This shooter in Arizona--"pot smoker"


It's awful that they talking about this crazy shooter in Arizona as a "pot smoker", because there's almost guaranteed to be some political backlash against us...

It totally sucks, because some of us have some serious health problems (myself included), and the powers that be are going to use this tragedy to further breed stereotypes that are not true.

(Whenever someone does something awful, why don't they start listing everyone's habits "that drinker" or that "cigarette smoker" or that "chocolate eater".)

It's ridiculous how much they signal us out.

Just venting :)


Undercover Mod
From what i've seen this guy was having trouble telling the difference between whats real and not. He was mentally disturbed.


Well-Known Member
Why would they single out anyone else other than pot smokers? Tobacco doesn't cure cancer, chocolate doesn't help limit neurological damage from things such as stroke and trauma. Alcohol sure as hell doesn't help with treatment of HIV. So why would they want to single out any other substance when badmouthing and keeping marijuana illegal is their way of population control?

Welcome to America. Land of lies.


I know...I just think its terrible how they keep throwing "pot smoker" into it, as if that was a sign of his mental problems.

This tragedy is so awful, and such a sign of how hostile times have become in the U.S., and I think it sucks that they are roping in something as harmless as marijuana into it...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm just a little surprised that the media (which seems to be leaning more and more to the left every day) seems to want to jump on the anti-herb bandwagon. someone HAS to be funding this because they could get ratings without badmouthing the herb. either that or they are afraid to get sued by mental health advocates. either way the answer is probably uniquely american. it's probably the governor trying to take heat off of the whole immigration thing. what a waste of perfectly good news time to spread such a message.
god i hate people. not the cool ones of course but the others. they will say that weed sent an already mentally fragile dude over the edge and now look what weed has done. they wont say look what palin egged on here by putting crosshairs over the officials district and telling them it was time to do something about these specific leaders, never mind that the very slim connection weed has to supposedly make some people schizo in apparently rare instances will instead be touted as the "norm" by the drug enforcement industry. its just a matter of them having to save face and keep illegal what the businesses that fund their campaigns say must remain illegal.


Well-Known Member
This incident provides a convenient vector to attack cannabis use, the 1st Amendment, and the 2nd Amendment.

All three issues have one thing in common: Liberty.

The fact that the suspect is a maladjusted, mentally ill individual will be conveniently ignored by the attackers.

When the trial starts we will see an insanity defense.


Well-Known Member
He was a "loner and dope smoker" haha. That is what made him go on a shooting rampage. Jesus, who even gives a fuck if he was a pot head. That has nothing to do with him going out on a shooting rampage.


Well-Known Member
Just a typical day for our friends south of the border.......sad really.......Been thinking about that 9 yr old girl since this happened.
yeah, I know what you mean, it's pretty sickening. think of her parents.

and to whoever said it already, yeah fucking palin. honestly, she seems so fucking evil. I don't know how her presence in american politics was tolerated by anyone, republican and democrat alike. some think she should face charges for basically asking all her nut job followers ( offense to anyone who likes palin...) to harass those officials. surprise, one of them got shot. in any case I don't think we have to worry about her being elected in 2012, not after this. probably not before this either


Well-Known Member
and to whoever said it already, yeah fucking palin. honestly, she seems so fucking evil. I don't know how her presence in american politics was tolerated by anyone, republican and democrat alike. some think she should face charges for basically asking all her nut job followers ( offense to anyone who likes palin...) to harass those officials. surprise, one of them got shot. in any case I don't think we have to worry about her being elected in 2012, not after this. probably not before this either

Now I don't like Palin either... but she is right... it is time to harass the people we voted in office who are not fulfilling the promises they've made.

We've tried doing it the political way, now it's time to get a little more hands on.

Of course, shooting isn't the right answer, but I've got no problems with a little physical intimidation.

Unless Gafoogle, you just enjoy the harassment the officials hand down onto you, if you like getting harassed then support these people... but if you don't like it, then stand up to them.


Well-Known Member
Nut case Tea-Bagger no doubt. Oh wait, that's an oxymoron statement!

I just thank god every nut case in AZ can pack a concealed weapon...legally! We should all follow suit. Let freedom ring.


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
We didn't have many of these type of things when we had real mental hospitals with long term commitments. Ever since they closed the mental hospitals except for the very nuttiest of the nuts we've had problems. Homlessness increased, where did you think they'd go? Not all, but a good number are violent and have visions, etc. I know I don't want a group home next to mine.

Bring back the nut houses and keep the true loonies locked up.

I know it is not PC, but as kid I could go out and play all day and my mom didn't have to worry about me. That is not the case anymore is it?


Well-Known Member
The biggest problem I have with this is not that they are trying to slander Marijuana. It's that people will now remember a dope smoking shooter instead of the tragedy of the deaths.


Well-Known Member
Now I don't like Palin either... but she is right... it is time to harass the people we voted in office who are not fulfilling the promises they've made.

We've tried doing it the political way, now it's time to get a little more hands on.

Of course, shooting isn't the right answer, but I've got no problems with a little physical intimidation.

Unless Gafoogle, you just enjoy the harassment the officials hand down onto you, if you like getting harassed then support these people... but if you don't like it, then stand up to them.
Also, Palin is trying to use this as a vehicle for her evil ideas. She is NOT right mayne.


Well-Known Member
We didn't have many of these type of things when we had real mental hospitals with long term commitments. Ever since they closed the mental hospitals except for the very nuttiest of the nuts we've had problems. Homlessness increased, where did you think they'd go? Not all, but a good number are violent and have visions, etc. I know I don't want a group home next to mine.

Bring back the nut houses and keep the true loonies locked up.

I know it is not PC, but as kid I could go out and play all day and my mom didn't have to worry about me. That is not the case anymore is it?
Dumbest post in RIU history, congrats! I mean seriously, you just said "a good number" of homeless people are mental cases that are violent and they are homeless because they are mentally ill.... Do you personally know a good number of homeless people and all of their stories? That's like saying "a good number" of potheads are losers, so if we exterminate all the potheads losers will cease to exist. Who defines what a loser is? Who defines what a mentally ill person is? Because their views or actions don't coincide with yours? Better yet societies? Who are you to judge who is worthy of living their life?

Now I don't agree with this individuals actions, but I am smart enough to know I don't know his true motive nor does the media. The only one who could answer this would be the gunman himself, the rest is just pure speculation.