Party Cup Contest *with prizes

randy leopard

Active Member
i think arsenal nailed it. shes using the lower leaves for energy to the new roots. its just the bottom leaves that are yellowing for the most part.
ill just nix foliar and start watering & feeding normally.
the foliar feeding did work for the first couple weeks tho. kinda surprised my "clip it and stick it in the dirt" cloning method worked.
no root powder or gel.

Be Cool

I'm in... better late than sooner. Wait, that's not how it goes. Anyway, I'm in the process of taking clones from reveged moms. It will be an ugly start but I'll throw one into a 16oz cup once I see some growth and take pics to make my candidate official. It will be a coco hempy mini bucket.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i think arsenal nailed it. shes using the lower leaves for energy to the new roots. its just the bottom leaves that are yellowing for the most part.
ill just nix foliar and start watering & feeding normally.
the foliar feeding did work for the first couple weeks tho. kinda surprised my "clip it and stick it in the dirt" cloning method worked.
no root powder or gel.

thats 1cool cat randy! I used rooting agent,but i went to soil also&it worked.took just shy of 2weeks to see roots tho.they were taken at end of flowering.ive got 11 outa 12 still.good luck bro-

randy leopard

Active Member
i only took one clone(shoulda done more. might try another tonite), and it was a few weeks into flower.
it still has a little flower on top and looks like the nodes are gonna be tight.
might just be one big cola. i wanted to LST since my first grow worked so well with that, but we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Update on the Party Cups...

Hindu Kush x AK47 (Started Dec 23)
1st Feeding: 15 Jan: Grow Big 1/2tsp 50% / Big Bloom 1/2tbl 50%
View attachment 1386543

MamaDude #1, #2, #3 (Started 5 Jan) They are taking off BIG TIME!!!
1st Feeding: 15 Jan: Grow Big 1/2tsp 50% / Big Bloom 1/2tbl 50%
Me and Billcollector99 got some nice particpants with our MDs. None of my original MD seedlings looked anywhere near how healthy these are. Could be out of Party Cups if I am really liking them!!!! Dont know yet, I am sure BC would agree with me if I want to pull from the contest. They might veg for 2 weeks and then straight into Flowering. We will see. My avatar buds are from these MD seeds me and BC got.

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I already pulled my Jack Herer from the Party Cup cause I want to grow her out. She was transplanted to a Home-made Billcollector Smart Pot. She likes it and I even Sup Crop her. LOL

Jack Herer Looking Sexy
View attachment 1386548

So I definately have at least one entry.....Hindu Kush x AK 47 (Auto).

Peace All



Well-Known Member
Good luck BKB! I hope that AK-47 x HK come out female for you, all 3 of mine did so your odds are good :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good luck BKB! I hope that AK-47 x HK come out female for you, all 3 of mine did so your odds are good :leaf:
Yeah thats the seed you gave me and look at the Jack Herer Clone you gave me too....I told you that I would take care of her. She loves the Veg Box...LOL
I also have the 2 seeds in 12/12 of the G13x(HKxAK47) that Billcollector gave me!
You should enter one or two entries with the contest for fun. You have a ton of Party Cups now...LOL Its not too late as long as you finish on 4/20.


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Badzad-Im out.(temporairly)i transplanted both my domina cups.i did how ever start 3 gdp cross seeds,so il update pics not ready to flower anything right now,so id like a later start-which is why i restarted some seeds.if this isnt ok,just let me know.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Badzad-Im out.(temporairly)i transplanted both my domina cups.i did how ever start 3 gdp cross seeds which are all abouve ground.(1st set serated),so il update pics not ready to flower anything right now,so id like a later start-which is why i restarted some seeds.if this isnt ok,just let me know.


Active Member
Its np theres still time, think im gonna do a clone in one in a few more weeks. The blueberry is gonna finish way early and be small. But i will still post pics of it. I will be doing a big update post soon, next few days.


Well-Known Member
I will post pics of my poor little 12/12 from seed, in 18oz Party cup, Kannabia Power Skunk soon. I felt sorta bad for it over the past week, and haven't wanted to post pics, but it got it's first dose of Nutes yesterday and seemed happy about it today.


Well-Known Member
Hang in there KK....I hope no one drops, although I am not going to lie I would like to veg out these party cups but I am staying till the end. I got 2 in 12/12 and 2 on 20/4. I am going to veg a couple more days and then all will be 12/12. I will update tomorrow with pics. I got to re-arrange my veg box cause BillCollector donated a Himalaya Blue Diesel Budding Plant to give more light to. Good peeps BC!


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Cool,thanx badzad.ill post pics of new cups wed. Bk- thats cool u got a buddy with solid srains to hook u up!hard to come by these days-know what i mean?! Most people are so sketch w/their grows,no room for friends these days!(so it seems)umless ur online friends.anyways,im stoned&ramblin'-