Good Ideas For A Documentary

Well when you get something done i want to watch it...

It just sucks because if I had it my way, my doc would span over a 8-month period of filming, but due to school, project has to be completed by March. So, I'm kind of rushed, not to mention my topics are limited, which is why I came here. Usually a filmmaker would not have to resort to public opinion/ideas, but, like stated, I don't really have 'full' control over what I am able to do with this project, considering it is a school project. But, I will more then likely upload the doc. on Youtube, you'll be the first to be notified for the interest, which I thank you for. I've added you to my list, hopefully this is okay with you, helps me remember, side note as to who is interested. Thanks again.

[EDIT: Lol, just noticed the kid was back, got to love my life... doesn't get any easier then this. She eats that bait like it's candy. Lovin' it! Funny, at this point, considering I'm not seeing the replies, she's pretty much talking to herself... mental-problems, much? Ha, I love how she see's everything I do, but can't say it goes both ways!]
just make a docu about making a docu. its perfect it makes its self

Lol, reminds me of the initial idea that chick had 'Make a documentary on how people don't watch documentaries.' Very unique idea she had, I really did like it, unfortunately she thought I was attacking her in my response, when in reality I truly did respect that idea. But a documentary on making a documentary is pretty straight forward, original, & like stated, unique idea. Damned, it seems as though no ideas put forth have been bad as of yet. Now I really have to think about my options, you dudes are making it hard on me!

I do appreciate the input, didn't think I'd be getting such original ideas. Ironically, as original as they are or may sound, they are also so simple.

Ps; Nice avatar... reminds me of Edward Scissor-hands, Vadar style.
are mockumentorys allowed, if so i would make one about the daily life of an ant, and basically just record ant for a few hours then dub in funny voices and interview questions, give him some sort of social problem like and anti social ant, with a sugar addiction
Female obedience training documentary. Send me the link when you're done. My girlfriend's a real bitch


are mockumentorys allowed, if so i would make one about the daily life of an ant, and basically just record ant for a few hours then dub in funny voices and interview questions, give him some sort of social problem like and anti social ant, with a sugar addiction

I never figured to ask & nobody else did either... I'll have to ask that on Friday when I go to class.
or do one on the life of stems and fanleafs. from birth to growing up to bein cut up and finally bein made into hash. ahhhh the circle of life of scraps. its genious. goddam. im so high.
With documentaries you have to pick something that truly engages you, so asking other people might not yield the best results (And we're all about a good yield here, right?). What do you do in your free time? What interests you? What grinds your gears? What makes you cry? What makes you laugh so hard you cry? What inspires you? What are those things in life that you constantly, time and time again, go back to...thinking about...mulling over in your head? What kind of questions do you have? What makes you tick?

You find that out, you got your movie. But what do I know, I've only got a degree in cinema. :-)
With documentaries you have to pick something that truly engages you, so asking other people might not yield the best results (And we're all about a good yield here, right?). What do you do in your free time? What interests you? What grinds your gears? What makes you cry? What makes you laugh so hard you cry? What inspires you? What are those things in life that you constantly, time and time again, go back to...thinking about...mulling over in your head? What kind of questions do you have? What makes you tick?

You find that out, you got your movie. But what do I know, I've only got a degree in cinema. :-)

Like I said, I don't have complete control over this project. You probably didn't bother to go through ALL the replies on this thread, so you probably missed the part where I said, if it were 100% up to me, I would not be here asking for ideas, because a filmmaker does not ask for ideas from others generally. If it were up to me, I'd spend over 8-months shooting documentaries I have in mind, but it isn't 100% up to me. This is a school project in which we were/are only allowed 60-days to shoot, edit, & complete the documentary, therefore, the ideas I have in mind, would not be able to be accomplished in the time limit allowed. Which is why I am asking for ideas, because I need something that I can shoot, edit, & complete in a timely manner. You know?

I'm not trying to be a dick, I don't know if my reply comes off that way, in no way, shape, or form was I intending to be, I truly feel as if you didn't waste your time going through all the replies [as I wouldn't] lol which is why I recapped for you. I think having a degree in filming helps, but I also don't like to throw around degrees in areas or topics where degrees are not needed in order to excel in that particular field.

Having a degree in filming is much different then having a degree in law. Someone with a degree in law is generally a lot smarter then someone with no degree or schooling. The same cannot be said for filmmakers. Someone with a degree in filmmaking usually possesses the same knowledge as someone without a degree [assuming that someone has been doing it all they're life, like myself].

