Well Here Goes Again


Well-Known Member
I found this on another site and I assume it was from Uncle Ben. So if you want me to remove it or un-credit you UB, just ask.:leaf::?:
I'll use this method:leaf:

Contributed by: Uncle Ben

You have several choices for collecting and using pollen. Males will show as a football-like "ball" on a small, short petiole (stem) at the node sites. Once the pollen pods form, they will elongate via a stem, droop, and the flower bracts will open. After about one week after pollen pods first start to form, or upon complete opening of the male flower bracts, the male anther's will shed pollen which will appear as pale, yellow dust.

Males do not take much light to survive once they reach flowering stage. Leave your male plant(s) in the grow room until the first male pollen bracts just begin to crack, and then move 'em into another room with a typical 12/12 schedule, this can be simulated with light thru a window or a fluorescent light fixture.

You have a choice of placing this plant in a very quiet room with no air movement, set on clean paper, or, you can cut the branches off, making a clean slanted cut with a razor blade, and place the branches in a vase of water over paper. Collect the pollen once it begins shedding by placing a glazed ceramic plate or paper plate under the flowers and gently tap the individual branches. Pick out any flowers which tend to drop once in a while.

The pollen will be like dust, so don't visit the garden until you have taken a bath, or you may end up pollinating plants you didn't intend on pollinating.

Collect the pollen over time and place it into a clean vial like a film canister. I really like using a paper plate held under a group of flowers, and then gently thumping the stem. After collecting the pollen, the paper plate can be creased, held over a vial, and the sides and edges thumped until all the pollen is shaken into the vial. Shape the paper plate like a creased funnel.

For a pollen carrier, heat about 2 or 3 teaspoons of flour in an oven set to 180f for 20 minutes or in a small pot set on low heat, let it cool thoroughly, and mix with the pollen to dilute it. I use a ratio of about 1/4 teaspoon pollen to 3 teaspoon flour and have very successful pollination rates. Store in small containers like contact lens cases or film canister, excluding as much air as possible and store in the refrigerator for long term use. Remember, it only takes one male to fertilize one female ovule, and there are millions of pollen cells in a 1/4 teaspoon of pollen so be sure and dilute it.

Use a small artist brush (my preferred method) or toothpick to pollinate a few of the lower branches which have fresh, white pistils, label the pollinated branches, and harvest your seeds in 3 to 6 weeks. I just cure the seeded branches with the rest of the crop, and tear apart the seeded buds with my fingers. You'll find the seeds close to the stem. Store the seeds in the fridge or freezer, labeled of course, with a little dessicant like silica gel or heat treated (sterilized) rice for long term storage.


Well-Known Member
Sounds cool. do we have to start calling you master daniels? :lol:

have fun playing with mayhem's balls :twisted:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Yep, that's my ditty written many moons ago. Feel free to post/use it, and thanks for the credit. The key is to dilute the pollen correctly and then pull only enough to use for one session. This will insure that the main batch maintains its viability for a long time.

BTW, what other site was it?

Have fun,


Well-Known Member
Yep, that's my ditty written many moons ago. Feel free to post/use it, and thanks for the credit. The key is to dilute the pollen correctly and then pull only enough to use for one session. This will insure that the main batch maintains its viability for a long time.

BTW, what other site was it?

Have fun,
Thanks for checking for me as I wanted to be sure. My plan is a dozen tiny glass vials w/ 1 rice grain & a bit of cotton.
That spin out thread makes me more confident in the pot #3 is in. My DIY Air pot lined with landscape fabric.
It was on http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/article-view-640.html&title=uncle-bens-pollination-method
Thx UB:leaf:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking for me as I wanted to be sure. My plan is a dozen tiny glass vials w/ 1 rice grain & a bit of cotton.
In the old days I would use contact lens cases for the pollen mix. Pack 'em level to the top of the case and screw down the cap which excludes most of the air. For seed storage, I got 50 of the small zip-lock baggies from a store that sells do-it-yourself cosmetic beads for making necklaces. I label the baggie, throw in a little rice and store the seeds in the crisper. Air dry your seeds for a while (depends on room ambient temp and RH) and then store them cold and dark for the long term. I'm still germing seeds made 10 + years at around 100% viability. Once you get a good stash, you should never have to buy seeds any more.

Good luck....


Well-Known Member
In the old days I would use contact lens cases for the pollen mix. Pack 'em level to the top of the case and screw down the cap which excludes most of the air. For seed storage, I got 50 of the small zip-lock baggies from a store that sells do-it-yourself cosmetic beads for making necklaces. I label the baggie, throw in a little rice and store the seeds in the crisper. Air dry your seeds for a while (depends on room ambient temp and RH) and then store them cold and dark for the long term. I'm still germing seeds made 10 + years at around 100% viability. Once you get a good stash, you should never have to buy seeds any more.

Good luck....
In the old post I found you mention sterilized rice. Is that some different than normal white rice or can I do that myself?

I snipped some pollen sacs from #3-A.
Here's what I did.
Put a towel in front of door in the laundry room where he's been. Dryer was on so definite negative pressure. Checked with a lighter.
I misted the towel and edges of door.
I removed him, held a medicine bottle up near a sac to snip. There was a good puff of pollen in the beginning. I snipped several that were opened and several that weren't. I left the lid off the med. bottle so they dry. I'll get some more in a couple days.
I put him back in his ghetto box.
I misted my arms, cloths, and a Bunch in the air. I re-misted the door before I opened it. I misted water in the hall, then in the bathroom where the Main intake is. I stood at the door where #2, #5, # #6, the SS, and new clones are and misted plenty more. I came upstairs and went into the shower.

