Anyone else's new years resolution to stop or cut down smoking pot?


Active Member
there's a time for puffing and time for focusing on other things, if you're having this question then maybe it's time to cut down or take a break and re focus for a bit?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sorry dude if this is the case u best off getting a job

start off slow part time bar or something
Fome someone with not real requirement to pay rent, i can safely agree, start off slow. When you're used to a lifestyle of ust mmonding around high as fuck, going straight into 40-50 hour a week full time employment is an ice cold shock to the system, paired with a shit job and you'll be thinking about quitting faster than that


Well-Known Member
i plan to cut down in the new year i personally have a very love/hate relationship with weed no matter what the qaulity or price. it saps any motivation that i have to do anything once ive hada smoke i dont wana do nuffing cept eat, watch t.v, computer normal stoner shite and i been smoking most days the last 16yrs.

carnt carry on like this im almost fucking 30 need to fix up.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
"if you eat it in a medible it will give you a whole different level of "high".

Why do all people from europe look pissed off? Is it your weather or the lack of dentists?

You look so angry......what is 1 stone 3 in real weight like kilos or pounds? "

i cant make medibles at home

yes, our weather isnt great, i dont look pissed off. and the dentist joke really fucks me off. I can guarantee that my personal hygiene and dental hygiene are tip top fella (Y) you musta watched too much family guy to pick up that all brits have bad teeth haha

and again, im not angry, and real weight? last time i checked stone's were a plausable terminology of weight.
not a clue how much in pounds or kilos? you do the math. and no, not 1 stone 3. 10 stone 3.


sorry dude if this is the case u best off getting a job

start off slow part time bar or something

u will feel more self worth and u can enjoy yourself more as a result + u will have cash - i pay £150 for an oz better than paying £200 u pay buying small bits

and if u can move out u can then grow your own with the cash u earnt

sorry to sound like your parents but u brought it up - gl dude what ever u do - and listen to macy gray 'do something' when u struggling

or u could go with bridgit fonda's reply to samule l jackson in jackie brown 'damn girl its 2 oclock' ...... :D
i dont think i could cope with bar work tbf, social anxiety gets the best of me, ive done two and a half years at college studying mechanics so im looking to maybe get back to college to smash out the rest of my level 3 then move into stable full time employment :)

an yeah i know what you mean about having money and feeling good about earning it, a job really is what i need at the mo

and i dont wanna move out just yet haha, ive got it cush here so imma ride it out for another year or two, get some cash saved, i dont think i'll ever grow though, i might if i get a flat or summat, couple of plants an that.

i just wanna get out of my wake up, sit at the computer or play guitar till tea time, go to my mates get high play gta, come home at daft o clock, eat a shit ton of food, sleep, repeat.

it does seem that a job will sort me out, most garages wont even look at your cv if you dont have a level 3 under your belt :(
ive got level 1 welding in mig and arc aswell, and in our level 3 we can do level 1 air conditioning units so thats a bonus too

the buds made me quit college and theyre gonna make me go back too haha

Maybe its got something to do with the mother-of-all-terrorist nations fighting the War-on-terror and the war-on-drugs at the same time and we support it???

I plan to smoke more than ever. Why the fuck not


Well-Known Member
I just harvested and am starting a new grow as soon as the next batch of seeds germinate.

I am not going to smoke more or less, just whenever I feel like it.

Happy New Year to all.


Active Member
I just harvested and am starting a new grow as soon as the next batch of seeds germinate.

I am not going to smoke more or less, just whenever I feel like it.

Happy New Year to all.
hehe, we have similar new years resolutions, new tent and lamp should arrive by friday this coming week, woot!