For example, some people need to go to school to learn how to film or write, me on the other hand, I've been filming since I could walk, I have shown more knowledge in the filming area then the instructor I currently have, lol. I don't need a degree, but I chose to go to school for filming because of the materials I am awarded with, they supply us with cameras, boomsticks, etc. which I do not own. Same goes with writing, I have always been an excellent writer [may not show here...] but I still went to school for writing, because it's always better to have experience on paper, then to have experience in your own right mind. I find filming, writing, computer graphics, all fields that do not require degrees to be good at, although some people need them because they truly did not know where to start without school. Same goes for an auto-technician who has been working on cars since he was 10yrs old... dude probably knows more then his own instructor, but takes the class anyways. You know?

I do respect your degree, don't get me wrong... just saying. =) Most filmmakers don't even have a degree in filming, I have come across more filmmakers without then with, same with computer graphics, I have seen more people with better experience/skills in using Photoshop without ever setting foot in a class with better skills then those who went to school for 4yrs & spent $5,000 in classes to learn the program. All depends on the category I guess. School is required for many things & not so many things, lol.

EDIT; I'm not trying to take a shot at you either, that was kind of a response to everyone in general who thinks a degree in filming, writing, graphics, auto, etc. make you somehow better then the next dude. Also not to say you were trying to 1UP anybody or trying to be better. I have to add these side notes because the way I word things, some people take offense too.
Like I said, I don't have complete control over this project. You probably didn't bother to go through ALL the replies on this thread, so you probably missed the part where I said, if it were 100% up to me, I would not be here asking for ideas, because a filmmaker does not ask for ideas from others generally. If it were up to me, I'd spend over 8-months shooting documentaries I have in mind, but it isn't 100% up to me. This is a school project in which we were/are only allowed 60-days to shoot, edit, & complete the documentary, therefore, the ideas I have in mind, would not be able to be accomplished in the time limit allowed. Which is why I am asking for ideas, because I need something that I can shoot, edit, & complete in a timely manner. You know?

I'm not trying to be a dick, I don't know if my reply comes off that way, in no way, shape, or form was I intending to be, I truly feel as if you didn't waste your time going through all the replies [as I wouldn't] lol which is why I recapped for you. I think having a degree in filming helps, but I also don't like to throw around degrees in areas or topics where degrees are not needed in order to excel in that particular field.

Having a degree in filming is much different then having a degree in law. Someone with a degree in law is generally a lot smarter then someone with no degree or schooling. The same cannot be said for filmmakers. Someone with a degree in filmmaking usually possesses the same knowledge as someone without a degree [assuming that someone has been doing it all they're life, like myself].

For example, some people need to go to school to learn how to film or write, me on the other hand, I've been filming since I could walk, I have shown more knowledge in the filming area then the instructor I currently have, lol. I don't need a degree, but I chose to go to school for filming because of the materials I am awarded with, they supply us with cameras, boomsticks, etc. which I do not own. Same goes with writing, I have always been an excellent writer [may not show here...] but I still went to school for writing, because it's always better to have experience on paper, then to have experience in your own right mind. I find filming, writing, computer graphics, all fields that do not require degrees to be good at, although some people need them because they truly did not know where to start without school. Same goes for an auto-technician who has been working on cars since he was 10yrs old... dude probably knows more then his own instructor, but takes the class anyways. You know?

I do respect your degree, don't get me wrong... just saying. =) Most filmmakers don't even have a degree in filming, I have come across more filmmakers without then with, same with computer graphics, I have seen more people with better experience/skills in using Photoshop without ever setting foot in a class with better skills then those who went to school for 4yrs & spent $5,000 in classes to learn the program. All depends on the category I guess. School is required for many things & not so many things, lol.

EDIT; I'm not trying to take a shot at you either, that was kind of a response to everyone in general who thinks a degree in filming, writing, graphics, auto, etc. make you somehow better then the next dude. Also not to say you were trying to 1UP anybody or trying to be better. I have to add these side notes because the way I word things, some people take offense too.

Oh, I didn't mean to be a dick either. The only reason I threw it out there is because I have the degree, and that's the only instance I use it. Fuck the movie industry (unfortunately it took me a Bachelor's degree to realize this) it's a bunch of money-hungry assholes who don't care about good films. I love movies; hate Hollywood.

With that being said, I did skim through most all the comments. Cursory glances though.

" Someone with a degree in filmmaking usually possesses the same knowledge as someone without a degree [assuming that someone has been doing it all they're life, like myself]."

This is nearly 99% true. I would say the only thing that one doesn't (not can't, jut doesn't more likely than not) learn the storytelling aspect as much. Film school seems to "nicely wrap together" all the different aspects of the filmmaking process. But, on the other hand, the guy who says, "Fuck film school" and starts working in the field, will (or should, rather) have a slew of credits before the film school student even graduates.
Oh, I didn't mean to be a dick either. The only reason I threw it out there is because I have the degree, and that's the only instance I use it. Fuck the movie industry (unfortunately it took me a Bachelor's degree to realize this) it's a bunch of money-hungry assholes who don't care about good films. I love movies; hate Hollywood.

