Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

HAHAHA hate speech. Hahaha typical liberal response, completely ignore the facts and personally attack the person. Hahaha you guys crack me up.

You can say whatever you want about me and my family. We all carry so you pull yours, we’ll pull ours and they’ll be a bunch of shot up mother fuckers. Of course if protesters showed up at my home I think salt shot would be as effective on them as it is on stray dogs and kids rolling yards. Plus I’d have to sue you for defamation and use the government in a way you think it should be, taking your property and give it to me.

Was the congresswoman shot at her house? I’m not positive on this but I bet she post a schedule of events on her website. If I were a politian trying to stay in touch with the people I would.

If you yell fire in a theater and someone is injured there is a direct link between your actions you should be held accountable. Let me try to explain it to you. Charles Manson and John Jones brainwashed ordered people to do terrible things. They belong in jail for their actions; of course Jones is dead but still.

Sara Palin didn’t order anyone to attack anyone. She never even suggested it. Even if the guy had been a big supporter of hers I would not hold her responsible as long as she didn't order it or strongly suggest it. The crazy person who did the deed is the responsible party. Are we all supposed to walk around on egg shells because some crazy might react negatively? Oh and the ad was taking aim on the congresswoman’s district not her.
wow we got us a real internet gangster..whole family packin ...even the let me ask again....if I posted how to make a bomb online and someone made a bomb..I'm I responsible for my post
The most over looked weapon in anyones arsonal is the mind.
It is the single best weapon we have. no permit required.
Some use thiers to kill. Some use it to blame the innocent.
Most though, are still in the wrapper, having never been used
She never even suggested it.

"Don't retreat, RELOAD!"

"In the battle, set your sights on next season’s targets! From the shot across the bow – the first second’s tip-off – your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs*, so you must execute strong defensive tactics. You won’t win only playing defense, so get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons – your Big Guns – to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win."



"We need to realize that the rhetoric, and the firing people up and ... for example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, the way she has it depicted, we're in the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they've got to realize that there are consequences to that action..." - Gabrielle Giffords, Spring 2010

‎"I wish we would all curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements and understand that some of the ears that it is falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statements may assume." - Nancy Pelosi, 9/19/2009
HAHAHA hate speech. Hahaha typical liberal response, completely ignore the facts and personally attack the person. Hahaha you guys crack me up.

You can say whatever you want about me and my family. We all carry so you pull yours, we’ll pull ours and they’ll be a bunch of shot up mother fuckers. Of course if protesters showed up at my home I think salt shot would be as effective on them as it is on stray dogs and kids rolling yards. Plus I’d have to sue you for defamation and use the government in a way you think it should be, taking your property and give it to me.

Was the congresswoman shot at her house? I’m not positive on this but I bet she post a schedule of events on her website. If I were a politian trying to stay in touch with the people I would.

If you yell fire in a theater and someone is injured there is a direct link between your actions you should be held accountable. Let me try to explain it to you. Charles Manson and John Jones brainwashed ordered people to do terrible things. They belong in jail for their actions; of course Jones is dead but still.

Sara Palin didn’t order anyone to attack anyone. She never even suggested it. Even if the guy had been a big supporter of hers I would not hold her responsible as long as she didn't order it or strongly suggest it. The crazy person who did the deed is the responsible party. Are we all supposed to walk around on egg shells because some crazy might react negatively? Oh and the ad was taking aim on the congresswoman’s district not her.

with that attitude, nothing will be learned from this, and it would be a wasted tragedy.

you are forgetting that enjoying the right to say whatever you want also comes with the responsibility of owning up to them. the right has been infused with hate speech ever since a black man tried to become president. whoever denies this just wants to revise history.

this type of hate speech, violent rhetoric and sensationalism is exactly what 3rd world shitholes are made of.
wow we got us a real internet gangster..whole family packin ...even the let me ask again....if I posted how to make a bomb online and someone made a bomb..I'm I responsible for my post

Your not responsible for the fact the guy made a bomb or what he does with it. Google how to make a bomb you get about 48,100,000 results. I've made bombs before as a kid we use to cut open shotgun shells and fireworks for guy powder and blow stumps and shit up. We figured out how to do it without being taught and we were 12 and 13 year old kids.
with that attitude, nothing will be learned from this, and it would be a wasted tragedy.

you are forgetting that enjoying the right to say whatever you want also comes with the responsibility of owning up to them. the right has been infused with hate speech ever since a black man tried to become president. whoever denies this just wants to revise history.

this type of hate speech, violent rhetoric and sensationalism is exactly what 3rd world shitholes are made of.

