Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

wow honestly i would have told him he had to wait no sense in fucking up the outcome of the plant because he wants one now.

yeah i kno but its cool. hes gonna give me some of his harvest coming up. my whole deal is im just not liking fems right now. if there is one thing i hate its wasting time.
yeah i kno but its cool. hes gonna give me some of his harvest coming up. my whole deal is im just not liking fems right now. if there is one thing i hate its wasting time.
i feel you.. but most fems nowadays dont herm much.
if its in the genes to herm its going to herm, not much you can do bout it man.

very tru i still dont know that if i had a full blown herm if i would cut it down or not, que sera sera..
lol, i think thats what im doin.. juss flowerin fast to get some done. but its a one time thing.

yeah ill do that with some of my ufos the ones where i have more than one so i can see if they are good enough to grow again..I know the p express and bb gum i got will get grown out and clones taken off from what i hear they are good smoke..
is it bubble gum or blueberry gum??.. i hae a bubble kush from bulldog seeds.. i heard they had some of the best entries in the cup. and there one of the first coffeshops out there in holland. hopefully that means good strains. plus it looks mad indica.
the blueberry gum from g13
you got your order already?
nah i aint get my order yet, but i hae grown out gigabud and super skunk from g13, a while ago.. they were alright. hows the bbgum smell.? and im snowed in right now cuzo, but i got u soon as we have a meltdown.
too true ive got a crackin DOG that had nutsacks on it thats now doing champion, swings n roundabouts eh. actually you guyd dont have roundabouts do you hahah oh well.
lol, whats a roundabout.. i dont know if its my eyesight or what but i never see nanners i always end up with a phat bud full of seeds like WTF?! i got for fingers twisted for everybody no trannies hermies or unwanted males.
lmao nee chicks with dicks round ere lad!

ive spotted a naner in the dog that did have sacks to begin with but i doubt theres a seed going to come of it its a bit last minute to mature. hoping for a few out of it tho

i tried to find a video of a roundabout but could only find people jumping over them or dukes of hazard styling round it!?!? wtf
East Kilbride, famous for it's roundabouts, hahaha...
lol,thats what they call some oil rig workers....."roundabouts"/"roughneck"

well it "roustabout".....[/QUOTE
coming from a oil family and having worked in the oil field myself you are wrong man we are called roughnecks man and a roustabout is a part of drillin a job
lmao what have i started here ..... everywhere i go random bollocks appears. or suspect field mice....

we got em too.not many but they are here in NY. columbus circle was the first. we call em traffic circles.

lol,thats what they call some oil rig workers....."roundabouts"/"roughneck"

well it "roustabout".....

lol,thats what they call some oil rig workers....."roundabouts"/"roughneck"

well it "roustabout".....[/QUOTE
coming from a oil family and having worked in the oil field myself you are wrong man we are called roughnecks man and a roustabout is a part of drillin a job

lol thx everybody.. and i was watchin bullridin earlier on network tv .. i was lookin for some football or somethin.. everytime i see bulls i think of u, in the most hetero way possible.