Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

You'll have to order the Quench online, nobody sells it in any stores. :(

Good call on the Coco, that's actually the ideal setup I was thinking to use the Quench with, Coco+Perlite+Quench = Ghetto Hydro System :lol:

Also, I've heard its best to use Canna Coco, pH neutral and already has Cal/Mag added. I've been reading that you need to supplement Cal/Mag in most Coirs, but Canna Coco is good to go right out of the bag. And I also heard it's almost impossible to overwater, which adds to the hydro possibilities. :clap:

Short Bus

Active Member
Yeah, my little party cups are wet but definitely not soaked, despite sitting in 2 inches of standing solution. I'm using Botanicare coco bricks with some ammendments for plant support, and honestly the water where I live is so hard cal/mag will never be a problem. I have to get reduced cal FloraMicro. Yeah, the coco dries and aerates, the Quench keeps the food and water around... seems legit. Might order me some of that stuff soon here, got a few other things to do first but I'm curious. Gonna try to update some pics later tonight.

Dr. Nuggett

I might would try some Zeba Quench on a couple just to see how it does. It never hurts to try. Like I said before though and I know I haven't been growing with Hobbes whole system just the root pruning buckets. But correct me if this is not what you came up with reading the thread. By letting the medium dry out it causes the roots to search out a new water source making the root system bigger, with bigger roots comes bigger yields. I have been hearing that sense the mid 70's when I first started growing. Also by watering with 2 gals. it causes more air to be pushed down through the roots. Now that being said I will be waiting for the data on what you find out. Now I have already ordered some for this spring when it is time to plant outside because it really sounds fantastic for that purpose.
Excellent points Doc,

And definitely something to think about. The main reason I thought it would be good was that I thought it could mimic a hydro system pretty well, and I've always heard that hydro is the best way to go. I considered it to be similar to the NFT style of growing, so I though constant supply of nutes = constant growth. Now that you mention it though, I do recall Hobbes and others in different threads commenting on the growth explosion after roots are left to dry out a bit. Jeesh, so many options, so many decisions! bongsmilie


Active Member
yeah i do that crop thing i just never knew what it was called ..i just started doing it first grow it just seemed to be the best way!?!? and it is i have tryed just topping and just letting it grow and this is the best way!

this is my first baby!! Five weeks into flower P1060090.jpg P1060089.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah i do that crop thing i just never knew what it was called ..i just started doing it first grow it just seemed to be the best way!?!? and it is i have tryed just topping and just letting it grow and this is the best way!

this is my first baby!! Five weeks into flower View attachment 1367765 View attachment 1367764
thats not really crop circle training..thats just lst...but nice looking plant anyways man...what strain is that?
yeah i do that crop thing i just never knew what it was called
Whats up JackBane,

First of all, let me just say, those are beautiful pics. She looks like a good producer. :clap:

As DJRuiner pointed out, that plant isn't really what we would consider CCOB'd, that's more of a basic LST job. Looks awesome though. :)

Have a look at this thread, page 1, post #8 :

This will teach you the basics of Hobbes' techniques, and if you've got the mental fortitude, theres about a hundred more pages of info, strain discussions, theories, inventions, projects, missions, rantings, ravings, arguments, philosophies, songs, videos and artwork that will keep you busy for a few weeks. :lol: My man Hobbes' has some wonderfully crazy shit going on his head, like a stoned Willy Wonka. He'll help you look at gardening in a whole new light, and may help you come up with some awesome innovations of your own.

Stop by when you get a sec and have a look, and if you like it, drop a post and say high, and make sure to tip your hat to Sensei Hobbes, let him know his work is appreciated. bongsmilie

Short Bus

Active Member
What up joC! Long time, no text. Good to see you around.
Yeah, Zeba for outdoor seems perfect. Looking at getting into the great outdoors here this year, we'll see how the recon goes. Giant outdoor crop circles... Crop circles in the fields...
Napier, nice plant and nice screen name. Full-on CCOB growing involves training the plant around the bucket rim in veg so the branches become main uprights and turn into colas, but what you're doing looks like it works fine. Welcome aboard!
Pics tomorrow. I swear.
Love the thread Short and am loving your Jilly bean smell in 12.12, nice.