It's funny because my best friend Mayhem I named him after is tall with long fingers. Hope he is as good for potency as my buddy is. He is up to a +300 lbs. Bench.
I hope this was enough to avoid seeds in all but the buds I want and on the plant I want.:weed:
1-9-P.R. #3-A top.jpg1-9-P.R. #3-A 1.jpg1-9-P.R. #3-A btm.jpg1-9-P.R. #3-A Close up.jpg1-9-P.R. #3-A sac.jpg1-9-P.R. #3-A Back in.jpg


Active Member
So did you clean him up and give him a smoke afterward? He probably was ready to order a pizza, throw down a few beers and crash! ;)


Well-Known Member
So did you clean him up and give him a smoke afterward? He probably was ready to order a pizza, throw down a few beers and crash! ;)
If he's good he'll get some fish poop. He was tuckered out. He's not done yet. I'll let him fraternize with a bud here and there over a while when a lady comes along who needs it.


Active Member
If he's good he'll get some fish poop. He was tuckered out. He's not done yet. I'll let him fraternize with a bud here and there over a while when a lady comes along who needs it.
Boy what I've always dreamed of. "Wow baby that was great! Hey toss me over those smokes, and, oh yeah pass me some of that fish poop! You just wore me out and I'm starving!" :lol:

Looks like you and I have been busy boys lately. I'm toying with some mods to my cabinet to hopefully solve all of my future temp problems.

Oh, and I confess. I went ahead and topped a few of my girls without getting your go ahead! The shame I feel.....:dunce:

Time for another bongsmilie and off to bed. I've got real world work to do tomorrow for real $$'s!


Well-Known Member
Boy what I've always dreamed of. "Wow baby that was great! Hey toss me over those smokes, and, oh yeah pass me some of that fish poop! You just wore me out and I'm starving!" :lol:

Looks like you and I have been busy boys lately. I'm toying with some mods to my cabinet to hopefully solve all of my future temp problems.

Oh, and I confess. I went ahead and topped a few of my girls without getting your go ahead! The shame I feel.....:dunce:

Time for another bongsmilie and off to bed. I've got real world work to do tomorrow for real $$'s!
I haven't check him yet this morning, but I know a poop cocktail will quench his thirst when he's ready.
You are the one who knows your garden, & pics only give us clues. Patience is hard to wait and see if you were right.
Never ending fun around here.:-P


Active Member
I haven't check him yet this morning, but I know a poop cocktail will quench his thirst when he's ready.
You are the one who knows your garden, & pics only give us clues. Patience is hard to wait and see if you were right.
Never ending fun around here.:-P
That's exactly the right way to look at it. Too many times people take things as gospel and it has to be done on a certain clock. The only clock we can ever go by is the one the plants go by. All we can do is use the clues in order to find a way to speed the clock up. But there isn't anything that will make a clock jump at light speed, and we all know that feeling as we stare for hours at our beautiful ladies. :)


Well-Known Member
I haven't check him yet this morning, but I know a poop cocktail will quench his thirst when he's ready.
You are the one who knows your garden, & pics only give us clues. Patience is hard to wait and see if you were right.
Never ending fun around here.:-P
Daniels you always have never ending fun and never ending learning on your threads....Much appreciated to learn from you and your threads. I have learned a ton form reading your threads. Thanks a bunch bro! Keep up the great work as you always do!



Well-Known Member
Daniels you always have never ending fun and never ending learning on your threads....Much appreciated to learn from you and your threads. I have learned a ton form reading your threads. Thanks a bunch bro! Keep up the great work as you always do!

Trying to document this one good. Never know if a breeder wants me to test a new strain.:-P
This is my first try at breeding.

On to today's pics.
The Purple Rain under the 400W CMH are still doing good. They got a normal watering but we go to 2 tsp. Jack's next w/ Apple Juice/gal.

1-10 P.R. Full.jpg1-10 P.R. #5.jpg1-10 P.R. #2 wide.jpg1-10 P.R. #2.jpg1-10 P.R. 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
forming real nice!!

yeah, he feeds AJ, next thing you know they will be having daily night caps to knock off the edge of living in a Montana garage in the winter!!!


Well-Known Member
apple juice the one you drink?
Yep. Been feeding the one named Noel in the FrigiDare 2 Indica's Infrared Spectrum Trial I'll harvest in a week or so. Dirtbag is testing it with good results. Thinking it's kinda like Molasses for an easy sugar. Chime in if this makes sense (UB, RM3, or others). This run on the SS I'll flower 1 with J & AJ, 1 control J, & 1 Jack's & Morbloom.:-P

The Super Skunk have grown and filled out a bit. Here's #3 with a ruler again. Over 1" since last pic w/ ruler. We're doing down to 12/12 by a hr. a day still.
See the difference with #4 (front right) from the others?
1-10 S.S. #3.jpg1-10 S.S. #4.jpg1-10 S.S. #3 w ruler.jpg1-10 S.S. Full.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yep. Been feeding the one named Noel in the FrigiDare 2 Indica's Infrared Spectrum Trial I'll harvest in a week or so. Dirtbag is testing it with good results. Thinking it's kinda like Molasses for an easy sugar. Chime in if this makes sense (UB, RM3, or others). This run on the SS I'll flower 1 with J & AJ, 1 control J, & 1 Jack's & Morbloom.:-P

The Super Skunk have grown and filled out a bit. Here's #3 with a ruler again. Over 1" since last pic w/ ruler. We're doing down to 12/12 by a hr. a day still.
See the difference with #4 (front right) from the others?
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those super skunk sure are nice and lush, well your whole garden is actualy :D