Well-Known Member
Hey Icannabis, the thread was to introduce you to the "Make it Rain" technique. I don't know how many weeks you have before harvesting the BMs, but you can increase their size by flushing them when you water them, then when they need watering again, feed them but don't flush during feeding. Repeat the process again until a week before harvest, then just flush them until you harvest. I flushed my plants by watering 2 times the size of the pot. If the pot is a gallon, then I use 2 gallon of water to water my plant. People think this is over watering your plant. Over watering is when you don't give your plant time to dry before watering again. Flushing is watering your plant with a large amount of water. Now we have to give your babies names other than shit
How about names that are unisex (both male and female). Names like Jerry, Freddie, Sam, Jamie, Bobby, Adrien. This way, boy or girl the name will work.

yeah I stopped by that tread seems pretty cool...thanks chief. I don't think I'm doing anything crazy. I think I might be a little under enthusiastic. I use good grow techniques and sound practice. And 12 weeks is great. I need to name my plants too. lol Can you help? I've been calling them the shit in the closet so far. I think it would sound better if they had names. I should give them boys name as many as I have had...lmao Thanks for everything chief.