I Found a Secret Room In My House!

Under his porch. He mentioned that it would probably be under his porch now. Makes sense with the 2 by rafter/joist looking things at the top of the stairs. That's the mom/clone area :mrgreen:

Sorry, they don't lead up to heaven, they lead down to heaven though :D
oh man, i giggled my butt off all the way through this thread. thanks for the videos, they rock. if you do use it then i would most def put some kind of supports in there, woul'nt want your babies (or your head) to get crushed from the drastic changes in temps that will be going on in there. but you probably already know that. i am sub'd to see what goes down, or up. lol
I thought it looked like a pretty tall room. Neosapien, can you give us a rough estimate of diameter and height of the room? A circle room with the hatch at the top would be perfect for venting out air (Pending what it goes out to).
Also, you could easily build a false wall on hinges or something to hide the entrance to the grow room. Have your own secret cellar; one of my own personal dreams to pull a book on a bookshelf and it swivel open to reveal my garden.
I would say it's close to what another poster said 7x7x7 alittle taller than 7 in the center obviously.
2 things:
1.) You should have taped a second video where you have a buddy put on a Predetor mask or something, tape the plastic back up, and do the first video over, then when you open the door, Predetor Head eats you..... Have that video e first. Then post the actual forst video...
2.) That 2 part spray insulation that the insulate like pole barns and garage doors with would be money in here. It'd seal it, insulate it, and give it some additional structural stability. I think its something that might have to be professionally installed though.. It's not all crazy like normal spray foam can shit. This is about 3/4 inch thick hard foam and its uniform....
Props on showing back with video.. Gas mask and all.
Haha, the videos a good idea. I'll look into the 2 part insulation thanks. The gas mask was for health reasons and to anonymize my self alittle.
Fuckin' A man! Jackpot :) Its going to take a while to clear it all out... What does your wife make of it all? I agree with that other dude.. circ wield the man hole covers shut with no leaks, also make sure the metal lids are covered from the outside and are either concreted over or hidden with something long term. I would Use the most discrete holes as vents/outtakes and run ducting as low profile as possible so it blends in to the outside/surrounding area's.
I would also make sure the brick dome section was concreted smooth in fact..I'd prob go all out n really re-decorate make it all smooth. It'll be like a cool grow Iglu... I gotta tell you man its well exciting REP for the vids too :) This is gunna be one hell of a cool thread and what a way to start things off!! This has gotta be one of the Top 10 RIU projects out there :)
Keep adding pics so we can see how things progress, As far as lighting goes 3 or 4X 600s would be cool in there :) Are you/have you been tempted to go up n see where the stairway leads to ??
I can't wait to see how this turns out I may well ware out my REP button :) lol :) !! Anyhow good job for going in there and reporting back with the video :) I will be watching this thread for updates..I'am well jealous :) - STELTHY :leaf:
The wifey to be, Feb 3rd, thinks I should move my op in there so we can reclaim our 5th bedroom back and turn it into an aquaculture room. She doesn't puff but likes that I know how to garden. She also likes that it helped buy her car outright:razz:
man thats the shit right there sort water sepage out with some kinda waterproof membrane on the walls with a gulley at bottow to drain water sepage outside then plaster over membrane to make a nice flat domed room add your mylar or paint with matt brilliant white add one of these on the top of the dome
with 4 x 600w-1000w digitalzzzz an then which system you would run what ever your preferance an that would be the shit right there damn i wish i had that room you've even got a hole at the top of that domed room for extraction bro you could do so much with that i'll be watching just to see how it all turns out just one thing riuers how do you subb to thread peace
Now that thing is awesome!
Haha! This made me very happy. Especially the scream. I hate spiders too, man. :)

Almost definitely an old cistern

Check into the asbestos possibility, though. At first I kind of rolled my eyes when I saw you brought a mask in, but on second thought, and after having seen that gnarly room, it was probably a wise precaution. It doesn't appear insulated at all, but who knows what the fuck they used in those old houses. Be careful tracking that shit back into your main living space, too.

Glad you came back to us. At first I had thought that the mystery would go permanently unsolved. It's almost too perfect NOT to use. You could set it up so that nobody would find that in a million years. The bookcase suggestion may have been hyperbole, but it's definitely possible to stealth that thing out.

Where on earth do those stairs lead?
Heaven obv:


There are two paths, you can go by, but in the long run, theres still time to change the road you're on.-Great song
+rep for this whole thread. That video was funny as hell when you saw the spider. keep us posted on the transformation of that room in to a grow room, bomb shelter, S&M dungeon or what ever you are going to make it into.
Wow, awesome. Maybe you'll find something cool in there like a dead body laying over sacks of unmarked bank bills from a heist or something........................I'm so stoned
I'm not baked and I was thinking something quite similar.

Like The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe.

To the OP: Congratulations!

A grower's dream come true.
Your wife is holding us back. Just 'accidentally' trip her into the room, then yell "I'll Save You!" and dive into the room like you're superman. As long as the floor isn't covered with giant rusty nails or shards of glass you'll be fine. If in fact the floor iscovered in giant rusty nails and shards of glass... well... I'm sorry for your loss. (but she really was holding us back man...)

lol, i'm kidding.. Better to be safe than inhale some crazy ass mold spores that end up killing you... that's what I always say.

EDIT: I thought about it and I was wrong, fuck the mold spores, just get in there!

This is the most awesome post o have err read lol marijuana is fantastic
LOL have u ever seen the movie the ring? Also u probably just ruined the structural integrity of your house that door was probably holding up your house lol
This is the most awesome post o have err read lol marijuana is fantastic

haha, thanks man. i figured noone got it, but you did, lol. and yes, marijuana is fantastic.

Neosapien, this is amazing. Thanks for taking us on this journey with you. Keep updating us on your progress with this. Hell, keep this thread as your update/grow journal when you get to it, and when you start growing there just ask fdd to move this to the grow journal area. If you keep us updated this will be the best thread on RIU. Those stairs are pretty weird man, they looked like they belonged out on a street in the early 1900's. I smoked a nice big joint in preparation of watching those videos, and when i saw those rocks in the igloo I thought it was a mattress and pillow, LOL. I thought it was connected to a sewer by an underground tunnel system and someone was in there sleeping under your house. Just measure the steps to those man holes, then walk that distance upstairs along that line and you'll get an idea of where those manholes would lead up to. You should also dig down a few feet and make it flat/cement over it for a start. Digging a few feet down would also reveal buried bodies, if there happen to be any buried bodys.. it would also give you more height to grow 10lb trees (with adequate lighting, maybe a cooltube of vertical 1000w hps's (3 or 4) and grow monster sized trees around them in a circle, with additional lighting above each tree. I bet you could get 8 LARGE plants in there in a circle around 3 or 4 vert 1000w hps's. It has huge potential to be a dream grow room. There's just a lot of work ahead. good luck. keep us updated with those videos man, this is an awesome adventure for everyone. "Neosapien's 12,000w, eight 10lb tree secret underground igloo grow" LOL
LOL have u ever seen the movie the ring? Also u probably just ruined the structural integrity of your house that door was probably holding up your house lol

LOL, the man hole above it is just the bottom of a well. Here is where the man hole leads to:


Is THIS your back yard? If so, take extreme caution, and if you have any pets, you probably shouldn't let them outside.
