hey americans

Total Head

Well-Known Member
yeah denny's is pretty gross. our local denny's has ripped booths and stained rugs, rickety/peeled tables, the windows have filth between the glass so they can't even clean it and you can't see outside, just disgusting. i can only imagine the condition of the kitchen. once when i was 19 some friends and i were shit faced drunk and went to denny's at like 4 am and i chatted up some middle aged lady and she fed me her pancakes. lucky for me there were no camera phones. nothing good EVER comes out of a trip to denny's.


Well-Known Member
there are never any afro-americans in the dennys by my neck of the woods, they must be going somewere else here... I doubt i would notice if it was though, normally only stumble into dennys trashed,

Yeah the shwag comes from down south buddy, the north has some great bud. +1 on giving back bacon to you guys, that stuff is nonsense.
i think its fake bacon though, canadian bacon is just like smoked ham right?? it suxs on pizza, if you worked in a pizza place you know what im talking about!! that terrible smell....


Well-Known Member
denny's is great. i spent many hours studying and eating there between classes. they have the best pancakes.

stop shipping your garbage to my state and we'll take back our denny's. :-P


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can send them to Haiti, those guys look hungry, plus, they allready have the shits.


Well-Known Member
Please take that bitch Jusin Bieber back to canada. Ill never understanding how you breed up there. To pop out something like him.


Well-Known Member
Does Dennys in Canada have Canadian bacon?? because they don't here. I'm pretty sure they don't even serve canadian bacon but they should.
I doubt it - they don't even serve peanut butter. I had toast and they gave me orangle marmalade and honey. no jam, no butter, no peanut butter. wtf is going on down there


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else remember a Denny's having problems about 10-15 years ago for not serving blacks? I'm pretty sure it was a Denny's.