whats up everyone? bloodshot, i was feeling all those vids. thanks for the knowledge on the beat mining. me and my boy used to fuck around with some of that shit but we were ghetto with loops on a little cheap ass casio. i would love to have some of that equipment just to learn and fuck around with.
the monche shit was fire, especially the my life shit....one of my favorites of all time. some of styles verses give me goosebumps in that song. big up to the oc shit too. a lot of young cats dont know bout the legendary cat oc.
doc put up the ice cube shit. that was my favorite tape after nwa broke up and cube brought the fire with that. i played that tape over and over and my dad hated it lol.
dots nice post on the peedi and beans shit. peedi cracks me up. oh yeah its too bad the boys wont see vick im sure they would love to put him out before the playoffs haha. actually id just like to see djax blown the fuck up lls.

don feeling that chiddy bag cut mos def, has an ole wu feel to the beat. i say that a lot haha. the sway stuff was hot and gives me a look into whats up across the pond.
hope all have a great new years. im still fuming after yahoo gave me a 1 point win for the championship in fantasy football and 3 days later give the other dude a few points on stat corrections for the championship......wtf bullshit...i have never had a championship end that way. also don dont know if u have ever heard of the dirty sanchez dudes but they are like the uk jackass. i bought a video of theirs and i was blown away. they do some crazy ass shit and are funny as hell. i had seen their show on mtv a few years ago but it was nothing like the movie. keep the vids coming i got some lined up too. peace!!!