Canada & United States Relations If We Legalize Marijuana ?


Active Member
When we vote liberal Majority and legalize marijuana what would be the backlash from the United States Government. I'm seeking political policy and politicaly strategic answers
No drama hates obama and Med Man wants to tax tax tax tax yo mama,
he loves big government and hangs on this forum all day wearing his pajama

He won't respond when you catch him in doublespeak and has an Indian
for an icon the kind that live here and not the kind that ride a llama

(Sorry old fella, I know you miss Vi Redd and thought I'd get playful.)
I'm looking for real answers. This isn't a spelling bee.
Canada has signed treaties with other nations part of one of those treaties is that MJ will be kept illegal.Its not going to be legalized in Canada any time soon. Even if you vote all the liberals in, its going to take more than a vote to do it. International treaties will have to be broken and you can bet the US Gubbamint is gonna come down on you, heck they may even make the British queen remove her image from your currency.

You should already know these things having so much experience and knowledge in government.

BTW Whats up with completely editing your first post so that it asks a completely different question and then deleting entirely the post in which you come off as a complete dick? Thank god for Quotes.
Canada has signed treaties with other nations part of one of those treaties is that MJ will be kept illegal.Its not going to be legalized in Canada any time soon. Even if you vote all the liberals in, its going to take more than a vote to do it. International treaties will have to be broken and you can bet the US Gubbamint is gonna come down on you, heck they may even make the British queen remove her image from your currency.

You should already know these things having so much experience and knowledge in government.

BTW Whats up with completely editing your first post so that it asks a completely different question and then deleting entirely the post in which you come off as a complete dick? Thank god for Quotes.

this is true,i never really meant liberals in canada will legalize MJ, they wont, atleast not soon as mentioned.

but they will reduce the charges you recieve for possession and growing, as well as Decrimminalize MJ. I am answering a different questiont than the one that was first asked? that isn't right.
this is true,i never really meant liberals in canada will legalize MJ, they wont, atleast not soon as mentioned.

but they will reduce the charges you recieve for possession and growing, as well as Decrimminalize MJ.

Yes! Decriminalization is the first step to legalization.
I truly do not even think Libs would legalize it if in power

Ignatieff has been incredibly vague on this issue

Your best bet is the NDP however I would not consider voting for them as long as Jack Layton is leader of that party
I truly do not even think Libs would legalize it if in power

Ignatieff has been incredibly vague on this issue

Your best bet is the NDP however I would not consider voting for them as long as Jack Layton is leader of that party
Our best bet is a party that has never tasted power....Green party all the way....thats the only way we are going to see full legalization.
Our best bet is a party that has never tasted power....Green party all the way....thats the only way we are going to see full legalization.

Why give ANY party "power" over decisions idividuals should be making? Given "power" over others, any party will fail as the shine of the
ring of power will overcome them. There is no substitute for endorsing IDEAS rather than saviors or particular political parties.

Nice flag on the avatar. Peace.