Check out this clip, fdd and friends.
This was truly a 1 in a million, decapitation!
dude that was fucking awesome
COD doesnt have the vehicles either..BC2 if you play in a squad you can really do some damage. spawn campers suck ass, but after they kill you once you can figure out where they are at, sneak behind them and jack their dogtags. follow it up with some teabaggin for the ultimate in disrespect.
oh yeah shit i forgot about the vehicles yeah that changes prospective they definitely don't compare the vehicles do make a difference in the game but still COD is fun to play
oh yeah here are my Player card emblems for Black Ops
sorry for the picture quality my camera sucks
My previous emblem started with the star fish for the 5 five leaves, then used 2 combat knives for the smaller leaves, and the baseball bat for the stem, then used the angled skull, 2 thin ovals 1 yellow and one black for the nose, and a black rectangle for the mouth, then used 2 hammers for a pipe 1 is a black outline andd the other in well gray, then used fiery for smoke, and a cloud to look like smoke
my current one smiley face with a smirk with a pipe and lighter and red eyes