Damned Busta Rhymes Killed This Shit


Active Member
Yeah, I'm oldschool, I still like Busta & the rest of em' that don't get no radio play. But shit, he straight killed this shit...

We have a music section so every idiot that hears a song they like doesn't have a need to start a new thread for it here.
She keeps coming back... do you really want me to un-ignore you? Not that you can answer that, since I wont see it, lmao. I think I officially have a stalker... somewhat creepy. Hopefully I don't post any personal information, I can see this chick Google mapping me, that's the last thing I need. Follows me everytime I post a comment on here, I can easily see her following me right to my doorstep. Fucking internet, nobodies safe.
I love this... she continues to talk to herself & get my thread post-count up, while allowing me to get my post-count up. Apparently I need to own some more kids on R.I.U. if they're all this pissy about me humiliating em, i can see myself at 1,000 post by the end of the week! Keep em coming, you ate all the bait on my last thread, I can see your hungry again! Aww... lovin' it Mc. Donald's style.
We have a music section so every idiot that hears a song they like doesn't have a need to start a new thread for it here.

Poor guy is afraid of words on the internet. Love it.

I stand corrected, poor guy is afraid of the Pedobear showing up at his house with an ax and a Jason mask. Sad little fella.

All from outplaying him too hard...https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/...cumentary.html


Nice sig, live your internet life in fear little girl.

and...."I love this... she continues to talk to herself & get my thread post-count up, while allowing me to get my post-count up. Apparently I need to own some more kids on R.I.U. if they're all this pissy about me humiliating em, i can see myself at 1,000 post by the end of the week! Keep em coming, you ate all the bait on my last thread, I can see your hungry again! Aww... lovin' it Mc. Donald's style."

When you have to ignore someone on the internet, it is a textbook example of getting your dick smashed, I'm sorry that you can't man up even on the internet. Do you not leave your house because you don't have an ignore button in real life when someone makes you cry?

Thanks for playing kid.




and...."I love this... she continues to talk to herself & get my thread post-count up, while allowing me to get my post-count up. Apparently I need to own some more kids on R.I.U. if they're all this pissy about me humiliating em, i can see myself at 1,000 post by the end of the week! Keep em coming, you ate all the bait on my last thread, I can see your hungry again! Aww... lovin' it Mc. Donald's style."

When you have to ignore someone on the internet, it is a textbook example of getting your dick smashed, I'm sorry that you can't man up even on the internet. Do you not leave your house because you don't have an ignore button in real life when someone makes you cry?

Thanks for playing kid.

Lol as I see #1, I immediately realize what you have done, therefore #2-4 aren't even glanced over. Then I get to the bottom, hoping to read something of relevance, but again, nothing. In REAL LIFE, you don't have people who FOLLOW you everywhere you go. In REAL LIFE, you don't argue with CHILDREN, unless you are dickless, I'm sorry in YOUR LIFE you argue with children, but I don't. I find it easier to ignore a child, rather then feed them. I'm sorry you have grown up being taught that arguing with children rather then ignoring them was the RIGHTEOUS WAY.

RIU didn't create the ignore button for no reason, did they? Didn't think so, so by saying people using the ignore button are idiots, your calling RIU stupid, & since you USE RIU service, that makes you an idiot.

LMAO, owned... anything else I can help you with my child? Your now in the same recycling bin as her... welcome to the wonderful world of IGNORE. Now, you can SMASH MY DICK with your face. LMAO. Ahhhhh, I love it! THANKS FOR PLAYING!
HAHA, I just realized Burning is 'TheCoc08' on another SN. That is sad! You are so fucking pathetic you had to use your other account that has no posts, just so I can see your comments, & you still failed because I still didn't see them. Nice method, to bad it failed. Wow, that is really hard up. That's how I know your owned, you had to take that extra step & use another account, how badly did I hurt you that you had to go through that trouble?

Amazing what some people will do... Here, I thought I owned 2 kids, yet, it was the same kid. I feel as if I was fooled... in a way, I guess I was, good thing I caught it though!
LMAO! Is it coincidence that when BURNING logged on, TheCoc08 logged off, then when Burning logged off, TheCoc08 logged on. An this is how you can tell a persons age online... simple little things in life. kids are horrible at being sneaky. Horrible I tell you.
@lakapitone- Busta did kill that shit +rep for postin that... This is the talk and toke section so ignore others and keep postin where u choose lol

@ppl who have been BITCHING this whole thread- Shut the fuck up please! apparently lakapitone isnt here to argue with u trolls!
Jr. Detective LaKapitone has solved the case. Pretty sure it was blatant to anyone else, but it actually took him time.
@lakapitone- Busta did kill that shit +rep for postin that... This is the talk and toke section so ignore others and keep postin where u choose lol

@ppl who have been BITCHING this whole thread- Shut the fuck up please! apparently lakapitone isnt here to argue with u trolls!

It's not 'PPL' Burning & TheCoc08 are the same person, lol. It's actually quit sad... especially how easily she was caught. I mean, you really have to be a sad soul to use 2 accounts just to get somebody to notice what you said because your butthurt your on ignore. Also ironic how she says the ignore button sucks, etc etc... just so I wont use it, yet, it OBVIOUSLY works because it made her log into her other account just to get through to me. She even went as far as QUOTING herself... I mean, not only are you talking to yourself but now your QUOTING yourself... definite mental problems.

But thanks bud... & nice avatar... I reference Mc. Donalds a lot, lol... so I might have to steal that! but I won't use it on this forum, lol.
Really, u think if u have 1000 posts ur owning everyone on RIU. Dude i dont care if im feeding u posts because no one cares how many u have. U have 56 posts and most of the site hates u. You think that posts makes u cool then thats said. People who play World of warcraft arent that sad. Lol respond so i can give u more posts. Ill get you to 1,000,000 posts. Not like you get anything for having high posts. haha
It's not 'PPL' Burning & TheCoc08 are the same person, lol. It's actually quit sad... especially how easily she was caught. I mean, you really have to be a sad soul to use 2 accounts just to get somebody to notice what you said because your butthurt your on ignore.

But thanks bud... & nice avatar... I reference Mc. Donalds a lot, lol... so I might have to steal that! but I won't use it on this forum, lol.

Go ahead bro and its not stealin cuz i jus copied and pasted it lol unlike the wierdo stalker on this thread im not trying to control others so feel free to use it if u want lol..
Really, u think if u have 1000 posts ur owning everyone on RIU. Dude i dont care if im feeding u posts because no one cares how many u have. U have 56 posts and most of the site hates u. You think that posts makes u cool then thats said. People who play World of warcraft arent that sad. Lol respond so i can give u more posts. Ill get you to 1,000,000 posts. Not like you get anything for having high posts. haha
Guy is so paranoid he prolly thinks you're me now.