With that being said, I did skim through most all the comments. Cursory glances though.

" Someone with a degree in filmmaking usually possesses the same knowledge as someone without a degree [assuming that someone has been doing it all they're life, like myself]."

This is nearly 99% true. I would say the only thing that one doesn't (not can't, jut doesn't more likely than not) learn the storytelling aspect as much. Film school seems to "nicely wrap together" all the different aspects of the filmmaking process. But, on the other hand, the guy who says, "Fuck film school" and starts working in the field, will (or should, rather) have a slew of credits before the film school student even graduates.

I cannot agree more with that last statement. I also truly believe you when you say you have that degree, because most true filmmakers are so addicted to the movie-life that they often use quotes or references in films, in they're daily writing or speech.

Sort of unintentional in a way, sometimes on purpose, sometimes just to see if the person being spoken to catches the easter-egg thrown at them. In this case, I bring it up, whether you meant to or not, I noticed when you say;

'What do I know, I just have a degree in cinema' surly you are referencing 'Something About Mary' in the original form, 'What do I know, I'm just a doctor' right? Lol... a quote I tweak, just like you did, very often... lol, odd to see someone else do it.
Where you go to school do you find a very pompous attitude amongst your classmates? Everyone is enamored with themselves and their megalomaniacal dreams of grandeur "on the lot"? Maybe that was just my school, but my thoughts throughout college were consistently, "Doesn't anyone have other hobbies?" All these kids would do was live, breathe, and eat film (or DV Tape rather). I, on the other hand, wanted to go hiking, climbing, travelling, go to concerts. I wanted to experience my time on Earth, rather than spend it working to secure my financial/occupational future. I guess, in the end, it came down to it just wasn't what I wanted to do. I'm still pretty bitter about a lot of the experience, so sorry I came in here to rant a bit. But those questions I asked in my first post were legitimate, ya know? That's how my brainstorming/creative process goes... I ask myself questions, and try to find out what kind of journey I want to embark on that means something to me, because if it didn't mean anything to me, it wouldn't mean anything to the viewer.

Maybe a documentary on breaking into the film industry? It's always been a very tough career to jump into. You could interview your professors, ask them how they got into it, send out emails to professionals in LA, NYC, and Chicago, make (and record) phone conversations with filmmakers. Just some thoughts since we went into this pseudo-debate.
I cannot agree more with that last statement. I also truly believe you when you say you have that degree, because most true filmmakers are so addicted to the movie-life that they often use quotes or references in films, in they're daily writing or speech.

Sort of unintentional in a way, sometimes on purpose, sometimes just to see if the person being spoken to catches the easter-egg thrown at them. In this case, I bring it up, whether you meant to or not, I noticed when you say;

'What do I know, I just have a degree in cinema' surly you are referencing 'Something About Mary' in the original form, 'What do I know, I'm just a doctor' right? Lol... a quote I tweak, just like you did, very often... lol, odd to see someone else do it


More than 10 characters...
Where you go to school do you find a very pompous attitude amongst your classmates? Everyone is enamored with themselves and their megalomaniacal dreams of grandeur "on the lot"? Maybe that was just my school, but my thoughts throughout college were consistently, "Doesn't anyone have other hobbies?" All these kids would do was live, breathe, and eat film (or DV Tape rather). I, on the other hand, wanted to go hiking, climbing, travelling, go to concerts. I wanted to experience my time on Earth, rather than spend it working to secure my financial/occupational future. I guess, in the end, it came down to it just wasn't what I wanted to do. I'm still pretty bitter about a lot of the experience, so sorry I came in here to rant a bit. But those questions I asked in my first post were legitimate, ya know? That's how my brainstorming/creative process goes... I ask myself questions, and try to find out what kind of journey I want to embark on that means something to me, because if it didn't mean anything to me, it wouldn't mean anything to the viewer.

Maybe a documentary on breaking into the film industry? It's always been a very tough career to jump into. You could interview your professors, ask them how they got into it, send out emails to professionals in LA, NYC, and Chicago, make (and record) phone conversations with filmmakers. Just some thoughts since we went into this pseudo-debate.

Yeah, I have people like that in my class right now, a few in fact, but not everyone, just a few. I also feel as you do. Although I do have a strong passion for filming, I also understand the chances of making it are as good as winning the California lottery [sorry that's where I am...]. But, I want to film for a different reason then most people, most people are out to make a quick buck, they'll film ANYTHING, me on the other hand, once I have complete control over my projects & time, want to do something more then just make a quick million. As cliche' as that sounds, or if it sounds like bullshit, it really isn't...

