Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

I know most people dont like to buy equipment online. but if ya gots a good homie that isnt involved in your project and can buy the products on ebay and ship them under his/her name, these lights seem pretty cool. Just bought 2 x 600Watt lights with a dual purpose ballast, both bulbs, and other equipment for pretty cheap. you can actually talk them down to about 235.00 a piece if you haggle with them. check em out, hopefully they work out good for me and you find this useful


and the best part is the shipping is free. god i love it
Hey fellas, need to take a minute to talk about the boys down at greenthumbhydro. ( They saved me a ton on a light setup I didn't need and told me what nutrients actually worked with where i was at. I sent em an email then ordered online. Didnt give em jack cept cc and address, had the stuff right away! Couldnt be happier. Don't remember dudes name who I talked to (maybe tom, something short) but hes chill. They know their shit. Tiny harvest this time around but crop never done better. Worth a look.
Great Nute prices. See:

Has got to be the cheapest place I have found for most everything that they carry. They carry Sunsystems stuff, ONA, all cheap!! and no shipping BS. Not spamming here, I just want to share and save U guys some bucks! Consider driving to the hydro store, paying full retail and tax.
I've been living up in the Bay Area for some 10 years now growing and have been going to local grow shops. That being said I just moved to Los Angeles and am thinking of opening my own grow shop. I haven't been able to find a good shop here or friendly service anywhere. No deals. Nothing. That being said.

What would some things you would want in a grow shop? What products do you feel you'd buy more than others - i.e. nutes/bulbs/cocos/soils???

Just trying to see what others out there are looking at.

Now why are you lying like that.That is your affiliate account and they give you money for making sales..
I just recenttly got an infraction because in the site rules it says no advertising and thats what you are doing for personal gain so be careful a mod will delete it and give you one as well...
Oh and be honest dont lie they will not get no free nothing..They are only letting you get free money...lmao
hello all i am opening a seedbank i am trying to get the website open for feb sometime some info on what you would like to see would be great pls pm me with some ideas and thoughts im already gonna run promo's every month there will be freebees with every order, discrete and stealth packaging, delivery aimed within 2 to 3 days, with a wide collection of breeders etc.... any new thoughts as i said would be helpful,


Exodus mission
New Years prediction....everyonedoesit as far as seeds go is over with...paranoid people? that is just anouther word used by thoes too young to appreciate how fast things can go from left to right.
State Library of Victoria and Old Melbourne Gaol

The State Library of Victoria is Australia's oldest library,
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Now what was this for????????????