Well-Known Member
happy new years hc.
Hey there hon thats to bad that you have a coldnice going on the hash- i hope to improve on my last debarkle when the time comes lol- how was the brownies ( or was it cookies?) lol- such a stoner cant remeberand cba to go back to correct if wrong lolanyways hope all is well on your front for i have got a stinking cold and putting up with weed stinking out my bedroom until it dries lol
Back at ya Tryna bro Have a good one!!happy new years hc.
Hey there hon thats to bad that you have a coldHope your start to feel better soon. Yeah some strains just have such a strong odor don't they. I have had to get rid of strains before just because they stank!!!
Brownies came out very good I was quite happy. So what was your debacle last time?? Let me know if I can help ya at all baby, its a real easy learning curve lol
Have a good night Agent!! I'll catch ya latey matey
Come on man i hope to hell that not an easy bake oven someone got for For real though hows it been Mr. Highlander ? it's been a minute or two since i found you here and my God that lemon looks truly sick man that is top shelf stuff..Rep on that one and please let me know what you have next...PeaceTaking adantage of my new oven
Have a good one D
Haha nope,,,gave my chick my debit card and told her to pick out a stove. Gots ta keeps em happy you know the score bro lol. Good to hear from you man, I've been real good how bout you. having some of that lemon right now, its got a real nice taste and high.Come on man i hope to hell that not an easy bake oven someone got for For real though hows it been Mr. Highlander ? it's been a minute or two since i found you here and my God that lemon looks truly sick man that is top shelf stuff..Rep on that one and please let me know what you have next...Peace
I raise my cuppa to ya D, cheers mate. I'd send ya some good karma back at ya but I think your over flowing with it lol. Thats ok though have a good year my friend, good karma and may the bluebird of happiness shit all over youHere's to you HC in 2011. Happy growing up in them hills bru.
Morning Mr West doing pretty good. Oh you mean my girlfriend?!? She's at the gym right now hopefully getting pumped full of endorphins so she'll be in the mood to get pumped full of something else when she gets done lol. Still keeping my eye out for the seed fairy.Hope ur well HC, has that cutey turned up yet