Club 600


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ghb, my OG Kush can be a pain sometimes but seems to handle the organic nutes like all the other strains. Full strength, heavy on the PK13-14 in the last problems. It doesn get PM very easy though.

I have been invited to try a smoke of some X18, seemingly DNA's latest Kush...I think that's what the guy said. Hopefully if the freezer engineer comes in good time tomorrow I will get down to check it out. DNA and RP are related i think.

i almost ordered it. dont forget to give us a personal report.


Well-Known Member
ghb, my OG Kush can be a pain sometimes but seems to handle the organic nutes like all the other strains. Full strength, heavy on the PK13-14 in the last problems. It doesn get PM very easy though.

I have been invited to try a smoke of some X18, seemingly DNA's latest Kush...I think that's what the guy said. Hopefully if the freezer engineer comes in good time tomorrow I will get down to check it out.
well the tora bora was some of the most body buzz i have got from any bud,(la con x pure paki)-tora bora,i been waiting to get these seeds,do to the fact i have not seen any grows..


Well-Known Member
well the tora bora was some of the most body buzz i have got from any bud,(la con x pure paki)-tora bora,i been waiting to get these seeds,do to the fact i have not seen any grows..
the name isnt appealing.. bet if they added kush to the name it would be on for them ..


Well-Known Member
Got my new bottle of Big Bloom in today along with my Bud Candy. Needless to say I fed them as soon as I could. They needed it. They look like they took in something that didn't really bother them, but something they will have to get used to, if you understand what Im saying. Just by the way the leaves look I mean. Any way, got a freebie with my order, this stuff, anyone used it? I want to it sounds good but Ive never used something like it, so someone explain this nute to me so I can understand what it does exactly. Sounds like it would be good to use for added nute uptake. It says dont use with other foods, but for seeds and cuttings, I dont think it means larger plants. Any help with that would be nice. Later.

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That will be more than adequate. Look forward to seeing the set up and feel free to ask any questions, etc.


Here's a thought. In most areas of natural weed growing the sunlight available never to my knowledge hits 18 hours light 6 hours dark. Looking at the himalayas, the Far East, etc....they got most around 13-14 hours of sunlight....peronsally I don't see how going straight from 12/12 will effect potency. Even straight from 12/12, the flowers will only start to really show as the nodes begin to alternate. I think too much stock is put inot the max 18 hours of sunlight....just a little humble opinion of mine. Oh, and I think from now on I will definitely be reducing my veg time gradually by 1 hour a day. It takes a week to do and when you are on 12/12 the flowers are basically kicking out....a nice easy journey into flower.

Peace to Wally, wherever he may be the young tearaway. Perhaps he was successful and got one of those jobs he was looking for! I hope so.

Peace people,

I'm thinking it's not uncommon for me to see almost fourteen hours of sun in the middle of the summer where I live. It might only last a few weeks but then we have plenty of weeks of over twelve. I agree about potency DST with 12/12 from seed. My first grow I did everything wrong, the whole grow took place in party cups. Anyway, the smoke itself was great and it came from some bagseeds I saved from some decent street schlock. Also, the nodes never alternated on my first couple of grows, only some of the side branches. I too do not think weed needs eighteen hours of light. I generally start them at eighteen for a few weeks then cut them to 17/7 and I have done some 16/8 before throwing them into flower. When I bust out some of my sannie beans I'm going to go with the light reduction over a three week period. I'll drop off two hours each week until I reach 12/12.

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I have problems with the kush too and I haven't even grown any straight kush, that is until this grow with the og18. I can't figure out if they are nute sensitive or if I wasn't giving them enough nutes? I didn't have any claw problems, just yellowing and even after giving them fish emulsion it didn't help. It could have also been that I hadn't calibrated my ph meter in forever and I know my water is around 8 and for all I know I could have been ph'ing it down to 4. That's why I live in flori-duh! I've been using my water from my dehumidifier, it has something like 19 ppm of whatever and I think the ph is around seven or so? I'll have to check when the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
Its Just another Nutrient, use it alone or Half\half with the big bloom
Were you replying to me? If so thanks for the reply, but I know its just another nutrient. Basically what I would like to know if the people here in the 600 would think it would be beneficial for me to use that along with the Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, and Bud Candy. Im a less is more kind of guy, so Im trying to add stuff to my feeding regiment without adding too much, and this was free, so Im not too worried if its a useless product to me. Sounds like I could use it for my next cutting rather than just water. Not sure though.


Well-Known Member
Since it was free I would save it till I need it.
Powder nutrients do not keep well and are sensitive to high temps.

So weigh out your needs, Sure is nice to get something free you could use.

Were you replying to me?

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Well-Known Member
Outdoor, sounds to me like it can be used on cuttings and seeds. With the high P and K, especially the P, sounds like a root stimulant and germination thingy.


Well-Known Member
wow, what's going on there duchie? please tell...since you have already showed. looks cool.
Postman came today. It's going to be a very good day! bongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

View attachment 1373678View attachment 1373679

Sure does LG!!!
600 club loves PORN!
Whats actually in it OD? when we mix nutes, unless there is something added into the nutes, surely we are just changing the available percentages of elements available to the plant, i.e N, P, K, and also micro elements, b, mn, mg, zn, cu etc.

I guess there must be something in these miracle bottles, all I ever hear is you guys going on about copious quantities of this brand or that.
What I am thinking though is, apart from the elements I mentioned, I am guessing most other elements are there for delivery purposes. I think what I am saying ism I am being too old school or should I buy into this, will my yields increase?

Got my new bottle of Big Bloom in today along with my Bud Candy. Needless to say I fed them as soon as I could. They needed it. They look like they took in something that didn't really bother them, but something they will have to get used to, if you understand what Im saying. Just by the way the leaves look I mean. Any way, got a freebie with my order, this stuff, anyone used it? I want to it sounds good but Ive never used something like it, so someone explain this nute to me so I can understand what it does exactly. Sounds like it would be good to use for added nute uptake. It says dont use with other foods, but for seeds and cuttings, I dont think it means larger plants. Any help with that would be nice. Later.
I'm thinking it's not uncommon for me to see almost fourteen hours of sun in the middle of the summer where I live. It might only last a few weeks but then we have plenty of weeks of over twelve. I agree about potency DST with 12/12 from seed. My first grow I did everything wrong, the whole grow took place in party cups. Anyway, the smoke itself was great and it came from some bagseeds I saved from some decent street schlock. Also, the nodes never alternated on my first couple of grows, only some of the side branches. I too do not think weed needs eighteen hours of light. I generally start them at eighteen for a few weeks then cut them to 17/7 and I have done some 16/8 before throwing them into flower. When I bust out some of my sannie beans I'm going to go with the light reduction over a three week period. I'll drop off two hours each week until I reach 12/12.
I noticed on the flowering heri's that went into 12/12 that they are on the 6th node and are not alternating, but both are flowering. heri is from sannie I think?

Peace, from a stuck in his ways, DST


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My clones are looking bad, to say the least they are yellowing. I can see some roots on a few, should I feed them something to bring them back to life? Im such a newb when it comes to cloning. I am almost thinking that if that stuff is for cuttings maybe I can give it a shot. They definitely seem to need something.


Well-Known Member
i use rhizotonic which has a low npk of 0.6 -0.2 - 0.6. But I also have a starter soil delivering nutes. I would say if the cotelydon leaves are yellowing then feed.