Thanks for the info on the crop circles, I am just now looking into it and have the rest of the winter to try something for my self.

Short Bus

Active Member
Nice. You'll have to let me know when you try a circle, I'm already trying to come up with a bucket hydro/CC system and I'm sure you'd have some ideas. Been thinking about your 3-banger bucket system, some small eye-hook for tie down points, a moving light... could be huge.


Well-Known Member
hey short..dont know if you remember or not...but when you first started this thread i posted a thing about wondering if one could pull off a ccob in a party cup....well ive got 2 of them going now...each one is going to have at least 25 colas to made its look like a mini sog..but all in all it does work..hope you dont mind me posting pics here...but i thought you would get a kick out of this....

Great work Ruiner!

Those little babies look awesome! Looks like you may get a nice little bit of weight out of those when they're all done. Now that you've done the technique yourself :

1. What do you think about it?
2. Do you think you'll see yield improvements?
3. 25 colas?! Good God, man! In that little cup? Amazing. How tall did they get before you started training?
4. Have you thanked Hobbes yet? :lol: Drop our boy a little +rep if you dig it, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. bongsmilie

Great work DJ!


Well-Known Member
Great work Ruiner!

Those little babies look awesome! Looks like you may get a nice little bit of weight out of those when they're all done. Now that you've done the technique yourself :

1. What do you think about it?
2. Do you think you'll see yield improvements?
3. 25 colas?! Good God, man! In that little cup? Amazing. How tall did they get before you started training?
4. Have you thanked Hobbes yet? :lol: Drop our boy a little +rep if you dig it, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. bongsmilie

Great work DJ!
so far i love doing it this way...and i like the fact that it makes a little clone factory if i ever want to take any clones....and hell yeah its going to improve yield...last party cup i did i got about 29 grams off of it...i should easily double that this time...i wont have the giant top cola like before,but ill have a ton of medium sized colas...and at least 25 colas.....i topped them not to long ago so when that starts to grow in i might get more then that....and i did it a little different...there would be no way to grow it then train it..if i waited to train it i would snap the stem trying to bend it in that tight of i first trained it at about 4 inches tall...then 4-5 days later i would bend and tie,4-5 days after that bend and tie...i would just let the top grow enough to bend it and tie it about every 1"-2" then after the last time i tied it down after it went all the way around the top of the cup...i topped it was trained as it grew...instead of growing it then training it....and hobbes and short has gotten a ton of rep from me...i rep them both whenever i can
but thanks man...this was more for just growing for me and my girl..not to i grow in some weird ass ways...i would get bored just planting seeds and feeding them...i like to play around with my plants...pure hobby for me

Short Bus

Active Member
Sweet, those are freaking adorable! I love it. What's your grow method, some kind of hydro? Or do you just feed em daily? Either way, bravo, nothing better than the adaptibility of growing dope. And post pics whenever, we're working on the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Sweet, those are freaking adorable! I love it. What's your grow method, some kind of hydro? Or do you just feed em daily? Either way, bravo, nothing better than the adaptibility of growing dope. And post pics whenever, we're working on the same thing.
they are all in MG organic soil with added peat moss and perlite...and all they are fed is jacks classic grow/bloom daily and epsom salt once a week.. and i flush them once a week....only downside is the 1-2 daily feedings...but me something to do

Short Bus

Active Member
Figured I better keep my promise and post some pics. I pulled my biggest Super Skiunk out for a photo shoot, and threw in an overview of my perpetual staging process.

That thing will explode ove the next 2 weeks or so. I love Super Skunk. The room's not full yet, I pull em as fast as I put em in. I guess as long as I have 2 buckets to pull every week or so it doesn't matter. Here's my tent, one side at a time.

And my robot light. I know, my reflector sucks. That's one of the reasons I'm ordering a 1000w next week. Plant roids!

