• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Roll In


Well-Known Member
I fucked up injecting that clear eyes bottle is why I was using that dropper and if the LSD is really potent it just takes a dab not a drop to knock your socks off and you can make about $2500 a hundred clear lol

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Deerhunter you lucky Man !!!

There is nothing else I can say.
You must be a kind soul ... to be able
to tap into the liquid market.

Congrats ... that is supper cool.
What is the grade of your L ... kind sir ... if you dont mind me asking.


Active Member
lmao if your taking good e your gonna puke your guts up taking 2 muchless 3 I've hallucinated harder on e then on mushrooms or LSD I was riding in the back seat with my buddy and his girl upfront everytime I blinked they fell to pieces and came back together the highway was coming at me in freeze frames and the road signs were coming from the corner of my eye and planting themself in the ground and the walls were breathing if that's not rolling I don't know WTF is lmao
Agreed, ive tripped the hardest while on bombs... seen some of the most rediculous shitt morph and transform... ive even seen CEO with my eyes open.. u ask how does that make sense.. i temporarily blacked out (eyes open) and saw stuff that was way trippier than on 10 hits of fluff.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I know what you are talking about .... I love that compound for that effect.
I constantly get mesmerized by images ... I love the morphing and breathing effects ... on high dosages.



Well-Known Member
Lol I went to a biker rally you know they say LSD doesn't taste well one or 3 drops doesn't but you put 50 in a bottle cap and
suck them all up and drop them on sweettarts well that bottle cap is super concentrated in LSD it taste like elmers wood glue and I tell you what you lick enough to taste it you better hold the fuck on lmao

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
thats not what MDMA is like lol
they probly had LSD in em. ive personally never had LSD ones though
That is what I wanted to say as well .....Lugar .... I never hallucinated on MDMA ...... I get ....certain ....metal sparkle effect ... aka metal confetti ....effects on MDA .... no hallucinations. But I tend to stay clear of pillzzz so i do not know.

Hence I do not want to rock that boat ... hey where did the homophobe go ... I wonder ...
Perhaps we can talk about other ways of administering things ..... like through your eyeballs ...... just to see what he has to say about that ..... lol


now my wallpaper thanks!
Now you are pimping a picture of my secret base on your desktop ...... ;)
I have fed-exed you a Teleport ..... should arrive at your place somewhere on Saturday .... beam over D ...




Well-Known Member
That is what I wanted to say as well .....Lugar .... I never hallucinated on MDMA ...... I get ....certain ....metal sparkle effect ... aka metal confetti ....effects on MDA .... no hallucinations. But I tend to stay clear of pillzzz so i do not know.

Hence I do not want to rock that boat ... hey where did the homophobe go ... I wonder ...
Perhaps we can talk about other ways of administering things ..... like through your eyeballs ...... just to see what he has to say about that ..... lol


Now you are pimping a picture of my secret base on your desktop ...... ;)
I have fed-exed you a Teleport ..... should arrive at your place somewhere on Saturday .... beam over D ...

those e pills must have had lsd or something. i wonder what he would say about girls puttin it in their vaginas haha. and wouldnt swallowing the pills be gay too since gay guys swallow cum?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I would be willing to speculate that our pill eaters ... have been tripping on Nexus aka 2c-b mix .... as per the hallucinations reported.
On a stretch I would even suggest another mix of MDXA + Bromo Dragonfly

Certainly not MDMA + LSD mixture.

Our friends would have to describe
mentioned hallucinations .... then could speculate further.

But what do I know ... :)


Well-Known Member
Lol I've tripped on MDMA powder form not pills walls breathing chasers.... What kinda shit are you guys buying??? I know I've done some good MDMA when the walls shake when it hits me and I can't make out any of the letters on the keyboard on my phone and I start to tell my friend how he's the best friend a guy could have lmao!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Deer .... I do not know what crap I get .... but I sure test it .... also ... have a look at this .... ripped out straight from Erowin ....here

mild to extreme mood lift, euphoria
increased willingness to communicate
increase in energy (stimulation)
ego softening
decreased fear, anxiety, and insecurities
feelings of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others
feelings of love and empathy
forgiveness of self and others
a sense of inner peace and acceptance of self, others, and the world
increased awareness & appreciation of music
increased awareness of senses (eating, drinking, smell)
increased tactile sensation (pleasure from the sense of touch and being touched)
life-changing spiritual experiences
sensations bright and intense
urge to hug and kiss people
analgesia, anti-nocioception, decreased pain perception

decreased appetite
visual distortion
rapid, involuntary eye jiggling (nystagmus)
mild visual hallucinations (uncommon)
moderately increased heart rate and blood pressure (increases with dose)
restlessness, nervousness, shivering
change in body temperature regulation
upwellings of unexpected emotion, emotional lability
strong desire to do or want more when coming down

(negative side effects increase with higher doses and frequent use)
inappropriate and/or unintended emotional bonding
anxiety or paranoia (less common than opposite)
agitation (less common than opposite)
tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later
mild to extreme jaw clenching (trisma), tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding (bruxia)
difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus
short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion
muscle tension
insomnia, inability to fall asleep when physically tired
erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm
increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water)
hyponatremia (don't drink too much water)
nausea and vomiting
headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo
sadness on coming down, sense of loss or immediate nostalgia
post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect
hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks
mild depression and fatigue for up to a week
severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon)
possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive
possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare)
possible liver toxicity (rare)
possible neurotoxicity (controversial)
small risk of death; approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death (rare)
U ever test your gear ...eh


Well-Known Member
Lol is it uncommon when I do MDMA that makes me hallucinate that everyone that I've given the same product to hallucinated too lol I've had an oz of pure molly(MDMA powder form) that everyone got it said it was so intense they tripped balls and everyone around them was their bestdfriend I doubt it but what do I know the same guy I get the LSD from gets the Molly and he says that there is not any thing in it but MDMA but we have visuals out the ass I guess your getting something that's said to be MDMA and I'm getting something that Is alot purer if you can't make MDMA from scratch like the guy or place I get mine from then why are you telling me what does what because the cook says otherwise and yes I know the cook why donyou think I have bottles of LSD and can get ozs of Molly sorry I have done quiet a bit tonight and very talkative and assholish but you guys telling me it has this n that n it besides MDMA obviously think you known something but don't but hey what do I know I'm just the guy with viles n smiles on MDMA and 2 drops of liquid lmao it took me 43 minutes to type this I times it for fun


Well-Known Member
Oh my fellow psychonauts sometimes you make me blurt out in laughter. When time permits I'll give a chemical forte of what may be the culprit behind these psychedelic responses to alleged mdma pills ;)

But so far the speculations are a little off!