Club 600

Oil is so simple, just need to do it outside so you dont blow shit up. A few big cans of triple refined butane, I have seen 5x refined but its more pricey. A good extractor, no plastic please. And a pyrex dish to collect the oil in, a pot of hot water to set said dish in to evaporate the solvent, and a coffee warmer to further refine the oil. Just let the oil sit in a metal bowl on the warmer for a while until all bubbles stop, and your good. Should not be any butane left after that, just good pure honey oil. If what Im told is correct, because I dont know myself, the honey oil should be way better than any bubble hash I could make with bags.
Oil is so simple, just need to do it outside so you dont blow shit up. A few big cans of triple refined butane, I have seen 5x refined but its more pricey. A good extractor, no plastic please. And a pyrex dish to collect the oil in, a pot of how water to set said dish in to evaporate the solvent, and a coffee warmer to further refine the oil.

sounds like a meth
i could not do it,way to much work for me,but i would like to try some on a small scale...any info??
sounds like a meth
i could not do it,way to much work for me,but i would like to try some on a small scale...any info??

get a kief box man, they are cheap to buy or make, require lil trim or bud and all you do is place in the box with a few coins and shake for a few mins and thats it no water,ice,blenders or it taking half a day to make
Its about as small scale as you want it to be genuity. The extractor I want to get is like 55 bucks and is supposed to hold like 22 grams of ground of trim or bud. Bud I think thats up to 22 grams I don't think you have to stuff it but I think it works better that way. Not sure. You could always make your own extractor, then the size would be up to you. Im just not the crafty type.
The more work you put in the better the end product, its as simple as controlling yourself not to have flames around butane fumes. Also the main reason you do it outside. Its not hard at all, put herb in extractor, put lid on. Take lid off butane, press butane into the little hole on top, do this with a few cans until their is a bunch of amber/yellowish solvent in the bowl, place in hot water for it to evaporate the butane, and pour remainder into a metal bowl, place on a coffee warmer and walk away. Now how does that sound hard? It takes less physical work than using the bubble bags, just takes more actual time. I don't know about you guys but I let my bubble hash dry over night, so I don't think it takes any more time from start to finish than it would with bubble bags. Probably less, because once the oil stops bubbling on the coffee warmer, its ready to smoke. So about an hour to make the oil, maybe about 8 to refine it. 9 hours is less time than Im smoking my bubble hash in, start to finish. Its something Im going to give a try, Ive just never had honey oil. The bubble hash is great, but the oil is supposed to be way better.
get a kief box man, they are cheap to buy or make, require lil trim or bud and all you do is place in the box with a few coins and shake for a few mins and thats it no water,ice,blenders or it taking half a day to make
ima look in to one,i like the ice hash thats easy to make,but that oil,not so much and no one around here even no anything about some "oil".
Its about as small scale as you want it to be genuity. The extractor I want to get is like 55 bucks and is supposed to hold like 22 grams of ground of trim or bud. Bud I think thats up to 22 grams I don't think you have to stuff it but I think it works better that way. Not sure. You could always make your own extractor, then the size would be up to you. Im just not the crafty type.
The more work you put in the better the end product, its as simple as controlling yourself not to have flames around butane fumes. Also the main reason you do it outside. Its not hard at all, put herb in extractor, put lid on. Take lid off butane, press butane into the little hole on top, do this with a few cans until their is a bunch of amber/yellowish solvent in the bowl, place in hot water for it to evaporate the butane, and pour remainder into a metal bowl, place on a coffee warmer and walk away. Now how does that sound hard? It takes less physical work than using the bubble bags, just takes more actual time. I don't know about you guys but I let my bubble hash dry over night, so I don't think it takes any more time from start to finish than it would with bubble bags. Probably less, because once the oil stops bubbling on the coffee warmer, its ready to smoke. So about an hour to make the oil, maybe about 8 to refine it. 9 hours is less time than Im smoking my bubble hash in, start to finish. Its something Im going to give a try, Ive just never had honey oil. The bubble hash is great, but the oil is supposed to be way better.

ive made hash alot of ways but not yet with the honey be extractor, i still want to do it to see how i like it. its kinda like making it with alc. i made it with alc. and it was potent but kinda harsh really. i am still going to make some with the rubbing alc. though for cuts and pains
ive done the honey extractor a few times the stuff you get out is waaay past strong. that wax left me and several others in a state it not for greenhorns! ice hash is more work but the return is easier to manage. honey oil is a bitch to package
ima look in to one,i like the ice hash thats easy to make,but that oil,not so much and no one around here even no anything about some "oil".

I know about some oil, I have spent the last few weeks watching a shit load of videos on how to make it. I posted a video not too many pages back about using a bubble bag with some dry ice, seem to work well for the guy, and he got a shit load of kief using that method, hmm, Ill post it again. I think its a cool video, I want to try this as well. Hell I want to try all the hash making methods.
makes me want to get a few pieces of dry ice for my box. and i to want to make all forms of hash.
i was reading that in other countries they make hash by going out into the feilds of weed and rubbing the growing buds on theri hands to collect the reason then after awhile theyr hands are black and they peel it off and then sell looks really cool
I know about some oil, I have spent the last few weeks watching a shit load of videos on how to make it. I posted a video not too many pages back about using a bubble bag with some dry ice, seem to work well for the guy, and he got a shit load of kief using that method, hmm, Ill post it again. I think its a cool video, I want to try this as well. Hell I want to try all the hash making methods.

where do you buy dry ice from? what sort of store sells it because I am sure in the Dam it's gonna be a fekkin slog to find. Supermarkets are like corner shops here...I love it when i go back to the uk to a normal sized supermarket with a decent selection.

the link goes to the vape i am getting tomorrow. its not the silver surfer but it is about 90 bucks cheaper and is made by the same company and is almost the same thing, and after reading reviews and asking around it seems alot like the buddah rather then the SS.
it comes with the whip,all the glass, screens and replacement screens, a bag and i think a sample of aroma therapy. i am not ordering mine though my locla shop has one for the same price plus 10 percent off for ommp
looks the bag goes on that opening then?

the link goes to the vape i am getting tomorrow. its not the silver surfer but it is about 90 bucks cheaper and is made by the same company and is almost the same thing, and after reading reviews and asking around it seems alot like the buddah rather then the SS.
it comes with the whip,all the glass, screens and replacement screens, a bag and i think a sample of aroma therapy. i am not ordering mine though my locla shop has one for the same price plus 10 percent off for ommp

EDIT: Wish they showed you pictures of it in action....
theri is no bag it has a whip or a hose type thing, like a hookah. i think on this one though you can adjust it for the bag. im not a fan of the bag though, i like the whip