I love people like you that dose not even go to the seed sites to read about what you might like. Oh no not you, you want every body to tell you what they like. Is that so you can come after and talk about the SHIT some body told you to grow. Grow up and look what YOU might want to grow. So WTF you are lucky that their a lot of helpful people on this site but they will give you what they like.Damn 70 views and no one has any input? WTF
Do you have any idea how long I've spent looking up different strains and their highs on the internet. Ive put my time in gathering information, that's what i thought this site was all about meeting new people and getting their varying opinions. So if you don't have anything positive to say don't say anything at allI love people like you that dose not even go to the seed sites to read about what you might like. Oh no not you, you want every body to tell you what they like. Is that so you can come after and talk about the SHIT some body told you to grow. Grow up and look what YOU might want to grow. So WTF you are lucky that their a lot of helpful people on this site but they will give you what they like.