Yeah, I mean, this is pretty low.
All Obama did was give good news (that the Congresswoman was recovering) about a friend and colleague after specifically mentioning that he had discussed it ahead of time with her husband.
I think that you may have actually had a point that the tone of the rally wasn't nearly somber enough. But that point has been completely and utterly lost with the attack on the President because he gave a speech at the event. (along with, by the way, the Republican Governor of the state, Jan Brewer and the former Democratic Governor/Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano)
But the memorial was supposed to serve multiple functions. The first was to remember those killed and the second was to help the country and the State of Arizona cope with and recover from the tragedy. Now, if you want to say that the rally focused too much on the latter at the expense of the former, that's fine. But it wasn't some big political rally. Not only were Obama, Jan Brewer and Janet Napolitano there, but also John McCain and former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Conner. Not a random list, by any stretch of the imagination, but probably the most significant figures in Arizona politics and 3 out of 4 I mentioned are Republicans.
My big critique of the media coverage of the event was that that the other people who were killed, who weren't federal judges or congressional aides or little girls, were basically overshadowed by the other victims. I actually agree that there was too much jubilation in the room given how many people were killed, but Congresswoman Giffords' recovery is very good news, regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, and her husband gave President Obama the permission to make mention of it at the memorial, to great applause. I guess the lesson to learn from this is to never hop on the same plane as a Congressperson. If it crashes, the title on the front page of the New York Times the next day will be, "Congressman, 193 others die in plane crash."
So the tone and tenor may have been off in an attempt to cheer people up after such a horrific event, true, but the insinuation that Obama was claiming any credit for her recovery is just batshit nuts.