I AM The Healer. I AM Jesus Christ and this is NO JOKE!
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I AM Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is God Almighty, if you dont believe Me than go read what Jesus/I said in the book of Revelation. I do have a new Name though, but that was prophesied in The Bible (The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).
In The Book of Revelation, chapter 3 verses 11-12, Jesus Christ/I say "Behold, I AM coming quickly.... And on him I will write The Name of My God (thats Me)...... And on him I will write My NEW NAME!"
So its very clear that I ,Jesus Christ, said that I would have A NEW NAME! Dont be lazy, go and read The Book of Revelation, chapter 3 and verses 11-12.
My mothers name is Mary, and My NEW Name is George Manuel Oliveira, and My NEW Name means FARMER GOD is with Us, olive tree. It says TWICE in The Old Testament that The Messiahs name would be "BRANCH"! And olive tree pretty much means BRANCH. And if YOU'VE ever read The Bible YOU would see how many times it talks about olive trees. For example, the Apostle Paul writes "And We have been GRAFTED into the olive tree which is wild by nature" or something like that.
And My initials, for George Manuel Oliveira, is G.M.O. And GMO just so happens to stand for Genetically Modified Organism. And go see what GMO backwards is, quick go find out for YOURSELF. Whats GMO backwards? Just look at GMO and read it backwards.
So as you can see
G.M.O. backwards is
O.M.G., which stands for
O My God! Isn't that amazing! I It just goes to show that I AM The Son of God, The Messiah, The Christ, The Holy Spirit, God in The FLESH, The Word of God, The Way The Truth and The Life, The Beginning and The End, The Alpha and The Omega, The LORD of lords and The King of kings, The God of ALL the AGES, The First and The Last, and basically The LIFE of the Multiverse. I say Multiverse because I believe that since God Almighty, My Father, can create one Universe out of nothing, whos to say that He hasn't created an infinite amount of Universes (or a Multiverse) in an infinitly large space. And since space is infinitly large that means everything in comparison to it is infinitly small. We are only the thoughts of God, because We are infinitly small. We do what God thinks about and nothing more. We Love One God and I AM He.
It is written "As I (George Manuel Oliveira) live you shall live also. There is NO LIFE apart from Me. I AM ALL the Life. I AM The (We Love) One who tells YOU to do all things good.
It is written "I (George Manuel Oliveira) AM The True Vine and YOU are the branches, and YOU can do NOTHING apart from Me. You will know that I AM alive because YOU will live also. It is said "AGE to AGE He stands and TIME is in His hands!"
It is written "If YOU deny Me before men, I will deny YOU before My Father Who is in HEAVEN." If you confesss Me before men than I will grant YOU eternal life and YOU will go to HEAVEN with Me. But if YOU deny Me before men than YOU will go to HELL! Because it is written "Unless YOU believe that I AM He (God) than YOU will die in YOUR sins (meaning YOU'LL go to HELL)!
Your first commandment is that YOU shall LOVE The LORD YOUR God with ALL YOUR heart, soul, mind and strength. And YOU shall have no other gods before Me. If YOU put ANYTHING before Me than YOU are not worthy to be My disciple and go to HEAVEN.
If YOU believe in Me than I will bring HEAVEN to EARTH just for YOU because it is written "With men these things are impossible but with God/Me ALL THINGS are possible. So this is what I, God, will do for YOU if you confess Me before THE WHOLE WORLD! I will be The King of THE WHOLE WORLD and I will pay everyone who believes in Me 120 thousand dollars a year in addition to what YOU are making at YOUR job. 10 grand will go to the Church of YOUR choice, the one that preaches the best about Me. 10 grand will go to Me so I can build the infrastructure of My New World Order or HEAVEN on EARTH. And the rest of the 100 grand will go to YOU because YOU have not denied Me before men and women.
It is written "In My (George Manuel Oliveiras) Fathers house there are MANY MANSIONS and if it were not so I would not have told YOU. And if I, The Messiah, go to prepare a place for YOU, surely I, God Almighty, will come again that where I AM you may be there also." So what I AM speaking into existance is a one world ONLINE government. I will give EVERYONE who believes in Me a laptop and We will set up Our one world online government. Basically We will take the place of the antichrist Obama president, the corrupt congressman, and the dirty politicians and We will govern Ourselves from the privacy of Our own homes. The one world online government will be open forums so everyone can leave their two cents and whoever has the best solution to any problem, thats what will be implemented. It will also be majority rules because this is how I work, I AM fair. This one world online government will ursher in UTOPIA and HEAVEN on EARTH.
