SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.


Active Member
Ok, let me think about my lofty goals... Weight wise.... so I have a 1000w mh light over 15 plants on a light rail... area about 4x8... >2sqft per plant,, vegged tall 16"... so Im shooting for a lofty gol of 4oz per plant -10% for not having hps... Thats 60oz -6oz divided by 16 equals 3.375 lb... ok , now reality 1000watt lamp on a light rail, so if great 1gram per watt plus 30% for being on a rail, - my 5-10% for being a mh light... I will say approx 1200grams.. 37.8oz,2.4lb for my scrog...But, I will be happy with anything over 2lb..(1gram per watt) I think the extra vegg and the fact that I can get my light really close with the cool air and the lightrail will get me in that range, even for a first time grower...


Well-Known Member
Been busy that's all. I fear no man with less than three hoods :)

Here is my setup... That custom light rail picture is a little hard to follow (especially since I still have clamps on it till the epoxy fully cures but it is essentially a small wooden carriage that rolls on garage door track. I hooked my single light rail to the carriage and since their is so little rolling resistance..tadah.. 3 lights moved with a single $180 rail.

Those plants are 3 days in from the flip. The were vegged about a month.




Active Member
I will for sure win looking at that future mexi-brick you have there....I think you better switch your nutes to Miracle Grow.. That light rail is going to fall on your plants and destroy them when I come by and use my universal remote to activate the garage.. Your plants look a little droopy... sup with that? recovery from transplant? yep, Im feeling a bit more confidant now... Smack talk officially open!



Well-Known Member
Frogster if I was you I would be scared as fuck right now, legally aint fuckin around, this man went and mounted three lights to a light rail!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol true that. AND he just pulled over 2 lbs with 8 plants...

The look droopy cause I just trained them. You can do that when your not using chicken wire.

I want to see a video of harvesting out of that setup. My back hurts just thinking about it.

In the words of Stan's on. :)


Well-Known Member
Man, you guys are amateurs. I should have entered my 250W grow.
I had a teacher once tell me that sarcasm in writing is a hard thing to convey. Of course, that was before LOL was a word.
And just to even the odds, Frogster, legal let his secret technique slip out a few days ago...
In the latter stages of flower, when I masturbate in there, the increased activity causes around 800 ppm in total co2 levels. Room volume around 563 cubic feet.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaha That's some funny shit I can't believe I missed that, Good place to do it though hahaha!

I hope you don't jizz on plants that's not foliar spray!


Active Member
Damn Jimbro I nearly spit my breakfast out! Welcome fellow Texan ( I just moved) Yea, Three lights on a rail...big deal.. People kill plants that have full sun everyday... Legal, I was talking about your lower leaves drooping, also the lack of vegetative growth under, looks like the nodes are separated really far, cant tell from the pic but it looks like you trimmed these plants ?..


Hey legal just had to say that is some pretty sweet work with that light rail. I have never seen anyone who has rigged their light rail to run like that. Nice one bro.


I will for sure win looking at that future mexi-brick you have there....I think you better switch your nutes to Miracle Grow.. That light rail is going to fall on your plants and destroy them when I come by and use my universal remote to activate the garage.. Your plants look a little droopy... sup with that? recovery from transplant? yep, Im feeling a bit more confidant now... Smack talk officially open!
Hate to say it frogster but after seeing what legal has been up to you have just become the definite underdog in this scrog off. I do wish the best of luck to you though and will be interested to see how this turns out. Shit one mistake on legals part and you could have it in the bag, but I wouldn't count on mistakes.


Active Member
Well. Although a complete nube (first grow ever, ever, not even soil) If I get 1gram per watt I feel that I did very well... Im fairly confidant I will get that, as long as major mistakes are avoided... I think I can out gram him per watt, and Im fairly sure my quality will exceed his future Mexican brick.. I think his plants look kinda sad compared to mine (drooping, tips are discolored, nodes spread far out, tons of stretch) but Im pretty sure he will get things dialed in quickly for the flowering... I sure as hell dont want problems with either of us, I want to beat him by having a greater yield due to the smaller screen producing more budsites (that was the initial thing that started the challenge)


Well-Known Member
Are you able to reach that far back to work your screen? If not, are you cutting access holes from the top of the screen?


Well-Known Member
Damn Jimbro I nearly spit my breakfast out! Welcome fellow Texan ( I just moved)
Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny, too. And I've never been to CO, but have always wanted to live there for some reason. Just found out through RIU that's it's a legal state, so that gives me added motivation.

