Club 600

Thank you HU, I appreciate that. We kind of take it a bit further though. We talk about a lot of things they just don't cover a lot in school. We fully disclose our finances to her and show her our budget when we come across that extra money somewhere. We had a pretty decent tax refund last year of a few thousand bucks and we showed her the very short list we put together of what to do with it. We talk about banks, insurance companies and credit card companies and how they fee and penalize us to death. How a real loan looks like with amortization tables and all showing how much the bank gets and how little your loan is paid off after 12.5 years of a 25 year mortgage. Better yet the the 110 plus percent the bank just made off you in that looooooong 25 years of your life. I mean everything, other than the obvious immoral shit and shame on anyone who thinks that, and I'm telling you, I have a young woman who is brilliant and very gifted and full of common sense, and won't take crap from nobody, not even me. Well I'm not as old as you but my sisters are, which gave me an earlier start then most my age, but that is quite a lineup there. My first show was 78 when I saw my favorite band EH, Rush.

Holy jumpin' jesus, we've gone from grease monkeys to raising children as our topics on the six hundred, we must be high. I have a channel called Paladia? on my lineup of tv choices and it is nothing but a music channel. Last night Rush in Germany was on.

Here's a little something for you. The youngest girl from my last relationship had turned thirteen. One day she comes into my bedroom while I'm watching television and plops down next to me. We start talking and she tells me she's bisexual. I asked her if she had sex with a boy, she said no, she likes girls and she's already kissed one. She didn't tell her mother, she told me, why, because her mother was/is that overbearing parent trying to protect her children. I then proceeded to tell her she can't be bisexual if she's never had sex with a boy. Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't encouraging her to go have sex, I was correcting her idea of being bisexual. I told her do what makes her heart feel good but remember if you choose to be gay there are some folks in this world who will try to beat you up about it, you prepared for that? Duchie, there is so much truth out there I see no need to lie to children. She told me her truth because she knew I had never lied to her and I guess she wanted some kind of confirmation that what she was doing was OK. I just told her to follow her heart and what makes her happy and not to listen to others.

Endls, sounds like a plan and now let me tell you, august, be prepared to suffer the summer of florida. Expect highs in the nineties every day, humid and rain in the afternoon/early evening. When you get up in the morning the humidity will be hovering around 100%, so check to see that your gills are in good working order.
OK, I just discovered the tell tale sign that you are a little obsessed with growing and smoking great weed and the joy they bring. It's when you start looking at flights to the Dam and figuring how your gonna sell it to the Mrs.

I'm booking up soon i'll be doing my 6th tour at the end of July beginning of August, no children and copious amounts of weed sorted!!!
Endls, sounds like a plan and now let me tell you, august, be prepared to suffer the summer of florida. Expect highs in the nineties every day, humid and rain in the afternoon/early evening. When you get up in the morning the humidity will be hovering around 100%, so check to see that your gills are in good working order.

For sure brotha..used to live in the Ft. Myers area for almost 8yrs...I loved that part of Florida...well the land atleast....the people are one of two ways tho...Either so fkn rich that their shit don't stink...or their favorite color is camo...The second kind I can't really stand but that's what most of my friends were(the blue collars)...but the rich can be pretty chill after a few drinks with em at the local tikibars...but most of the time either of the two are actually true born and raised Floridians...most are from Illinois,Ohio,New York, or Michigan....Fkn snow birds...I guess now that I live in an area where we will be lucky if the high today is around 20* it's just my envy that is coming out. Can't wait to get there.

Well I have officially shit my brains out the last 12hrs...gotta get a CAT scan with Iodine here in about two hours...I have some fkt up kidneys...I get stones in both kidneys at least once a year...I can assure you guys I will be needing kidney transplants before I'm 35...that means I have 7 yrs to convince you guys to give me yours...LOL...I think I have time....So.....any donors....I'll trade you a fat sack...LOL
DAM FUCK SHIT HELL MOTHER FUCKER and a few other choice words. I got up this morning to the dogs in the trash. Shit on the floor. Get the dogs out clean up the mess and go to check on my ladies, you know to calm down........Fucking HPS blew. I though something wasnt right when i looked in my "peep" hole and only saw light from the T-5. It would normally be a big deal, but this is the second bulb in 6 months and I dont have the cash to get another one. On the bright side i do have and am now using a MH. Just cant seem to catch a break. Been unemployed since Oct. Taking a break from smoking so to be able to pass drug test if when i get lucky to find job. I never thought i would see the day when i am over qualified for bs jobs. Man something needs to give. Sorry for the rant guys but not like can go just anywhere with these problems you know what I mean. Ok I will go away now and stop bitching. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
DAM FUCK SHIT HELL MOTHER FUCKER and a few other choice words. I got up this morning to the dogs in the trash. Shit on the floor. Get the dogs out clean up the mess and go to check on my ladies, you know to calm down........Fucking HPS blew. I though something wasnt right when i looked in my "peep" hole and only saw light from the T-5. It would normally be a big deal, but this is the second bulb in 6 months and I dont have the cash to get another one. On the bright side i do have and am now using a MH. Just cant seem to catch a break. Been unemployed since Oct. Taking a break from smoking so to be able to pass drug test if when i get lucky to find job. I never thought i would see the day when i am over qualified for bs jobs. Man something needs to give. Sorry for the rant guys but not like can go just anywhere with these problems you know what I mean. Ok I will go away now and stop bitching. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Bro, it's all good, in my books anyway. Life sure tests us sometimes. Doesn't it piss you off that your bastard of an alcoholic neighbor can get a job like say, truck driver, and maybe sip a few as be goes down the road everyday, but don't even think about getting through the door if you smoke pot. Sorry didn't mean to fuel your fire. If I could send you one of my bulbs I would. I don't use a higher end name brand bulb, just these I found of ebay. They cost me 15 bucks for an 80K lumen bulb and 25 for a 88K, and they work great for me. If your in the US, Im sure he'll ship to you, or you can probably find similar closer to you. My way of thinking is I can't really be a judge of how great a high end product is if I don't have anything to compare to.

