Club 600


Well-Known Member
thats crazy,i got this dry ice a the local super market,next to the ice cream-ben&,i jus will never understand this world...

i do not know why so cheap..
but it is some face melt..........cesspool toppd of with D.I.K....LOL
That looks sick my friend. So glad I shared that video and someone put it to use, I will be putting it to use myself come harvest time. Im sure I can get dry ice in my area with no problem. I don't think its too expensive either, I know people always buy it at Halloween time to put into their pumpkins to give them a foggy effect, I think you just pour water on it and it steams for a while basically.


Well-Known Member
That looks sick my friend. So glad I shared that video and someone put it to use, I will be putting it to use myself come harvest time. Im sure I can get dry ice in my area with no problem. I don't think its too expensive either, I know people always buy it at Halloween time to put into their pumpkins to give them a foggy effect, I think you just pour water on it and it steams for a while basically.
yea when i seen that vid,i knew i was going to give it a try...i jus need to find a way to contain the kief when i shake it on to the mirror sum kind of box of some sort...its a nice clean smoke
the dry ice did something to it.....


Well-Known Member
A good thing or a bad thing? Did it change the taste or something?
well the ice&water way was alot stronger on the chest....this dry ice kief is like smokeing air,if u can do
wait a min.....i have not hit bag#1 yet...................................bongsmiliethis stuff is way more gummy,like i like it:clap:yea...thats what im talking i can feel that face melt comeing on,maybe it was jus the bag??


Well-Known Member
Like smoking air, but did it still do the job? Because sometimes my lungs could use a break sometimes, while my body is telling me to smoke more.


Well-Known Member
how much are you guys getting using the dry ice?
the last time i used my box i used 1/2 oz of bud and got 4-5 grams of hash, i saw some one say they got 2. something off of an ounce, using the dry ice. i have not used the dry ice and most likely wont unless i know i will get more of the trichs out


Well-Known Member
how much are you guys getting using the dry ice?
the last time i used my box i used 1/2 oz of bud and got 4-5 grams of hash, i saw some one say they got 2. something off of an ounce, using the dry ice. i have not used the dry ice and most likely wont unless i know i will get more of the trichs out
well it was my first time so i went kind of fast,i got like 4g in like 5-10 min of shakeing,and i do not know how much trim i used butit was not a whole lot,maybe an oz.
with the right amount of time one could get a nice amount..15 min max,IMO.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
been to hell and back. day after Christmas i had psychosis or some shit.

i got lost in a snow storm and broke down. i been hospitalized and went through a lot of weird crazy shit............. weird shit, like i met jerry garcia shit.... my closet no longer has any plants. im kinda out of the game now doing the sober thing. i need to get a job and they all drug test.


Well-Known Member
wow u ok dude? tell us about it, ive been institutionalized ill understandd man.
edit: and i heard psycosis was the shit but damn.
Thats the first thing I thought, behavioral health facility. They will drug you and try to brainwash you into thinking your way of life is wrong, drugs are bad, especially marijuana, and that you should be out slaving over some menial job rather than what you want to be doing. I have been in 3 times, and managed to get the fuck away from them after the 3rd, they will try to keep you in their system. I dropped all of their drugs and went strictly cannabis after realizing the staff was crazier than I am. They had a meeting with me and the entire staff because I used "marijuana" and I was going to "turn into a pot head". I laughed and said "Look doc, Im already a pothead. And I need it to sustain my life, without it I have no appetite, and nothing else will calm my nausea from cyclic vomiting syndrome. So if you want me to die, then I will quit. Do you want me to die?" He said no but marijuana is dangerous and will lead to other drugs. I replied with, "What medical proof do you have of that? Where is the report from the testing done at whatever University or Hospital it was done at?" And that argument went on for a while, ending with me telling them how dumb they are and all the money they spent on their degrees, still did not make them any more ignorant than the average asshole. But the whole weirding out, and not really know whats going on for a couple weeks, yeah been there, it sucks. You get out wondering what the fuck happened, and if the world is the same as when you went in. And for some reason you need to do something different. I learned fast that nothing was different and what I was doing was right and they were the ones who were wrong. It sucks to see Wally in a bad place, even worse he's in that bad place with out his grow to keep him motivated. And sober, hmmm fuck that, my medical issues wont allow it.