Remember when......

Remember when the simpsons first srarted and were a short part of the Traci Ullman show.
they dont make music like they used
when i turn on he radio they take the same old songs and play it out
fucking auto tune
I remember when I was in Nam Cigs were 1.10 a carton and gas state side in 1969 was 30 cents a gallon when in High School gas was 15 cents a gallon. I remember girls actually wore skirts or dressess to school no pants back then had to be a dress or skirt......guys got busted in High School for wearing their shirts on the outside of off from school with zero in every class for 2nd offence. I got back from Nam and bought a Chevy 1/2 ton pickup with standard shift on colum and am radio no a/c for 1200 bucks brand new off the lot. I remember when you got it a fight you fought and that was it no weapons and most time you shook hands afterwards.........I remember going to the drive in movies was the main place to go necking with your girlfriend. Alot of babies concieved in back seat of car at drive in back in the 50s LOL. I remember when a gallon of milk was .50 cents. and it was real milk that you had to shake up to keep the cream mixed. NOne of this HOmonginized crap. Just a few things
I remeber when batman drank pepsi, and i rember when no one knew who jonny depp was, and i rember when reality tv ment cops
My first hack was the Pay PHones when a kid we would drop a nickle in the slot and hit the return button hard and you got your call for a nickle this was back in the 50s and early 60s when dial rotor was used and the bells that the operater heard let her know if you droped in the milatary we had pay pones outside and you call home when op said deposit money we would deposit it in the phone next to us holding the reciever of the phone we were calling on next to it so the op heard the bells and patch the call through ...reach over and hit coin return on unused fone and get money back...................LOL Hacking at its crudest
My first hack was the Pay PHones when a kid we would drop a nickle in the slot and hit the return button hard and you got your call for a nickle this was back in the 50s and early 60s when dial rotor was used and the bells that the operater heard let her know if you droped in the milatary we had pay pones outside and you call home when op said deposit money we would deposit it in the phone next to us holding the reciever of the phone we were calling on next to it so the op heard the bells and patch the call through ...reach over and hit coin return on unused fone and get money back...................LOL Hacking at its crudest

not bad i remeber when you could pour liquid right into a coke machine coin slot short it out and it would start spiting out cokes and change
i remember when saturday morning cartoons were worth watching. gas under a buck. my cigarettes were under 3 bucks, now almost 7 bucks. no cell phones or internet....or computers for that matter, only people with money had computers. tv sets were still considered furniture. but most of all, and i miss this so much, i remember when you could get any kind of pop/soda in a fucking glass bottle...nothing tastes better than an ice cold pop in a glass bottle.

edit: just remembered. i remember when there wasnt bottled water.
Im pretty sure collect calls still work.They just dont got them stupid commercials with Mr.T and carrot top anymore.
haha the only time I make a collect call is from jail.. can you make collect calls from a cell phone that would rule haha
same thing with me lol^^^and it isn't even a real collect call.
I remember when we bought a couple quarter sticks and set them off in the pay phones so we could get the change out them and buy a couple piece of shit prepaid nokia phones.
I remember spending the whole summer outside from morning til dark every day. Water came from the tap or the hose cause you were outside. People came and called on you if they wanted to play with you. No shocks on our bikes or helmets on our heads and usually barefoot bike riding was the norm. You could go to the corner store leave your bike outside and shop with a quarter or the money you earned collecting pop bottles for their refund come back out and your bike is still there. If your underwear was showing your friends would laugh at you. A fight was between two people and was over when someone went down or said they had had enough,,, and never involved guns or knives that shit was only in the movies.
Girls wore pretty clothes boys wore functional clothes....The labels got cut out cause they were itchy on the neck.