Club 600


Well-Known Member
Ah, okay, so that's what the hose was guys call it a you not also call cars whips? Okay, so plug hose into socket, put weed in top, then what? Can you increase/decrease temps, how do you know when to vape...sorry for the Q's, just never really got into the whole vape thing.


Well-Known Member
Ah well, thanks G, we'll keep looking, although I am in the Netherlands which is another country to the UK! lol


Well-Known Member
There's a couple of stores near me that sell dry ice. Maybe I'll give that a try since I've only done the ice/water method with bubble bags and the alcohol extraction methods so far. I made a tincture with alcohol and I also let the alcohol evaporate off once to make oil. I didn't get to try the oil though since my brother saw it and insisted I let him buy it from me. He said he'd heard about it and it was the only MJ related thing he'd never had the opportunity to try so I let him take it and he said it knocked him on his ass.
I've only used the bags twice so far and am still getting the hang of it. I don't think I got nearly the yield that you guys do out of it but what I did get was really nice so I now have a glass piece that I use only for hash.

Like McDonalds, I'm lovin it, haha!!


Well-Known Member
I take it from the purchasing of dry ice you guys got the same smile on your face as I did when he started shaking that can. Look at all the goodness falling out of that thing!


Well-Known Member
Ah well, thanks G, we'll keep looking, although I am in the Netherlands which is another country to the UK! lol
yea i
when i was workin at the cold storage,i use to have to make some of the orders,and that was the main place that they would use.....


Well-Known Member
I take it from the purchasing of dry ice you guys got the same smile on your face as I did when he started shaking that can. Look at all the goodness falling out of that thing!
hehe, sure did, I was thinking, right I am off to do some now, then realised...where the fuk do I get dry ice!!! and so the story continues..

yea i
when i was workin at the cold storage,i use to have to make some of the orders,and that was the main place that they would use.....
there is certainly a lot of storage around NL what with the airport and rotterdam port...I just need to look, being lazy that's all G!!

Saying that, need to get my fingers working to wrap this cheese joint up...slurp.


Well-Known Member
Oh to have the life of one DST. Wake up, consult his own private menu, roll a breakfast J and then it's time for work. Once working, consult previously mentioned menu to select a nice snacktime strain for a J/bowl to get through to lunchtime where there just may be another J/bowl to be had and so on...

Needless to say, I'm 'green' with envy once again D.


Active Member
I was thinking about this last night but am only getting round to sticking my 2 bob in.

So moving plants effectively is reducing yield? I fail to see how a plant in a plant pot being moved is going to cause it to produce less fruit?? Please explain how this movement effects yield, I am really interested.

I like OD have to disagree at this stage of the discussion. This is exactly what I was going to say, the sun rises and set in two different places, the flowers and leaves follow the light (that's why in a vert you have funny looking leaves at times, sometime I think they get confused as to where to look)

If MJ being moved effects yieldss then the same applies to all plants I would have thought....and I have never heard of it, short of uprooting something out of the ground and moving it to another hole...but that is different. Anyway, I do try to keep moving things around to a minimum but curious to understand the science behind this.


you and me both buddy, lol....or is that, I am an ass, man! lol. I am probably that as well!!!
I did say that is what I experienced. I dont know the science behind it. My unorthodox way of testing was when I just stopped moving them around. I was really tired of lifting and moving plants anymore than I had to. That is when I noticed a little greater of a yield. Yield varies according to way too many factors, so I cant say that rotating has a negative affect. I can however say, Not rotating my own plants was a positive experience. I would advise, if anyone was curious, that they test it for his/herself and see if he/she benefits from one over the other.

Where do they call cars whips? Thats too funny! Ive seen vaporizer hoses called whips, not a car though.


Well-Known Member
I suppose I could od the same but I'd get even less done than I do now which is already pretty bad.

While you're enjoying that J, I guess I should get moving and try to make some progress today on something.



Well-Known Member
Another comment from the peanut gallery from me. As for what I've heard the rotating doesn't necessarily help things because it is not perfectly uniform. Sunlight is quite uniform, even though it does change it's angle from day to day. ALso light movers are uniform. If you had a plant on a slow moving (or any speed really) lazy susan type setup it would be advantagous I'm sure, but just moving your plants around, or changing sides from day to day confuses them and spends energy moving the plants leaves and stems toward the light. As far as I know that's the reasoning behind it, it's the energy spent moving and adjusting vs. making buds and resin.

Again this is what I've heard, but wanted to pass it along.

About Dry Ice, I remember back in the day Baskin Robbins used to sell dry ice in small quantities, might want to ask your local ice cream shop.


Well-Known Member
I believe that most of us here at the 600 have the same opinion, use whatever method works for YOU the best. Everyone has different experiences even with the same methods. Thats awesome that you get better yield with less work, but I try to keep as even of a canopy as possible, it helps all of the plants not having to have the lights higher for a particular plant. Which I must say, is not the case in my tent, I need to do some bend over of branches but they are doing so well and I don't want to stress them any in flower, fingers crossed, knock on wood and the like, I have no hermies yet this run, can't wait to be using all clones, and get away from feminised seeds all together. I miss the outdoor growing so much, never had a hermie outdoors even with fem seeds.


Active Member
Thats what I was thinking. My bulb is on the side of each plant. If I face a plant the opposite direction, they would have to bend all the way back towards the light.

Im going to post a picture of a plant, you will notice the uniformed lean.


Well-Known Member
Im not knocking your info, I may be wrong. Like I have said before, remember Im a newb indoor grower, my expertise is in the outdoor area. You guys are the experts to me when it comes to indoors. But again I say the plant does the same outdoors and the plant is not facing the same way at night as it was in the morning. So constantly moving the leaves and flowers to get the light is a natural occurrence. But the sun is also the perfect spectrum and awesomely powerful, that makes a HUGE difference. I can understand the idea though, you move the buds that are growing the biggest in the back so the smaller ones can catch up, which in turn slows the bigger ones back down because they are receiving less light, blah blah blah, Im sure you all get it too. I need to medicate, take it easy Club 600.


Well-Known Member
I mark the side of the pot that's directly facing the cooltubes in the vert grow so that if I have to move them for some reason or pull them out, I can put them back in as close to the exact same position as I can. Things are a little different in a vert room though as compared to having your light hanging above the plants. The lean towards the light is much more extreme so I think turning them would have a negative effect.


Active Member
Im not knocking your info, I may be wrong. Like I have said before, remember Im a newb indoor grower, my expertise is in the outdoor area. You guys are the experts to me when it comes to indoors. But again I say the plant does the same outdoors and the plant is not facing the same way at night as it was in the morning. So constantly moving the leaves and flowers to get the light is a natural occurrence. But the sun is also the perfect spectrum and awesomely powerful, that makes a HUGE difference. I can understand the idea though, you move the buds that are growing the biggest in the back so the smaller ones can catch up, which in turn slows the bigger ones back down because they are receiving less light, blah blah blah, Im sure you all get it too. I need to medicate, take it easy Club 600.
I know your not knocking :) Im no expert either, Im still learning something new every day. I hope to pick your brain this coming season, for some outdoor growing. Outdoor growing worries me a bit.