Well-Known Member
I called you a loser for being a dickhead to someone online, and pretty much stalking him. And low and behold, here you are on my thread now. I don't think I need to call you any names, you are proving it for do have nice pics though. But if everyone was using your tact, they would be asking you for proof that you grew them......hahaha Funny to see you are still so hurt. I must mean a lot to you.
No not hurt, not at all. Honestly I read your Harsh comment and how you put me down and others and decided to break away from RIU and people like you. But how could I resist showing the guy who called me all these terrible names my beautiful garden. And also while I was gone I found new exciting products that boost your grow in less than 7 hours, but why share with a guy like you who seems to think the way you do, you know putting us growers down and calling us names etc.