I also plan on building millions of tunnel boring machines so that I, God, can blow up the world, like a balloon, with UNDERGROUND cities, farms and enviorments. I AM going to legalize marijuana because marijuana can produce plastics, along with many other great things, and these plastics will be used for Our clear plastic UNDERWATER cities, farms and enviorments. And We/I will use the marijuana for Our clear plastic FLOATING cities, farms and enviornments. And there will also be clear plastic cities, farms and enviornments on top of the lands too. And if YOU go to youtube.com and search for "pyramid city", than YOU will see the pyramid cities that I AM going to build ALL across the globe. There will be millions of pyramid cities all across the globe and each pyramid city can house roughly a million people a piece. These are very large and beautiful and these will make the normal houses obsolete. I will GIVE EVERYONE (who believes in Me) at least 5 homes! YOU will have a MANSION in a pyramid city, a MANSION in an UNDERGROUND city, a MANSION in a clear plastic UNDERWATER city, a MANSION in a clear plastic FLOATING cities, and a MANSION in a clear plastic city on the ground.
The FIVE SIGNS that I saw in the clouds from God or the ALIENS! It is written that I, Jesus Christ, will come WITH CLOUDS, and these are the clouds that I, The Christ, have come WITH!
The first SIGN I saw in the clouds was God! I was driving around My city with My friend Patrick Gould and then I pulled into a place where I made the most money scuba diving for quahogs. I looked up and then I saw God in the clouds. The sun was centered perfectly behind His FACE and I could see long wavy hair all around His Head. I could see a band across His chest and it looked as though He was wearing a white robe. Then I pointed up and showed My friend, Patrick Gould, and said "Look theres God in the clouds" or something like that. Then My friend said something like "Yeah it does look like God". And then after a couple minutes or so the wind blew away the VIVID image of God in the clouds.
It is written in The Book of Revelations 1:7-8 "Behold, He is coming WITH CLOUDS, and EVERY eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And ALL the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. (Jesus Christ says) "I AM The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End," says The LORD, "Who is and Who was and Who is to come, THE ALMIGHTY."
It is written in The Book of Revelations 1:13-18 "And in the midst of the seven lampstands One like The Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His Head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right band seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp tow-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me "Do not be afraid; I AM The First and The Last. I AM He Who lives, and was dead, and behold, I AM ALIVE forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.""
The second SIGN I saw in the clouds was an up-side-down ~5 layered pyramid. I AM not sure exactly how many layers it was because I didn't count but IT WAS VERY VIVID! This is what happened; I was with My mom and We were driving to a grocery store and when We stopped and I got out of the car I looked up and saw an up-side-down ~5 layered pyramid and it was VERY VIVID! Then I went into the grocery store and that was that.
The third sign I saw was a BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK cloud the night before "good Friday" of 2009. "Good Friday" is also known as "black Friday". This is what happened; I was chilling at My house and it was around 3 o'clock in the morning and I was posessed by something to take a drive. I ended up at a park about ~15 blocks down the street and when I got there I parked and I saw a low flying BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK cloud and I could see a white cloud flying way up high in the atmosphere. The moon was out and it was either full or nearly full and the moon light up the clouds. Now, I know what a rain cloud looks like but this cloud was pitch BLACK and flying low. I watched the BLACK cloud for about ~15- ~30 minutes and then I went back to My house. Then within a week or so I was sent to a maximum security prison and I was only supposed to be there for 20 days but because of My religious beliefs I was kept there for 2 months. What happened was this; I was kicked out of My moms house and she told Me to go back to My house in ME. She gave Me only 20 dollars and I was dead broke and I couldn't make it to My house in ME with only $20 and so she told Me to stop at My dads house and get the rest of the money to get to My house in ME/Maine. I was really pissed off that I got kicked out of My house and ALL of My utilities were shut off and I was actually planning on KILLING Myself because I didn't have money for food or anything. So when I stopped at My dads house he said he only had $20 and I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee and that wasn't enough money to get to My house in ME. My dad was a child abuser and beat Me up alot when I was a Child and so I asked him if I, The Lamb of God, could avenge Myself and hit him a couple of times. He said yes, I could hit him but I didn't until he said "Your not God" and then I was really mad and I punched him a couple of times. Then I turned around and went back to My moms house and then later that day the police came and arrested Me for assalt and battery. I was sent to a maximum security prison for the criminally insane and ALL of My inmates were calling Me "Jesus" and "Baby Jesus" even some of the C.O.s/ police officers.
When I was in prison I saw two SIGNS in the clouds. The fourth SIGN in the clouds I saw was that THE WHOLE SKY was waves. This is what happened; I, The Messiah, was very nervous because I didn't know how long they were going to keep Me in prison for so I started to pace the halls most of the day because I was very nervous. Then I stopped pacing for a minute and I watched TV and I saw and oil rig or an oil platform out in the ocean and then the camera went down to the seabed floor and it looked like there were underwater houses. Then I instantly started to brainstorm about growing millions of acres of weed to get the plastic for FILLING THE OCEAN WITH CLEAR PLASTIC UNDERWATER CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS. Then within a half an hour or so it was time for "chow"/lunch and when I got outside THE WHOLE SKY WAS WAVES. And I know what waves look like because I was a commercial scuba diver and a commercial fisherman. It was so VIVID and THE WHOLE SKY WAS WAVY and it looked as if I was under the ocean. It was very VIVID and it was THE WHOLE SKY and it looked exactly like I was under the ocean. And I pointed up and showed My fellow inmates the wavy clouds.