Ok, staging. I put 2 buckets into flower every 8 days. That adds up to 64 days of flower max before I need the space. Well, once the room's full. This Jack the Ripper is 5 days into flower, still pretty small.

Here's an OG at 13 days. Not all strains stretch this much, but most of my garden is sativa-dom so most of it does.

This Sour Grape is 23. It just got a pruning. I'm very familiar with the physiology of plants and all thedata on why deleafing is bad, but all my best yields have come from plants I pruned or plants that dropped most of their leaves on their own. Bud site + light equals bud. Bud site - light equals larf for the hash weed pile.

Here's my last GDP. I know Ruiner's gonna yell at me, but this is the slowest vegging plant I've ever seen and it is fucking candy to mites. My Mountain Bastard pheno#2 is a DANK indica pheno with explosive root growth, and I have Bubba Kush and Northern Lights waiting in the wings. That's enough (too much) indica for me. GDP is also candy when you smoke it. In fact, before I retire my GDP, I'm gonna share this with you guys, cuz you're my folks. I gotta be vague for legal reasons, but the story goes... I'm in music. Don't listen to it, it's horrible stuff. I played an opening spot for 1 stop on the Wu-nited States tour a couple months ago, headlined by Masta Killa and Inspectah Deck. It wasn't in CA, so don't bother trying to track me down. ;-)
The show was sick, but the best part was providing Masta Killah with my last 1/8 of GDP for a pre-set blunt. He smelled it, told me I was a "fuckin chemist, man" and gave me a hug. Swear to God, I about crapped my pants. Anyway, that said, here's my last tiny little GDP, at 38 days.

The GDP and Super SKunk at the beginning are my oldest plants right now. They went in as soon as I got my new room, but there was a big gap between those and the preceding batch due to space in the old room. The Super will be done soon, but that GDP has about 4 more weeks to go. I'll keep the pics coming more often, it's just been crazy. Holidays, school, pregnant wife, overly complex garden... excuses, excuses.


Well-Known Member
DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i want that GDP...hahahaha....but its looking great bro...when i dont have to keep shit so stealthy i hope to have a grow op looking like that sour grape also...been wanting to try that stuff...but we dont get any of that down here in the swamp...will have to grow some of that shit if i want it...nice man...your gonna have a few killer harvest coming soon

Short Bus

Active Member
Can't get to flower without veg. In fact, veg is where all the important stuff happens. An underprepped plant does poorly in bloom. So here's a few things I do to make sure my little veggies turn into bud machines.

Clones-I don't do anything special with clones. Cut, soak, gel, stick in a rapid rooter and wait. I usually see roots within 5-7 days. The biggest step for cloning is caring for the moms.

Ghetto Hydro! Saladman, this one's for you. I've been doing this for about a week and a half. It's just veg nutes in a tray with an airstone, and plantlets in coco and root pruning cups. Works like a charm so far, but I think for best results in root development, I'll want to alternate between the ghetto hydro tub and a plain tray, to dry and encourage rootsplosion. So I think I'll be alternating my 10 oz starter cups with my 16 oz cups. I'm working on arranging things so I can veg buckets downstairs and keep all three sizes of pre-bucket veglings upstairs. Things are a little crazy at the moment, we'll see.

Results after 5 days or so.

Here's my experimental DWC roots, about 2 weeks in. Hoping the growth up top starts catching up to the root growth soon. By the way, the myco I run turns the water gray, hence the root color.

And the jungle that is downstairs. Here are my 32 oz root pruning containers, my mom plants and 2 giant buckets of stem and cola waiting to go in on Sunday.

I go through so many stages beause it creates a ridiculous rootball that will explode in all directions once it hits a bucket of soil. It also gives the little buggers time to get big and branch out before I tie em down. I was thinking about posting something on the way I've been making my "coco from scratch, as I've been having great results. I want to eventually do away with most nutes and just use hand-blended medium for everything. Subcool's Super Soil is working great for me in flower, but it's too strong for anything below the 32 oz plants, which get about an inch in the bottom of the container. Anyway, if anybody wants to do the whole soil/nutes discussion bit, let me know.