For me, filming is more of a message being sent from me to another person in the form of entertainment. I have always found the best films I watch, are not films such as Transformers, The Tourist, Spiderman, Avatar... but movies with a strong, strong meaning. Movies that make you think afterwards, movies that you can truly enjoy, truly say was good, whether it made a million dollars or only a dollar. Most of these films sadly, are not box office hits. I've always told myself, I would never sell-out & strongly believe that. I have tons of ideas & scripts written, but they are all following the factor of sending a message rather then the best CGI or having the hottest actor/actress in the film itself. I can care less about that.

I don't obsess over filmmaking, but it is a big portion of my life. But I put so much effort/time into it because I know I'm not just making a movie, I'm changing people's thoughts, opinions, views. So in a sense, I'm a filmmaker, but also a motivational speaker, a writer, beyond so much more. Hard to explain... so I apologize if your sitting there wondering WTF? Lol.
So let's hear it, what are some movies that have impacted you as greatly as you hope to impact your audience one day?
make one about why der is so much hate in this world n why people are slowy gettin retard it seems like every new generation that is coming in is stupider than the last one n this is commin from a person who was born in 92 so im not that old but i still see dat der is a gap some were in time were intelligence or jus the power to think slow declined n people jus got more i dont even kno how to explain like they lost morals n shit n everybody is just like hey fuck you guy cuz all they do i s think of dem self's like people got more egotistical
Like I said, I don't have complete control over this project. You probably didn't bother to go through ALL the replies on this thread, so you probably missed the part where I said, if it were 100% up to me, I would not be here asking for ideas, because a filmmaker does not ask for ideas from others generally. If it were up to me, I'd spend over 8-months shooting documentaries I have in mind, but it isn't 100% up to me. This is a school project in which we were/are only allowed 60-days to shoot, edit, & complete the documentary, therefore, the ideas I have in mind, would not be able to be accomplished in the time limit allowed. Which is why I am asking for ideas, because I need something that I can shoot, edit, & complete in a timely manner. You know?

I'm not trying to be a dick, I don't know if my reply comes off that way, in no way, shape, or form was I intending to be, I truly feel as if you didn't waste your time going through all the replies [as I wouldn't] lol which is why I recapped for you. I think having a degree in filming helps, but I also don't like to throw around degrees in areas or topics where degrees are not needed in order to excel in that particular field.

Having a degree in filming is much different then having a degree in law. Someone with a degree in law is generally a lot smarter then someone with no degree or schooling. The same cannot be said for filmmakers. Someone with a degree in filmmaking usually possesses the same knowledge as someone without a degree [assuming that someone has been doing it all they're life, like myself].

For example, some people need to go to school to learn how to film or write, me on the other hand, I've been filming since I could walk, I have shown more knowledge in the filming area then the instructor I currently have, lol. I don't need a degree, but I chose to go to school for filming because of the materials I am awarded with, they supply us with cameras, boomsticks, etc. which I do not own. Same goes with writing, I have always been an excellent writer [may not show here...] but I still went to school for writing, because it's always better to have experience on paper, then to have experience in your own right mind. I find filming, writing, computer graphics, all fields that do not require degrees to be good at, although some people need them because they truly did not know where to start without school. Same goes for an auto-technician who has been working on cars since he was 10yrs old... dude probably knows more then his own instructor, but takes the class anyways. You know?

I do respect your degree, don't get me wrong... just saying. =) Most filmmakers don't even have a degree in filming, I have come across more filmmakers without then with, same with computer graphics, I have seen more people with better experience/skills in using Photoshop without ever setting foot in a class with better skills then those who went to school for 4yrs & spent $5,000 in classes to learn the program. All depends on the category I guess. School is required for many things & not so many things, lol.

EDIT; I'm not trying to take a shot at you either, that was kind of a response to everyone in general who thinks a degree in filming, writing, graphics, auto, etc. make you somehow better then the next dude. Also not to say you were trying to 1UP anybody or trying to be better. I have to add these side notes because the way I word things, some people take offense too.

<--Going to school right now for Digital media/video production. Just out of curiousity, What kinda rig are they letting you use? I'm actually lookin to get into DSLR filming as a start. I'm pickin up a T2i in a few days and i'm gonna get too work! haha.

And Same. i agree 100% with this

Most filmmakers don't even have a degree in filming, I have come across more filmmakers without then with, same with computer graphics, I have seen more people with better experience/skills in using Photoshop without ever setting foot in a class with better skills then those who went to school for 4yrs & spent $5,000 in classes to learn the program