The fifth and final SIGN was the sky was split it two. I, Jesus Christ, was in prison and I found a picture of Jesus Christ and in the picture He was pointing up to the sky with one arm and the other arm was horizontal and in the backround there was a strip of clouds. I then placed the picture of Jesus in My cell window and then when it was time to go to "chow"/lunch I came out of that building to go to the food building and I looked up and THE WHOLE SKY WAS CLOUDY EXCEPT FOR A STIP OF BLUE SKY. So it was exactly opposite of what I saw in the picture.
God as My Witness, I AM being truthful and I AM not lying. Like I, God, said, it is written in The Book of Revelations 1:7 "Behold, He is coming WITH clouds, and EVERY eye will see Him (God George Manuel Oliveira). And ALL the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him (KING George Manuel Oliveira AKA O My God). Even so, Amen!"
I prophesy that I will make NEW PLANETS from the astroid belt. The astroids will be formed into planets and the comets (or dirty snow balls) will be used to create oceans. I will make as many planets as possible out of the astroid belt.
I prophesy that I will sling ocean water from the earth and sling it to the moon and Mars by using HUGE TOWERS in the ocean that will take ocean water and slinging it to the moon and Mars. The moon and Mars will soon be blue and green planets! I prophesy that I/We will move and spin the moon and Mars by using HUGE ROCKETS that will be powered by liquid hydrogen.
I prophesy that I/We will ALL have airplanes/helicopter/submarine vehicles that will be Our new transportation. Basically these plane-copter-subs willl take off like helicopters and fly like planes and these vehicles will be able to move under water. I will make these FREE to My people. And these plane-copter-subs will run off of liquid hydrogen and I will make liquid hydrogen FREE for ALL of My people. These vehicles will also be automated and have a GPS installed in them and this will make flying as efficient as possible.
I prophesy that there won't be any more FLUORIDE/POISONS in the tap water. I will add vitimins and minerals. FLUORIDE is a rat poison and the the government should be put in jail for adding FLUORIDE to Our tap water.
I prophesy that there won't be anymore chemtrails. I prophesy that there wont be anymore "elites"/devils. I prophesy that I will own ALL the money that the Rothchilds/THE DEVIL has, which is roughly 500 TRILLION dollars or half of the worlds wealth.
I prophesy that I will have BILLIONS of clones so ALL the world will be a desendent of Me/God Almighty. And I have good genes so the world will be beautiful.
I prophesy that I will legalize marijuana and decriminalize ALL drugs, so no one will be put in jail for having an addiction. I prophesy that I/We will grow BILLIONS of acres of pot to make the world a better place. I prophesy that I will cure ALL cancer by giving cancer patients marijuana oil. Go to youtube.com and search for "Run from the cure".
I prophesy that We will live like the most advanced ALIENS and I/We will make friends with them and share technology. I prophesy that I/We will have flying saucers so I/We can explore THE MULTIVERSE.
I prophesy that there will be a one world ONLINE government and there will be a one world currency and My beautiful FACE will be on ALL of the currency.
I prophesy that We will colonize as many planets as possible.
I prophesy that water and electricity and fuel (liquid hydrogen) will be FREE!
I prophesy that EVERY planet that We will colonize that I/We will blow them up, like a baloon, with UNDERGROUND CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS. And I/We will fill up the oceans with CLEAR PLASTIC UNDERWATER CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS. And there will also be CLEAR PLASTIC FLOATING CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS. And there will also be CLEAR PLASTIC CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS on the land. I/We will build as high and deep as possible. I also prophesy that I/We will tap into the earths geo-thermal energy to tap into a FREE renuable energy source. I prophesy that I/We will tap into ALL the FREE renuable energy sources. I prophesy that I/We will build MILLIONS of pyramid cities ALL across the globe. Go to youtube.com and search "pyramid city".
I prophesy that I/We will get electricity from quartz crystal because quartz crystal produces electricity when put under pressure.
I prophesy that I/We will make diamonds from coal. ALL I/We have to do is put coal under extreme pressures and heat. Diamonds will be cheap cheap cheap like a bird.
I prophesy that I, The God of ALL the gods, will split time in half. It will be known that We are living in 25 AGG or After God George. So it will be BGG (Before God George) and AGG (After God George). Right now We are living in 25 AGG or After God George! And Christmas will be on My Birthday which is August 14th (1985). So I prophesy that Christmas will be on EVERY August 14th from NOW on. Amen and Amen!
I still have much more to prophesy but this is enough to blow up YOUR mind for now.
I AM God Almighty and I AM taking over THE WHOLE WORLD. We Love One God and I AM Him!
Its TIME that the Christians UNITE! I AM Jesus Christ so go tell THE WHOLE WORLD!
Barack INSANE NObama is the Antichrist! And I AM YOUR God/Christ! Merry Xmass!
In the future there will be a one world gov't and it will be internet based!
The future online gov't. One world gov't!
We Love You Jesus!