120 watts T5 Grow Ak47 Lowrider "1st Week Flowering"


Well-Known Member

ak-47 lowrider
1 gallon pot size
120 watts of T5 mixed spectrum
1st week of flowering
What do you think is possible for a box like this to yield? Should i add more light? +rep for any answer.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:Help me, i want a decent yield!!!



Well-Known Member
So i did the math and their is 17,400lummens of light in the box. this seems really low. i wonder if i could get more light from cfls?


Well-Known Member
they look very lush and green, you can throw in some cfls on the side to up your grow a little. if you want true monster grows, upgrade to hps next time.


Well-Known Member
Not only is your yield not going to be great because you're growing with T5s. But you are also only growing one lowrider plant... More light is always a bonus and it will give you a better yield, but don't get your expectations too high with that little guy.


Well-Known Member
they look very lush and green, you can throw in some cfls on the side to up your grow a little. if you want true monster grows, upgrade to hps next time.
+rep but i didn't need to be told to buy a hps. i understand i wont get 6oz off a plant, im looking to yeild upwards to 20 grams of one plant (once i've dialed in my new system). if you don't thnk thats possible let me know asap


Well-Known Member
Not only is your yield not going to be great because you're growing with T5s. But you are also only growing one lowrider plant... More light is always a bonus and it will give you a better yield, but don't get your expectations too high with that little guy.
One lowerider plus One more lowrider is Two. Two plants(for the momment, i promise i wont stop planting them)


Well-Known Member
Hey what day did it start flowering, I am wondering because i am currently doing a lowryder. Anyways, looking good so far..I'm not sure about the yield though


Well-Known Member
Hey what day did it start flowering, I am wondering because i am currently doing a lowryder. Anyways, looking good so far..I'm not sure about the yield though
Ive done so many of these with a 1000watter that i didn't even mark the day i started. They will generally start to sex after 3 1/2weeks but ive had some take as long as 6weeks (thoese are always the best)


I harvested 39 dried grams from just the top of 1 plant growing with floro tubes. Any budsites more then 3-4 inches from the light are only going to yield 1-3 grams each. Train your plant to be as flat as possible. With your light setup and a screen you can and probably will harvest about an oz.


Well-Known Member
I harvested 39 dried grams from just the top of 1 plant growing with floro tubes. Any budsites more then 3-4 inches from the light are only going to yield 1-3 grams each. Train your plant to be as flat as possible. With your light setup and a screen you can and probably will harvest about an oz.
Winner winner chicken dinner. Thanks Q3 +rep for giving me a real idea. I plan to scrog the box in the future. Just waiting for a Lemon Haze plant to get bigger so i can fim it and clone the fuk out of it.


Well-Known Member
Thought id update everyone now that bud is in full swing. 4-5 weeks left to go:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:IMG_20110117_114911.jpgIMG_20110117_114920.jpgIMG_20110126_104133.jpg
2nd week 3rd week 4th week

Bud Shot Mg deficiency? i added CaMg 5ml to my flowering tea
(sorry my flash is broken)


Active Member
My guess is you could yield 1 oz or more per plant assuming nothing goes wrong. But since its lowrider id shoot for 20 if you haven't been growing forever and improve upon that.


some serious foliage dying there, but the bud masses look great, they look similar to my 2 red dwarfs except yours have more leaves! curious what you end up with