the only thing that has kept me from odering tga is they are 50 50 chance...i want a guerntte!
Out of my 9 CheeseQuake's I got 6 females 2 males and lost 1 due to my dog eating it!! The female/male ratio on TGA beans is very good I hear, I'm happy with what I got. Give them (reg's) a try out you wont go back to feminised once you do IMO.
I just germed 10 diff TGA strains (5 of each, 50 total) and i got 4 fem total. Most germed (75%).
Did I understand what you wrote? Did you say that you attempted to germinate 50 regular seeds from TGA/SubCool and out of 50 seeds the successful germination rate was only 75% and out of that you ended up with a grand total of only four female plants?
If so that is totally 'SubCool,' as in totally un-cool. If I understood you correctly that successful germination percentage was worse than just horrible and it is by far the worst ratio of female to male plants I have ever heard of.
For your sake I really hope I misunderstood what you wrote.
Did I understand what you wrote? Did you say that you attempted to germinate 50 regular seeds from TGA/SubCool and out of 50 seeds the successful germination rate was only 75% and out of that you ended up with a grand total of only four female plants?
If so that is totally 'SubCool,' as in totally un-cool. If I understood you correctly that successful germination percentage was worse than just horrible and it is by far the worst ratio of female to male plants I have ever heard of.
For your sake I really hope I misunderstood what you wrote.
greatest strain in the world ?
greatest strain in the world ?
lol , they have not even smoked it yet
You have to figure it's either another misguided SubCool groupie or someone connected to him just putting out a little free advertisement for what they want you to believe is the greatest thing since sliced bread when it's just another SubCool cross made with an F2 Space Queen that will result in multiple different phenotypes.
The advertising copy says:
1) Phenotypes-
Two main varieties occur ...
Well, they tell about the "two main" phenotypes, but I wonder what the all others people get will be like?
have you even grown any TGA brick?
vortex is the best strain ive grown
better than elite cuts from dispensaries
and feminized seeds only guarantee than you cannot breed with them and they might herm down the line
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View attachment 1388469
meh I've grown a few of subs strains. They're ok but all pretty similar in there own way. They have a pretty strong tendency to hermie in late flower as well. Good smoke but better than a lot of the elite cuts? nah
I am not saying it is the case with mcone but often times what causes someone to consider some strain or strains or even a breeder to be top notch is their degree of experience with and amount of exposure to either a smaller or a larger number of strains and breeders.
I have been a member of many different boards like this over the years, many, and very often someone or even a group of members will talk up a strain or strains and some breeder like the breeder is Christ come to cleanse the temple and he can walk on water and has created 'The Holy Grail.'
Most of the time, not all of the time, but most of the time that person or those people have very limited experience with and exposure to the vast number of different strains and half large number of breeders, Often times the person, or at least some of the group of people, are new or very new to growing, sometimes the strain they talk up is the very first professional genetics they have ever smoked and when compared to the commercial they are used to mid-quality professional genetics can seem like 'The Holy Grail' to them.
An example I could use is Green House Seeds The Church. For a while many people here were writing messages making it sound like it is fantastic, like it should win every Cup competition and a few new ones should be begun so it could win them too. But The Church is only average, it is nothing special. I will say it is one of Green House Seeds strains that I do call a 'value strain' in that for the price what you get is not at all a bad value. But it never deserved the large amount of high praise it received here.
It only received the praise it got because the people who praised it had experience with and exposure to so few other strains and breeders, so to them it was the cat's meow.
As I said, I am NOT saying that is the case with mcone or with the thread starter or the only reason some people like SubCool's gear. I am only saying that with there being well over 3000 known strains, many legendary strains from the past, many clone only strains that most people will never have an opportunity to experience, many people lack a similar or equal comparative base to some others to use for a yardstick of what actually is high quality.
If someone has grown for a year or five years, and has mostly grown the same general types of strains, as in say indica dominant crosses or sativa dominant crosses, considering the number of breeders and the vast number of strains they have really not had all that much exposure to what all is available. When you toss in the percentage of growers who have a somewhat smaller budget which limits their options and choices even further, well then their experience with and exposure to all the various breeders and all the various strains is even more limited.
