Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
ok so, the only way to see if the traits are dominant are by breeding them out? and is there something i should read so i dont cloud this thread?


Well-Known Member
Yes, That is called a 'Test Cross.' Marijuana Botany by Robert something. Amazon has it. Also that chart shows a simple hybrid, we want IBL's right? or hybrids?


Well-Known Member
ibl's is what i am aiming for in the long run, but i thought an f4 was ibl ? i ordered that book btw thx.
No a F4 is a F4.
An IBL is a true breeding strain.
inbred (redirected from inbred lines)

Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia 0.01 sec. div.Ov { width: 600px; } in·bred (
)adj.1. Produced by inbreeding.
2. Fixed in the character or disposition as if inherited; deep-seated.

The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Inbred strain

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Inbred strains (also called inbred lines, or for animals linear animals) are individuals of a particular species which are nearly identical to each other in genotype due to long inbreeding. Inbred strains of animals are frequently used in laboratories for experiments where for reproducibility of conclusions all the test animals should be as similar as possible. However, for some experiments, genetic diversity in the test population may be desired. Thus outbred strains of most laboratory animals are also available.
Certain plants including the genetic model organism Arabidopsis thaliana naturally self pollinates, which makes it quite easy to create inbred strains in the laboratory (other plants, including important genetic models such as Maize require transfer of pollen from one flower to another). For most animals, the usual procedure is mating of brother-sister pairs for 20 generations which will result in lines that are roughly 98% genetically identical. For most purposes this is sufficient to be considered an inbred strain (compare to identical twins or clones which are 100% genetically identical).
See also:

Inbred backcross lines (IBLs) in plant molecular biology are lines (i.e. populations) of plants derived from the repeated backcrossing of a recombinant line with the wild type, operating some kind of selection that can be phenotypical or through a molecular marker (for the production of introgression lines).
So, I hope that clears it up.


Well-Known Member
My bagseed bitch. Don't ask me who the Baby Daddy is, it could be any of 3 Jackhammers, or even herself. She sure is pungent with a nice fruity, gum smell.

I think I'll name it...Whuzyurdaddy Jack? :lol:


IMG_2778 cropped.jpg



Well-Known Member
You think so? Even with all that pollen flying around in there? I mean it's a mess in that tent. To be clear, you think she pollinated herself?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Line breeding is what i call it lol but in breeding if u like lol. Keeep crossing it back to the plant u want it to be most like. It dont work very well with humans or animals but plants its great. Vilklage breeding we should call it lmao, keep that gene pool limeted lmao

mr west

Well-Known Member
just gotta look at the royal family lmao. I went out with a village girl once and she had funny fingers like identicle last two fingers on both hands like she had 4 x littel fingers 2 on each hand lol wierd that was lol.


Well-Known Member
just gotta look at the royal family lmao. I went out with a village girl once and she had funny fingers like identicle last two fingers on both hands like she had 4 x littel fingers 2 on each hand lol wierd that was lol.
lol......whole bunch of lil fingers.....


Well-Known Member
wow, what was her wrist action like? lol.

Hey Duchie, I also spy a couple of nanners sticking out of that bud there, but I am not sure if they are actually open or not...If you have fans in there and pollen from the males then you are going to have a lot of different crosses to play around with. I would say the majority are going to be from the males, Easiest way is to run a batch and if you are getting true males you then know they are jack x's and not selfed.


Well-Known Member
And my understanding is the True Breeds produce plants that look like themselves because they are true breeds, not necessarily inbred (from what I read this is what I also got) So not all plants are able to be true breeds....anyway, I guess they are different from IBL's....