vert room and now they've been under the 600 for almost a week I think. I'll be reducing the hours gradually with them to try that method starting tomorrow with a reduction of 1 hour per day for 8 days until I reahc 12 hours of light. I'm going to pull some of them out and scrap them so I don't end up with crowding issues in there. That tent is 4x4 and there's 14 plants in it right now in hydro trays.
I think I posted before that there was 12 in there but there's actually 14 and I think I'll pull 3-6 and condense them to just the 2x4 tray (26"x43" actual dimensions). Then I'll put in a 3x3 screen for them to fill out. I might make the screen a 4x4 to match the tent but I think I'll get more dense buds if I keep them all within a 3x3 area under a 600w in a cooltube.

wadya think?

EDIT: It's starting to drive me crazy a little that I can't remember which ones are which and I increased the nute strength last night which always worries me a little since I seem to burn almost every plant a little at some point (some get burned bad, lol). I just might have to roll over there and have a look see inside the tent.

@ Endls: Do you think I should supercrop the tall ones anyway just to even things out a little? I was thinking of just doing the taller main shoots to get them closer to the top of the other plants and then tying them down wherever they fall.