Wow hate speech and racism you sir deserve a cookie to go with that glass of kool aid.
Why can't people simply be responsible for their actions without them being a victim driven to it by something? There have been people who killed who stated the reason they did it was they wanted to know what it felt like. I heard of an old lady who robbed a bank with a note. She said it was in here "bucket list" of things to do before she died. (No, I don't have a link to that).
With the current "there must be a reason" or "he/she was driven to it by blah blah" means no one is accountable for their actions and there are no criminals, just victims all the way around.
Sometimes people are just bad, and do bad things because that is their nature. It doesn't mean they were driven to do bad.
If someone arm robs a bank and kills someone, is it his employers fault because they didn't pay him/her enough or didn't get enough government money?
Some people just want to do bad things to get their 15 min of fame in the news.
HAHAHA hate speech. Hahaha typical liberal response, completely ignore the facts and personally attack the person. Hahaha you guys crack me up.


Wow hate speech and racism you sir deserve a cookie to go with that glass of kool aid.

is it usually this easy to prove your a liberal??? i mean, since liberals ignore the facts and attack the person, then you must be a bleeeding liberal, since that's what you just did....

and BTW did you hear how Palin described how the media is portraying her?? yeah, she's actually using the phrase 'blood libel', a phrase rooted in anti-semitic history. the daily show is going to be the bomb tonight!!
"Don't retreat, RELOAD!"
"In the battle, set your sights on next season’s targets! From the shot across the bow – the first second’s tip-off – your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs*, so you must execute strong defensive tactics. You won’t win only playing defense, so get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons – your Big Guns – to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win."



"We need to realize that the rhetoric, and the firing people up and ... for example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, the way she has it depicted, we're in the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they've got to realize that there are consequences to that action..." - Gabrielle Giffords, Spring 2010

‎"I wish we would all curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements and understand that some of the ears that it is falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statements may assume." - Nancy Pelosi, 9/19/2009
Oh now I see where she said go and shoot your congressman. How could I miss that. This must be the first time any politician has uttered such words metaphorically. Here’s an idea toughen up a little and accept the fact that in a free society crazy fuckers are going to be able to say and do all sorts of things. Giffords and Pelosi were just playing politics as usual accuse the right of inciting hatred and violence to get votes. Both sides do it, hell there’s another map in this very thread with targets painted on it made by the dems. Guns are a part of our society, so are metaphors. Can you honestly sit there and say you believe Palin was promoting violence against others?

If people want to change the political rhetoric because of this incident I’m all for it. It never hurts to reevaluate personal beliefs and opinions. But for there to be open and honest dialogue this blame it on Sara Palin and the tea party has got to stop. I see no one to blame but the shooter.
Why can't people simply be responsible for their actions without them being a victim driven to it by something? There have been people who killed who stated the reason they did it was they wanted to know what it felt like. I heard of an old lady who robbed a bank with a note. She said it was in here "bucket list" of things to do before she died. (No, I don't have a link to that).
With the current "there must be a reason" or "he/she was driven to it by blah blah" means no one is accountable for their actions and there are no criminals, just victims all the way around.
Sometimes people are just bad, and do bad things because that is their nature. It doesn't mean they were driven to do bad.
If someone arm robs a bank and kills someone, is it his employers fault because they didn't pay him/her enough or didn't get enough government money?
Some people just want to do bad things to get their 15 min of fame in the news.
no link then we call
so, does this response make you a liberal then?

i mean, you did ignore the facts and personally attacked the person.

is it usually this easy to prove your a liberal??? i mean, since liberals ignore the facts and attack the person, then you must be a bleeeding liberal, since that's what you just did....

and BTW did you hear how Palin described how the media is portraying her?? yeah, she's actually using the phrase 'blood libel', a phrase rooted in anti-semitic history. the daily show is going to be the bomb tonight!!

What facts the post was nothing more than speculation and opinion.
Oh now I see where she said go and shoot your congressman. How could I miss that.

you claimed she never *suggested* it. i showed you where she did.

Here’s an idea toughen up a little and accept the fact that in a free society crazy fuckers are going to be able to say and do all sorts of things.

i have already accepted that 'crazy fuckers' will say all sorts of rubbish. what i will definitely not accept is when influential public figures with a huge national audience say this sort of rubbish.

Giffords and Pelosi were just playing politics as usual accuse the right of inciting hatred and violence to get votes.

accusing? nope. they were pointing out a FACT.

Both sides do it, hell there’s another map in this very thread with targets painted on it made by the dems.

i can gently toss beanbags at a target. hell, i sunbathe on a towel with a target symbol on it. a target is not really specific to anything.

crosshairs *are* quite specific to firearams.

