Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure


Well-Known Member
hey so i have no idea wtf this necrosis on my plant is. it happed on my last bag. almost looked like strawberry cough when it finishes. all crispy and shit...well i dont know man. flushed my medium. im using soil with a good amount of perlite. i have hard water so im told. its about 300ppm out of the tap. think its a toxicity problem??? if so id really appeciate any advice as to what this is because this plant is fucking smelly. been 12/12 from seed. this just started happing last week.

the problem starts out looking like this. then proceeds to this...



Water less frequently and don't pour as much water in as you normally would. Also use half to 2 third strength nutes and not a full dose, then watch it closely. In around 2 weeks it should settle down, however the affected leaves will eventually wither and crisp up. Pinch them off when they do. The energy the plant would use to keep those crusty leaves alive will then be used to produce new healthy growth.

I would also suggest you boil your water and let it sit out for around 24 hours before adding nutes to it and pouring it over your plant.


Well-Known Member
Less water, less nutrients. Remember it's a weed, it grows 10 feet tall in ditches with no nutrients and minimal water. Don't over love your baby!
do see how the top of ur plant is really thin and looks like its revegin it root rot all get that plant in a bigger container and cut back on the food just plain 5.5 ph tap water itll take ur problems away


Well-Known Member
i only water when needed bro. when it feels lite. i know my plants watering schedule. so i dont think thats the issue. would plastic cause root rot???
i found this out by reading and i have read 4 every foot of plant the plant need 2 feet of roots so growing a 3 ft plant in a 5 gallon bucket just dont work i grow 2 foot plants in 4 ft trash cans and my leafe dieing and yellowing leaves stoped


Well-Known Member
do see how the top of ur plant is really thin and looks like its revegin it root rot all get that plant in a bigger container and cut back on the food just plain 5.5 ph tap water itll take ur problems away
can anyone second this.

my plant just capped bro. its a very indica dom plant. that is the flowering leaves starting.
she is almost two weeks maybe three into flowering. so she used to look like this...


that ur plant and bull it out of what ever its in and like ur tranplanting it and see if all ur roots are madded up together and that hole ball of dirt is white thats root rot
u got root rot dont u on that big plant thats budding and thos 3 new pics of the babys they need tranplanted see how the leaves are startin to sag