As far as the competition goes, both y'all's plants look good. The last poster brought up something I had not thought about. Both you guys' screens are huge. How do you train the plants in the middle, back?


Well-Known Member
Ill tell you what, if you yield a gram a watt i will start doing yoga again until i can suck my own dick :) I need to do final weigh in this week for the last crop but 2.7 pounds with 8 plants and 1800 watts only equals about .69g/watt. Grams per watt works best with SOG I think. 5.4 oz per plant is pretty god damned good in most peoples book.

Admittedly the front two plants are a little droopy, they have bounced back but I put the worst of the bunch on the edge of the screen. Don't know why some of the tips look washed out, flash bounce off the bubble insulation?

They only look stretchy as I trimmed off all lower bud sites and growing shoots. I did keep cooler night time temps during veg to get them a little more stretched. Ran into scrog issues last time with super compact plants

It's not all about bud sites, I went gonzo last run and flowered every site. Ended up with 15 gallons of wet popcorn. Still got dried buds in excess of 2.5 oz each but I think limiting the bud sites is a better way to go given the space issues of the scrog and limitations of HID lights.

Keep talking smack and I'll install my new mega ray UVB lamp.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny, too. And I've never been to CO, but have always wanted to live there for some reason. Just found out through RIU that's it's a legal state, so that gives me added motivation.

As far as the competition goes, both y'all's plants look good. The last poster brought up something I had not thought about. Both you guys' screens are huge. How do you train the plants in the middle, back?
MY screen is 5 feet wide and I can get shuffle around on all sides so it really isn't a problem. There is only about a week of real training anyways. My varietys (blue widow and mango kush) only stretch fast for a about 7 days. During this time they grow about 2" a day. After that they really slow down. I want the plants higher above the screen this time so I am "sacrificing" a little density for more height. Its pretty brutal under the screen as to no light. I don't have time between harvests to do a staged "cut the upper" and let the lower ripen so I just want them all to ripen at about the same time.


Active Member
Well my man, start stretching... Im fairly confidant in my 1gram per watt goal... I almost have double the plants from your other grow and im on a light rail..... I havnt trimmed my lower branches yet, its pretty damn dark under there! I thought trimming was done later? when leaves start turning yellow... I still have fairly close bud sites reaching for the screen...


Active Member
So Legal is about to let the plants go, hes wanting less, but larger buds.. Seems like a waste of scrog screen to me, supercropping would have achieved the same perhaps,,, Im shooting for at least 4 bud sites per sq ft... I have about 30sqft of screen, so that would be 120 1oz buds .. lol,, I wish


Well-Known Member
There are areas where I have well over 8 bud sites in a square foot and there area areas that I have one or two. No, super cropping would not do the same thing.

OK, maybe we should set another ground rule. Like perhaps you don't act like you know everything.... I can remember a time (like what, 6 weeks ago? that you needed some serious hand holding).

I'm going for overall larger USABLE yield. I don't play the whole itty bitty popcorn bud bullshit route. I was literally "shucking" shit loads of popcorn off the last grow. And I mean grabbing the bottom of the stem with a glove on and ripping all the little buds off and tossing them in a bucket.

You'll see. Your plants look great, but I kind of predict your SCROG is going to become a fucking mess shortly. That chicken wire dude, oooh that chicken wire. LMFAO


Well-Known Member
I havnt trimmed my lower branches yet, its pretty damn dark under there! I thought trimming was done later? when leaves start turning yellow...
Interesting. I dunno what you should do. I know what I would do, but apparently, all of a sudden, I don't have any idea what the fuck I'm doing.


Active Member
Im just smack talking legal, No offense
intended .. . I know just just enough to keep the damn plants alive,, lol... Im sure your buds are going to look like the leaning tower of Pisa soon.. I can reach the back of my screen , not too bad of a stretch. The dj's blueberry are sure stretching on the side without the scrog, and I have been fighting down a few of the big buds by supercropping, but Im finished supercropping and Im going to let them go now. I may suppliment a few of the plants near the end walls with cfl's as the lightrail doesn't get all the way to the end of the wall. ppm is at 1150 and they are taking 4-5 gallons of water a day.. Lights out temps are about 63-65 and lights on around 73-78.. No critters to be found (yet).... Im not sure when I will trim the lower vegetation off, Im thinking when they are close to finishing stretch? Why did you chose the time that you did? Not wanting energy going into lower small budsites that will be trimmed at a later date? Suppose I better start researching this shit before I waste plant growth... Im still sticking with 1gram per watt... gotta have a decent goal...

