400w Better than a 600w Lamp yes or no ?


Well-Known Member
Hello Guys,

Myself i have a 400w lamp which works well, now i've always been told that a 600w lamp is better because it gives more lumens and better value etc.

But looking on this light chart attached the distance needed for both the 400w and 600w lamps for them to be optimum an extra lumen of just 2228 of the 600w does not justify the extra 200w of power used or am i missing something here.




Well-Known Member
i dont agree...600 is more then twice better then a 400....i have used both and they don't compare..


Well-Known Member
OK so did you look at the lighting chart i attached ?
sure, 400 50,000 lumens....600 98,000 lumens. thats double the amount of lumens...you do the math...:joint:

i really depends if you keep the room cool and the amount of plants you want to grow. this will be figured by the height and coverage you can get from the light with out burning the tops or leaving plants on the edge of getting the full light penatration. 50w per sq ft is a better figure to go by if you want quality buds.


Well-Known Member
600w penetrate deeper , and also more lumens. what ure saying is just cause the chart says 600 penetrates only a wee bit more than 400 that its a waste? Like the bloke above said , almost twice as many lumens , u need to take more into consideration.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm only going by what the chart says................''

Now you seemed to have missed my question, the chart claims that a 400w needs to be 6 inches away, and the 600w needs to be 8 inches away for to be optimal (according to the chart)

So if this was followed then the difference in lumens at those ranges does not justify the extra 200 watts of power used by the 600w lamp.

See the chart and you do the math this time.


New Member
im not taking the time to read everyone elses replys.
in NO way is a 400watt light stronger than a 600


Well-Known Member
a 400 sunmaster hps bulb puts out 55000 lumens,600=95000 lumens,obviously you cant put the 600 watt light as close coz it gets hotter than a 400 watter unless youve got a cooled one.


Well-Known Member
make sure the light you get suits the space and ventilation you have otherwise itll get way too hot in ya grow space.


Active Member
The 600 may only supply a few more lumens to any given area, but will cover a much larger area to begin with. It is far superior to the 400.


New Member
if you have the correct air exchange then the 600 watt will not be an issue in any space that could handle a 400 watt hps. cooled or uncooled. when the air exchange is right to the area it will create a vacume in the room. meaning the door will also be a bit hard to open/shut.