Here's a shot of the package from the Artemis 80K bulb I got. Actually, the dual arc is in there, but I had problems with that one. A few more shots in my thread.

Thanks Duchieman. No, no fuel unfortunatly it comes with the territory you know. I am ok with that. Well at least come to terms for now. That is why I jioned norml i want to change the world LOL!!!! it just seems when it rains it pours sometime you know. Are these bulbs compatible with Digi ballast? That was the problem with the first bulbs. I just realized i have been through 3 bulbs with in a year. The last one the guy at the shop said this one is perfect for my ballast. Then again 15 bucks cant really go wrong i guess. I wonder if i could have an issue with the ballast? Do you know a way to test the ballast? Oh well live and learn.
Thanks Duchieman. No, no fuel unfortunatly it comes with the territory you know. I am ok with that. Well at least come to terms for now. That is why I jioned norml i want to change the world LOL!!!! it just seems when it rains it pours sometime you know. Are these bulbs compatible with Digi ballast? That was the problem with the first bulbs. I just realized i have been through 3 bulbs with in a year. The last one the guy at the shop said this one is perfect for my ballast. Then again 15 bucks cant really go wrong i guess. I wonder if i could have an issue with the ballast? Do you know a way to test the ballast? Oh well live and learn.

are you using a surge protector?

Thanks Duchieman. No, no fuel unfortunatly it comes with the territory you know. I am ok with that. Well at least come to terms for now. That is why I jioned norml i want to change the world LOL!!!! it just seems when it rains it pours sometime you know. Are these bulbs compatible with Digi ballast? That was the problem with the first bulbs. I just realized i have been through 3 bulbs with in a year. The last one the guy at the shop said this one is perfect for my ballast. Then again 15 bucks cant really go wrong i guess. I wonder if i could have an issue with the ballast? Do you know a way to test the ballast? Oh well live and learn.

I can't say for sure how they are with digis. I started magnetic but I do plan to go digi in the future. All I know is these are the only bulbs he sells and he sells both kinds of ballasts. He does reply to his emails. And yes the price is right, even if it gets you over a hurdle and then becomes your backup, and the other plus is you get to see just how hot those higher end, grow shop bulbs really perform, or don't. Then I'm assuming what kind of bulb(s) you normally use before asking. See now, for me to find out the truth I've gotta spend 100 bucks.
Duchieman-not the high end bulbs. Well my first one was and the last two due to my budget have gotten cheaper and cheaper. My last bulb was only 50 bucks. A "storebrand". I have only been growing seriously for a year. So I couldnt tell you the difference between a high end and a cheapo. I dont grow for sell. I just grow for me and my parents. I just want good quality bud is all. I will check out your guy.
COF-no i dont use a surge protecter why do you ask? Should i be? When i was getting my set up no one said anything about a surge protector. I was told to make sure my timer was for the digi and not mag or the other way around .
You might be getting voltage spikes which would destroy a bulb, hence the use of surge protectors...the cheap ones work as well as the expensive ones. I'm running 2 digi's without bulb failure.

awesome nug canopy there unity!

whats the story with banana og is it a pheno or cross of something banana flavoured?

good weekend 600!

my op at the mo!

I the same. It's all about me and the mrs. and no one else and even with "budget" gear, which I hate that marketing term, more like "I'm not a sucker", a guy can produce way better product than what's out there. Mind you, you guys in the medical states have it a little better, imo, because you have store front businesses that most would probably want to produce good product, I would think. I bet the prices can be hefty. Medical marijuana in Canada is a joke compared to you guys and is nothing but a dangling carrot to appease the masses. So close but yet so far. O oh, there I go again, I know, it's a weed forum. :)

But then again, didn't you start this justlearnig73? ;)
My ? justlearning is are you using your bulbs vertical or horizontal....if using a vertical setup..make sure the bulb is vert. compatible...if not..they won't last long...hope this helps.
My ? justlearning is are you using your bulbs vertical or horizontal....if using a vertical setup..make sure the bulb is vert. compatible...if not..they won't last long...hope this helps.

This is what I was thinking. Make sure they are rated for whatever 'direction' you are using them in.