Yellowing + Brown spots on lower/middle fan leafs into flowering | rep+


Well-Known Member
Well Hell Kev, definately a lttle deficiency goin on though exactly what I'm not sure. Looking at picture 3 maybe some pretty good calcium deficiency or moderate magnesium dificiency and perhaps a bit of Nitrogen too even. Either way. what I do when my flowering shows deficient I ussually just give it a shot of my veg nutrients at a 50% dilution. Ussually brings it right out of it. Hope it helps.

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Well Hell Kev, definately a lttle deficiency goin on though exactly what I'm not sure. Looking at picture 3 maybe some pretty good calcium deficiency or moderate magnesium dificiency and perhaps a bit of Nitrogen too even. Either way. what I do when my flowering shows deficient I ussually just give it a shot of my veg nutrients at a 50% dilution. Ussually brings it right out of it. Hope it helps.
Hey SimplySmokin, the problem is that i was way worse before and I gave it 2x times the recommended dosage to see if she recover and she did, but leafs where still dying, so gave it 6x times the recommended dosage, and as you can see the buds leafs have a very dark colour so i don't want to give it any stronger as its has healthy buds I think.. The nutes have mirco-nutrients and are for flowering plants ( 4-6-7 ) not perfect but has more p-k then n. Also they are organic, maybe they are weak? Should i give it 10x recommended dosage and hope for the best? Also rep+


Active Member
Make sure your ph is on point and that you are only using 1/4th streghnth nutes until you get above 1 foot tall of a plant, then go to about 900 ppm, it shold start looking normal again within 4 days


Active Member
also another thing, make sure you arent foilage feeding on your plants when they are in flowering, not a good thing to do, only in veg stage


Active Member
I checked out your Journal and the prictures that you posted. Everything was looking really good. Keep us posted because I for one would like to know what's going on with your plant. Hopefully, one of the more experienced growers will be able to help you correct this problem:leaf::leaf::leaf:

That is an awesome illustration of LST that you posted:clap:

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Make sure your ph is on point and that you are only using 1/4th streghnth nutes until you get above 1 foot tall of a plant, then go to about 900 ppm, it shold start looking normal again within 4 days
Did you even bother reading anything i posted before leaving a comment? pH is stated above and i also stated my situation about streghnt of nutes. Like thank you for the attempt to help but please read before posting.

also another thing, make sure you arent foilage feeding on your plants when they are in flowering, not a good thing to do, only in veg stage
why? if your going to post things like this back it up. I spray feed them once a week just with plain water after light out. If that was the problem it would not be only be at the bottom but rather on every-leaf.


Well-Known Member
the point of not spraying them in flowering is to keep moisture out of your buds. what kind of soil are you using? what is the brand of the nutes you are using, or what is all of the listed ingredience in the nutrients? when is the last time you flushed the plant? did you flush before you began flowering if not what was the strength and ingredience in your veg nutes?

Edit: also get in there and clean all of the lower dead leaves off her she will thank you for it, and it will open up some airflow to the bottom of your plant.

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
the point of not spraying them in flowering is to keep moisture out of your buds. what kind of soil are you using? what is the brand of the nutes you are using, or what is all of the listed ingredience in the nutrients? when is the last time you flushed the plant? did you flush before you began flowering if not what was the strength and ingredience in your veg nutes?

Edit: also get in there and clean all of the lower dead leaves off her she will thank you for it, and it will open up some airflow to the bottom of your plant.

Ok, ill stop spraying them, the soil i'm using miracle grow - potting mix (they dont have ff here) the nutes i'm using now for flowering witch remember lower'd the leafs dying of is called Algoflash - Flowering Plants (organic with mirco nutrents) NPK values 4-6-7 not best but decent:

nitrogen 4.0, phosphorus 6.0, potash 7.0, sulfur 0.8, magnesium 0.6.

boron 0.01, copper 0.002, iron 0.05 manganese 0.02, molybdenum 0.001, zinc 0.0125. + spoon of molasses.

I never flushed because it's unsafe to flush MG ? In veg stage I did not use any nutes, the soil provided all the nutes and she looked fine. I was thinking to let the plant drop those leafs them self to not stress her? Also I water twice a week and i give her a good watering, by that i mean water leaks from the bottom a bit, like 7% of it.

Thank you if you can help.


Well-Known Member
ive never used miracle grow. on my first few grows i used peat moss and had issues with leaves. now i use FFoF moxed with extra perlite and coco. if you have a ppm meter water them with plain water and catch a little run off to see how many nutrients are in the soil. mine typicaly start to burn when my run off hits 1800+. but with MG it could happen alot sooner. Do you know the PPM you are putting into the plants?