But for there to be open and honest dialogue this blame it on Sara Palin and the tea party has got to stop. I see no one to blame but the shooter.

agreed, sarah, the tea party and everyone else is not to blame...this time.

because with all these subtle incitements to violence against elected officials falling upon unstable ears, it is only a matter of time. you know this.
What facts the post was nothing more than speculation and opinion.

you are made of 100% pure intellect harvested from the purest waterfalls of the swiss alps, enhanced with wit at the finest distilleries in belgium, and bottled in pure wisdom in the lush forests of bavaria.
you are made of 100% pure intellect harvested from the purest waterfalls of the swiss alps, enhanced with wit at the finest distilleries in belgium, and bottled in pure wisdom in the lush forests of bavaria.
That’s just what the front label says. The small print on the back tells you I’m actually bottled from the local municipal water supplier. They used the water hose and slapped gourmet on the side.
alec spoofs to save face after an interview where he says we should drag ken star and his family into the street and kill them , i can't find any of those clips
This level of scrutiny has surpassed asinine.
Here is what is going on here if anyone missed it:

One side said something needs to change in light of this situation, violent political rhetoric may not have directly contributed to this, but sure as hell ain't what we want to hear.

The other side says that nothing needs to change in light of this situation, violent rhetoric is that status quo and should be allowed to be the platform of a political movement.

*Note how I am not connecting this to Jared directly, just addressing violent political rhetoric DIRECTLY after a violent political event.

screw the little details about the event now. We'll learn what his precise motivations were. What shouldn't be ignored and glazed over due to childish detail and "gotcha" arguments is the topic of political hate speech and violent rhetoric in American politics.

If this means shifting gears from the connections of SarahPAC to the shooting in AZ than so be it. I will, for myself, admit that the two events seem to be independent of one another. This event is a violent political event however. That is totally undeniable.

Maybe I'm crazy, but if there is any opportunity in this situation for progress it would be to directly address violent rhetoric, firearm metaphors, and the irresponsibility connected with that.

Can we do that here or should we just argue about subjective details that lead nowhere?
This level of scrutiny has surpassed asinine.
Here is what is going on here if anyone missed it:

One side said something needs to change in light of this situation, violent political rhetoric may not have directly contributed to this, but sure as hell ain't what we want to hear.

The other side says that nothing needs to change in light of this situation, violent rhetoric is that status quo and should be allowed to be the platform of a political movement.

*Note how I am not connecting this to Jared directly, just addressing violent political rhetoric DIRECTLY after a violent political event.

screw the little details about the event now. We'll learn what his precise motivations were. What shouldn't be ignored and glazed over due to childish detail and "gotcha" arguments is the topic of political hate speech and violent rhetoric in American politics.

If this means shifting gears from the connections of SarahPAC to the shooting in AZ than so be it. I will, for myself, admit that the two events seem to be independent of one another. This event is a violent political event however. That is totally undeniable.

Maybe I'm crazy, but if there is any opportunity in this situation for progress it would be to directly address violent rhetoric, firearm metaphors, and the irresponsibility connected with that.

Can we do that here or should we just argue about subjective details that lead nowhere?

no thats what they do in the faggy countries. i am gonna say what i want, and fuck you if you dont like it.

first off, one second after the bullet passed through the congresswomans brain, the dipstick barney fife sheriff comes out and says it because of rush limbaugh and sara palin. the lead law enforcemt officer armed without one single bit of evendence, calls people i admire and people like me murderers by proxy. no, fuck you chief. your a fucking puppet who is not only a political hack and liar, your a fucking putz. how about giving the relatives a few days to grieve? and how about finding out what really happpened in the case before you condem over half the fucking country? you fucking nitwit.

now turns out the guy didnt like politics, didnt watch tv, or listen to talk radio. he was a fucking loon, THATS WHY HE SHOT PEOPLE. fucking assholes!
I think you missing the whole point of the argument here..Its the tone...We all need to change the way we talk...We all need to realize that you are responsible for your words...The point of Sarah making tones such as Don't retreat reload..or the maps with the gun sights on the very person who was shot in the head ( this alone should be enough to say all right we get the point )...and no I won't shut the fuck up...Kinda funny that you defend Sarah and her tone, but tell me to shut the fuck heres a link to the letter

The fact that it was a family member of hers that got shot, and she already pointed out that she was a left, makes this letter suspect. It is like she is saying "You made everyone unhappy, you killed my sister, its not your fault, but you should apologize anyway"