Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog


Well-Known Member
happy new year laz, hope all is well in the garden. i may try that scrog technique in the future, my plants are completely bonkers, i've lost control. when looking at the SLH i always wondered why you have the loose fitting net on the top, after seeing the cheese i know why. cheers bud

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I'm pretty high right now too lol. A month or so ago on Dons thread we were have a discussion of our family lineage. I'm sure thats where you caght the scoish accent a few tmes!! I know the street and the number of the house near York where my 3rd greatgrandfather lived in the late 1700s before he came to America and settled this beautiful mountain which is now pretty much now raped by all of the ski areas. Oh well such is life,,,we do produce more than our fair share of snowboard olympiads,,,its a way of life here :)

Later mate
haha most probs bro lol i think i remember that convo lol.

happy new year las lad! im still suffering now!
easy bro the same 2 u, read about ur muscles lmao ;)

happy new year laz, hope all is well in the garden. i may try that scrog technique in the future, my plants are completely bonkers, i've lost control. when looking at the SLH i always wondered why you have the loose fitting net on the top, after seeing the cheese i know why. cheers bud
yeah i'll be needing them screens in the next few weeks when they start fattening up :) there gonna be str8 under the 600 soaking up the rays :)

Lemon Haze before the chop, some slight purpling going on, my temps have not been low at night around 18-20oC:)

never seen the dry box so full. only ever about 3/4 full :)

10 Litre Airpot 6 weeks 18.6 nearly 11 weeks 12.12

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
The roots look great for it being that long. Enjoy the fruits of your labor las, she's one to be proud of! Let us know how it is.


Well-Known Member
You only vegged that 6 weeks?? what the frick, I vegged mine double but it's like half the size haha. Crazy good stuff las.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
wicked job las looks great.
thanks bro :)

The roots look great for it being that long. Enjoy the fruits of your labor las, she's one to be proud of! Let us know how it is.
cheers :) its not to bad already lol but i'll let u know :)

looking amazing las, nice work bro
cheers bro :)

that hash is gonna be supreme
hehehe hope so mate :)

You only vegged that 6 weeks?? what the frick, I vegged mine double but it's like half the size haha. Crazy good stuff las.
hmmm didnt explane properly lol. the clone had about 2 weeks before i got it (from being chopped) but yeah them airpots sure do work :) oh and it was under the 600mh, which i prefer for veging :)

thanks for the comments and visits :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
wow bro, westy used 2 have a mammath quote in his signature, thats a BIG compliment bro, thanks :)

i'm thinking about wanting to find out what gram per watt i'm getting, is this possible with a perpetual grow? surely u cant work it out with one plant though, coz thats not really a fair test is it? (unless u times it by 4 as thats what i could fit but thats still not fair?)

i may hault my perpetual for one grow, i've been thinking about chucking a couple in when the cheeses are done. i might as well finish the dog and headband i've got in the tent now in another "room". not sure how exactly but maybe some temporarily built cab with a whole heap of cfl's? that way my next 4 scrog's can be finished of vegging under the 600mh :)


Well-Known Member
Looks like the method of putting the screen right on the plant works pretty damn good. Going to have to try that soon.

Congrats on the stellar looking buds!

dirk d

Active Member
wow las that SLH looks amazing!! cant wait for my girls to grow up like yours. hopefully. only my first grow but i can hope.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Looks like the method of putting the screen right on the plant works pretty damn good. Going to have to try that soon.

Congrats on the stellar looking buds!
cheers dez bro hope ur good?

wow las that SLH looks amazing!! cant wait for my girls to grow up like yours. hopefully. only my first grow but i can hope.
hehe cheers for the nice comment bro :) dont you worry young padawan keep on reading through threads on here and u'll soon pick up the info u need to get u by :) this is only my 4th grow bro ;)

with plants looking like that you may well convert me to 'airpots' :) you grown in other types of pots before using these? great job- lots of fat nuggies mmmmm :D
yeah i used the normal round/square pots diff sizes from 7L to 15L. i've done so many different things since i 1st started (although a few people say my blue cheese was best 1st time, probs the soil) i'm fairly sure they do something as i've never seen roots wrapped around the bottom like i've seen in normal pots just really dense roots like in the pics.

been getting the hydro out to get it started for when my mate drops the clones off. when i spoke 2 him he said that his blue cheese cuttings have not rooted so i'm a little concerned about loosing my blue cheese cut. he's gonna take some clones off his girl thats 3weeks in 12.12 and i'm gonna stick em under the 250mh at 20/4 maybe more light, hopefully they should revert. i did read once about rooting them in 12.12 but i dont like the idea of them being in the dark for 12 hours. your opinions please as always are welcome

dirk d

Active Member
from advice from seasoned growers one told me he takes his clones 2 weeks into flowering when he does his trim job. his clones turn out with very thick stems and very nice buds. he sais that in first 2 weeks plant is still transitioning into the flower mode.


Well-Known Member
cheers dez bro hope ur good?

hehe cheers for the nice comment bro :) dont you worry young padawan keep on reading through threads on here and u'll soon pick up the info u need to get u by :) this is only my 4th grow bro ;)

yeah i used the normal round/square pots diff sizes from 7L to 15L. i've done so many different things since i 1st started (although a few people say my blue cheese was best 1st time, probs the soil) i'm fairly sure they do something as i've never seen roots wrapped around the bottom like i've seen in normal pots just really dense roots like in the pics.

been getting the hydro out to get it started for when my mate drops the clones off. when i spoke 2 him he said that his blue cheese cuttings have not rooted so i'm a little concerned about loosing my blue cheese cut. he's gonna take some clones off his girl thats 3weeks in 12.12 and i'm gonna stick em under the 250mh at 20/4 maybe more light, hopefully they should revert. i did read once about rooting them in 12.12 but i dont like the idea of them being in the dark for 12 hours. your opinions please as always are welcome
just clip off any sex organs that are there. and it should revert. but after it roots give it intense light. this is just what i have done myself in a worse situation. so im sure u will be fine. the only reason i am even saying anything is because i had a prollem where my clone kept flowering. but i got the new one straight to veg.