That can be enough to make someone think that virtually any breeder or virtually any strain is spectacular, is the very best, but to them, with their very limited degree of experience and exposure what they believe is completely valid, is totally accurate. But to someone else who has grown for a very long time and has grown and or smoked many, many various strains over the years from many different breeders, some who no longer are in the business, and who smoked legendary strains from the past before professional breeders ever existed, well, they know different, they know the truth about many of the strains and breeders that some people swear by.
It sort of falls into the category of all things being relative. What is the best or what is among the best to one person might be average at best to someone else and far more times than not that comes from one person having much more limited experience with and far less exposure to as many different strains and as many different breeder's lines than the other person.
As long as someone is happy with what they grow and smoke, that is really all that matters, but that should never be confused with what makes them happy equating too being the best.
I am not saying it is the case with mcone but often times what causes someone to consider some strain or strains or even a breeder to be top notch is their degree of experience with and amount of exposure to either a smaller or a larger number of strains and breeders.
I have been a member of many different boards like this over the years, many, and very often someone or even a group of members will talk up a strain or strains and some breeder like the breeder is Christ come to cleanse the temple and he can walk on water and has created 'The Holy Grail.'
Most of the time, not all of the time, but most of the time that person or those people have very limited experience with and exposure to the vast number of different strains and half large number of breeders, Often times the person, or at least some of the group of people, are new or very new to growing, sometimes the strain they talk up is the very first professional genetics they have ever smoked and when compared to the commercial they are used to mid-quality professional genetics can seem like 'The Holy Grail' to them.
An example I could use is Green House Seeds The Church. For a while many people here were writing messages making it sound like it is fantastic, like it should win every Cup competition and a few new ones should be begun so it could win them too. But The Church is only average, it is nothing special. I will say it is one of Green House Seeds strains that I do call a 'value strain' in that for the price what you get is not at all a bad value. But it never deserved the large amount of high praise it received here.
It only received the praise it got because the people who praised it had experience with and exposure to so few other strains and breeders, so to them it was the cat's meow.
As I said, I am NOT saying that is the case with mcone or with the thread starter or the only reason some people like SubCool's gear. I am only saying that with there being well over 3000 known strains, many legendary strains from the past, many clone only strains that most people will never have an opportunity to experience, many people lack a similar or equal comparative base to some others to use for a yardstick of what actually is high quality.
If someone has grown for a year or five years, and has mostly grown the same general types of strains, as in say indica dominant crosses or sativa dominant crosses, considering the number of breeders and the vast number of strains they have really not had all that much exposure to what all is available. When you toss in the percentage of growers who have a somewhat smaller budget which limits their options and choices even further, well then their experience with and exposure to all the various breeders and all the various strains is even more limited.
That can be enough to make someone think that virtually any breeder or virtually any strain is spectacular, is the very best, but to them, with their very limited degree of experience and exposure what they believe is completely valid, is totally accurate. But to someone else who has grown for a very long time and has grown and or smoked many, many various strains over the years from many different breeders, some who no longer are in the business, and who smoked legendary strains from the past before professional breeders ever existed, well, they know different, they know the truth about many of the strains and breeders that some people swear by.
It sort of falls into the category of all things being relative. What is the best or what is among the best to one person might be average at best to someone else and far more times than not that comes from one person having much more limited experience with and far less exposure to as many different strains and as many different breeder's lines than the other person.
As long as someone is happy with what they grow and smoke, that is really all that matters, but that should never be confused with what makes them happy equating too being the best.
Ok..No i never tried TGA or even been to california,nor have i been to the uk...But judgeing by your avatar pic id say what the hell do the old know about the young??? In almost every post i have read from you it has way to much thought put into's fucking weed,not life! Before you point fingers and make judgement apon sommething i wrote or started or accuse me of advertiseing for sumone ask me directly!!! ..No where in your incoherant RAMBLE' did you say anything worth reading...Who cares what my agenda behind my post was..Im here for advice when need'd or here to spread good news about something exciting in the industry thats new! Your attacks point out maybe a tad of jealousy . I will say this, the Attitude sponsers Subcool and TGA right? Subcool has a company right? Subcool with add'd help has devolped some impressive great strains...Now What have you contributed?