Active Member
hey man im also growing 250w hps with mylar all around... im actually having my lower leaves die as well and have read that this is pretty much what usually happens because light cant penetrate to the lower ends of the plant... i would say keep feeding regularly and give it a good runoff every time you water DONT PLAY WITH NUTES NOW as even if you have a female enough stress might hermie your only plant... and i would say expect some of them to just die off as long as growth isnt stunted i dont see the harm... maybe collect those lower leaves out for airflow... good luck :)

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
hey man im also growing 250w hps with mylar all around... im actually having my lower leaves die as well and have read that this is pretty much what usually happens because light cant penetrate to the lower ends of the plant... i would say keep feeding regularly and give it a good runoff every time you water DONT PLAY WITH NUTES NOW as even if you have a female enough stress might hermie your only plant... and i would say expect some of them to just die off as long as growth isnt stunted i dont see the harm... maybe collect those lower leaves out for airflow... good luck :)

Thank you very much, i was reading that too, 250w can not penetrate all that much, just wanted to confirm with some one that had this problem, i have taken off all the dead/yellow leafs and she look extremely healthy now :D

Thank you all for the feedback | Rep all

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
ive never used miracle grow. on my first few grows i used peat moss and had issues with leaves. now i use FFoF moxed with extra perlite and coco. if you have a ppm meter water them with plain water and catch a little run off to see how many nutrients are in the soil. mine typicaly start to burn when my run off hits 1800+. but with MG it could happen alot sooner. Do you know the PPM you are putting into the plants?
I have no idea, i'm just putting what i think is enough and looking out for signs of nutes burn but as there so many examples of that its hart to tell if I'm giving to much or to little. Do you think its nute burn? its about ~ 1.5 EC ~estimate.


Active Member
Hey Kevin - ME TOO! EXACTLY! Except I'm in FF soil with FF nutes.

I am 4th week of flower under 250w HPS and am having the same symptoms. The only thing I figure is last week I deviated from my feeding schedule. I didn't deviate too much, but I up'd my mixture of nutes a bit 'cos I didn't want to waste a solution I made before I started following a schedule (dumb! I shoulda' tossed that crap). Well anyway so I think I dosed her a bit too much with nutes.

So...deduction is how I'm solving the problem:

Today I flushed her in the shower and her droopy fan leaves perked up within ten minutes (good sign!). I plucked the yellow leaves so I could judge if she gets better or worse after this flush. In a couple days if there's no more yellowing I plan on getting back on the schedule I fell off of. If they don't get better I will try some cactus juice (calcium) and/or a watering with epsom salts. Let's keep each other posted eh?


Well-Known Member
i get the same thing on my bottom leaves. they just turn brown like a phos. def. i dont get it that early though. it could be the small light i use a 600w, here is some kandy kush 47 days into flowering.

i havent taken pictures in a few weeks im trying to find some showing the bottom leaves turning brown. my lower leaves die off pretty quick but i cut most of the stuff out so my bottom fan can get through them and help air flow.

second pic is nute burn on her. i burnt the shit out of her with the last couple feeding before i flushed.


Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Hey Kevin - ME TOO! EXACTLY! Except I'm in FF soil with FF nutes.

I am 4th week of flower under 250w HPS and am having the same symptoms. The only thing I figure is last week I deviated from my feeding schedule. I didn't deviate too much, but I up'd my mixture of nutes a bit 'cos I didn't want to waste a solution I made before I started following a schedule (dumb! I shoulda' tossed that crap). Well anyway so I think I dosed her a bit too much with nutes.

So...deduction is how I'm solving the problem:

Today I flushed her in the shower and her droopy fan leaves perked up within ten minutes (good sign!). I plucked the yellow leaves so I could judge if she gets better or worse after this flush. In a couple days if there's no more yellowing I plan on getting back on the schedule I fell off of. If they don't get better I will try some cactus juice (calcium) and/or a watering with epsom salts. Let's keep each other posted eh?
So you think over fertilizing is your problem? I would like to flush it too but I'm afraid of miracle grow, i have read several place thats its unsafe to flush mg, can anyone confirm this? else i'll flush her straight away, she has not been flushes yet an a fresh start is what she would love i think. Yes I'll post here here a much as possible and you do these same, see if the flush changed anything.

Thank you. rep+


Active Member
Hey Kevin - It's only been about 18 hours since the flush but so far so good. Before the flush my fan leaves were looking real droopy and this morning when the lights came on they were looking back to their perky selves. I think it was too many nutes but can not be sure until a few days pass so I can judge better.

I have no idea about mg soil - why would you not be able to flush it?