your favorite munchies?


New Member
whatsyour munchies your high as the sky? :joint::peace:

ill eat anything as long as its good:mrgreen:

once, i got high with my friends, they brought a huge bag of those, cheetos puff chili, i ate the whole shit, i was like wtf? no more, and no im not over weight lol:roll:


Well-Known Member
You've never heard of Funyuns? They're a corn puffed, onion ring shaped food, found in the snack/potato chip aisle of your local grocery store. They're onion flavored and taste way better than cheese puffs. I personally think they're addictive.


New Member
You've never heard of Funyuns? They're a corn puffed, onion ring shaped food, found in the snack/potato chip aisle of your local grocery store. They're onion flavored and taste way better than cheese puffs. I personally think they're addictive.
haha, dont tease me with those lol
Steak-ums, though it's hard to find anything but "knock-off, non-brand name" "Steak-ums" these days, apparently they aren't healthy. I used to fry up a whole box and make one giant sandwich covered in A1 steaksauce and cheese, salt and pepper. On toast. With a 2 litre of soda. And possibly some bacon on that sandwich. Hell of a lunch.
Also, I like those iced teas in the tall cans. Oh, duh, and those "Baked" Lays chips, have to give those a mention. Not just for the name, those are some damn good chips! Although I always end up with room for a candy bar afterwards, like a whatchamacallit. Or a "resse's fast break", those are really good too.

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
I like munchies when I'm high that take me higher.. Bud brownies and more bud brownies = more munchies. After that a big plate of nachos with cheese.. Mmm


Well-Known Member
Anything with tons of salt. McDonald's french fries never let me down, although I've eaten straight salt before.

The girlfriend makes herself some instant mashed potatoes with Texas Pete hot sauce and cheese.


Well-Known Member
I like little pickles wrapped in ham and cream cheese. They're the shit when I'm stoned.
Tuna fish spread with peanut butter and jam, has to be made in three bits of bread and topped with plain chips.... AAAMAZING...

Tried it straight headed and almost vomited!


Belgium waffles with peanut butter and syrup
You cant beat that Dont try!
or strawberry Crepes!
or french toast!
damn... its all good.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha! My friends and I used to eat Eggos with peanut butter and syrup ALL the time in college when we got stoned. We'd all fall asleep and then wake up the next morning and make scrambled eggs with shredded cheddar cheese and salsa. Those were fun days!