Theory- Could cannabis be immortal?


Well-Known Member
I know it probally sounds dumb at first but hear me out. Say I had infinite lighting, infinite root space, infinite water(and following proper watering schedule too), infinite nutes(following proper feeding schedule too), and infinite space. could I keep a plant alive in vegging mode forever?


Active Member
i believe so i heard of a guy who had a female mom vegging for 8 years with no signs of stress up untill the day he had to cut it for personal reasons...buts thats just what i heard no proof to go along with it:(


Well-Known Member
I had a girl living almost a year long outside, also I didn't fully harvest her in one shot and she kept on producing new flowers for a while.... nature is strange sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I know it probally sounds dumb at first but hear me out. Say I had infinite lighting, infinite root space, infinite water(and following proper watering schedule too), infinite nutes(following proper feeding schedule too), and infinite space. could I keep a plant alive in vegging mode forever?
i was hesitant to click on this thread at first, but then i noticed that you posted it and so took the chance. it kinda blew my mind.

at first i thought, no, eventually you'd exhaust all the materials in the universe and the entire universe would become the plant. then i realized that you supposed everything was infinite, and thus could not be exhausted. then i thought, like dude, what if you just kept walking out into space, could you go on forever? or would you run out of room to walk? where does it all go? what is beyond?

to be honest though, i am really high and was really high when i thought that.


Well-Known Member
i also thought of how a conversation about a 15 billion year old plant would go:

dude 1: dude, how tall is that plant?

dude 2: 3 light years.


Well-Known Member
Well now that you put it like that...

what i would do is build some sort of space craft (green house) & would set it out to the universes biggest sun (discovered) so that the plant would receive endless light.

Yea that's what i would do .


Well-Known Member
Well now that you put it like that...

what i would do is build some sort of space craft (green house) & would set it out to the universes biggest sun (discovered) so that the plant would receive endless light.

Yea that's what i would do .
Watch the Movie Silent Running with Bruce Dern......its been done.


Well-Known Member
well if you want to vist some were cool and see some nice plants old ones 2 go to the cannabis castle thay even have some plants that are way over 20 years old its a cool museum cant wait tell my next trip out to go again this time i will take a cam cuz the plants are amazing.

the guy i know has been growing for 35 years he found a plant that he liked dont know the strain but its a nice high and he keep it plant will only die if you let it die you can keep a mother as long as you want


Well-Known Member
Well now that you put it like that...

what i would do is build some sort of space craft (green house) & would set it out to the universes biggest sun (discovered) so that the plant would receive endless light.

Yea that's what i would do .
using the universes largest star would be suicide, most only live a few million years till they go supernova or hypernova(at least 100 times bigger than a supernova, can be even more.) and destroy evevything close by. If not killed by the explosion itself it'd still be game over as our light source is now a neutron star or stellar black hole. R136a1 is estimated to be between 260-320 solar masses so it will almost certainly collapse into a black hole after going supernova.