What Do The Poor Owe To Society?


Well-Known Member
Everybody likes to tell me how much the rich owe to society...

So, tell me how much the poor owe to society. The poor use the majority of government assistance programs such as unemployment, welfare, foodstamps, public education, emergency healthcare, etc.

So, what do they owe society?


Undercover Mod
One more thing the "poor" actually pay the majority of the taxes in this country. So they actually pay for each others benefit they don't take much from rich people who get tax breaks unlike the poor.


Undercover Mod
unemployment, welfare, foodstamps, public education, emergency healthcare, etc.

Yeah cause those programs are only used by people on welfare?


Undercover Mod
I have a job and have worked since I was 16. I'm also a college graduate so tell me I rely on the system when I've never be given anything in my life.


Undercover Mod
Some people who have been handed everything in their life wouldn't understand having to work your ass off to make rent every month.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
your preaching to the choir, so have i the only diff is i think more of the scumbags looking for handouts need to do their part as well...the program is to help not become a way of life , some people need the help full time if so i'm all for it


Undercover Mod
For every person that wants to sit on his ass their are four looking for a real job.

There's always gonna be someone trying to get something for free. That's just how it is.


Well-Known Member
One more thing the "poor" actually pay the majority of the taxes in this country. So they actually pay for each others benefit they don't take much from rich people who get tax breaks unlike the poor.
The poor pay each others benefits? really? Where do they get all the money, the average drunken bum In Downtown San Diego accrues an average of $100,000 in Emergency room services each year. Wow , poor people sure are rich.


Well-Known Member
One more thing the "poor" actually pay the majority of the taxes in this country. So they actually pay for each others benefit they don't take much from rich people who get tax breaks unlike the poor.
Horse hockey.

The poor may pay the stupidity tax also known as The Lottery.

And they may pay the Tobacco Tax.

And taxes on alcohol.

But in no way do the poor pay the majority of the taxes in this country.



Well-Known Member
Everybody likes to tell me how much the rich owe to society...

So, tell me how much the poor owe to society. The poor use the majority of government assistance programs such as unemployment, welfare, foodstamps, public education, emergency healthcare, etc.

So, what do they owe society?
I don't like the word 'owe' in this context, but I follow your meaning.

From where I sit, the poor should take advantage of opportunities offered to each and every American regardless of station.

And seek to better themselves with the ultimate goal of being productive members of society.

And stop doing the same shit that is keeping them poor.

But all that is counter-intuitive to the government/entitlement complex. It needs poor people. Which is why we still have the poor forty-five years after LBJ's War on Poverty.

Progressives depend on the poor, therefore they will always be with us.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the word 'owe' in this context, but I follow your meaning.

From where I sit, the poor should take advantage of opportunities offered to each and every American regardless of station.

And seek to better themselves with the ultimate goal of being productive members of society.

And stop doing the same shit that is keeping them poor.

But all that is counter-intuitive to the government/entitlement complex. It needs poor people. Which is why we still have the poor forty-five years after LBJ's War on Poverty.

Progressives depend on the poor, therefore they will always be with us.
Just to expand a bit, hope you don't mind. Another thing that politicians need are men to fight their wars. Right now minorities from the ages of 18-24 have approx 33% unemployment rates. Guess where unemployable youth turn to in times of need? Crime or the Military. Its a fucking coup for these politicians, they look good because the military is all volunteer, yet they can keep the ranks filled by giving kids no good choices. War is a racket.


Well-Known Member
Just to expand a bit, hope you don't mind. Another thing that politicians need are men to fight their wars. Right now minorities from the ages of 18-24 have approx 33% unemployment rates. Guess where unemployable youth turn to in times of need? Crime or the Military. Its a fucking coup for these politicians, they look good because the military is all volunteer, yet they can keep the ranks filled by giving kids no good choices. War is a racket.
Good point.

And to put a finer point on it, the military has already met or exceeded it's recruitment goals for the fiscal year.



Well-Known Member
I don't like the word 'owe' in this context, but I follow your meaning.
Starting in 2014, poor people are going to OWE a private company or the government healthcare payments and/or fines.


Well-Known Member
Starting in 2014, poor people are going to OWE a private company or the government healthcare payments and/or fines.

Poor people qualify for Medicaid.

Besides, was not that particular portion of the Act ruled unconstitutional recently?

I simply stated I didn't care for the word in the context it which it was used.

To 'owe' implies some sort of obligation which one has agreed to previously.


Well-Known Member
There are going to be court rulings for years. None of them really matter until SCOTUS takes up the case.

Until they do that all that will happen is a bunch more lawyers get rich.