first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please


Well-Known Member
Hey giblet how's it going??? Yeah this grow is still going shock right?! But I quit posting oh well I will have to keep yall in suspense :D


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm Good. Still going shock? But yeah I wanna see your plants!

Just fed my saps today. Will probably post some pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Yup I have purplelights still in flower she is on second round harvest she was started november 2009 and my big girl was started oct I burnt her so I chopped her and got about a pound they are all going back into veg still have no internet to post but I can always send them to whoever wants to see or have my buddies post...I went through hell people think I'm crazy but they took a beating literally!!


LOL. So you're harvesting and revegging the same plants over and over? You don't want your babies to die!
you should give it a shot.... I think every grower should at least experience a reveg once in their growing career..... damn interesting, and often a better yield the second time around, as you've topped the fuck out of it via harvest ;)


Well-Known Member
you should give it a shot.... I think every grower should at least experience a reveg once in their growing career..... damn interesting, and often a better yield the second time around, as you've topped the fuck out of it via harvest ;)
Well that's just awesome. See I didn't even know you could do this. I was under the impression that they automatically died after 1 seasonal cycle. Why don't more people just keep the same plants?


sky.jpghey im new here and i cant figure out how to post on my own thread so here is my baby, its stems and stalk are turning red and the flower is turning pinkish purple. bad or good?


Well-Known Member
Hey krazey and sky both look great I love pics I can't post any sorry :( and what I am doing is rejuvenation basically taking completely harvested plant and reverting reveg is putting back in veg prior to harvest there is a difference sorry I'm technical and gogrow where ya been buddy?


Well that's just awesome. See I didn't even know you could do this. I was under the impression that they automatically died after 1 seasonal cycle. Why don't more people just keep the same plants?
it is supposed to, but given the fact that we can control everything, we can keep them alive much longer.... Which is why 'mothers' can be kept for clones for years....

as for why more people dont do it, b/c it is just not that practical..... it took my plant a good 4wks just to get it's bearings and revert back to veg after harvest, then you have to veg, then flower.... may as well just start new seeds or go from clones as it added at least 3wks to the grow.


Hey krazey and sky both look great I love pics I can't post any sorry :( and what I am doing is rejuvenation basically taking completely harvested plant and reverting reveg is putting back in veg prior to harvest there is a difference sorry I'm technical and gogrow where ya been buddy?
well, 'technically', it's a 're-veg after harvest', but maybe that's just my opinion..... not like you're raising the dead and growing zombie pot ;)

I've been around..... just depressed lately. Got alot of shit going on, and not going on right now.....
for the moment though, I'm getting drunk for work.... I mean new years :D ..... Fuckers wont give me 'holiday pay' b/c I'm on my probationary period, so I'm getting a good buzz and not doing shit tonight.... I dont get "double time", so I intend to take double the time to do what I do..... Happy fucking new years! :)


Well-Known Member
Lmao well grow I am just going off what I have researched who cares! Zombie pot lol actually I just may be we will see what happens!! And well been around so your avoiding me! I see how it is jk happy new year I don't feel like drinking


Lmao well grow I am just going off what I have researched who cares! Zombie pot lol actually I just may be we will see what happens!! And well been around so your avoiding me! I see how it is jk happy new year I don't feel like drinking
Not avoiding anyone.... just didnt have anything to say yet on the last topic we were discussing, as all that is still playing out, rather slowly..... and you've not started a new topic, so I've been a lonely guy online..... though I've slept a bit more in the past few days :D

And I have followed your random rambles, even though they got less frequent..... the recent cop story almost illicited a reply out of me... twice. but alas, sleep/snuggles took precedent..... last week was rough as shit, and I've been sucking up this "light" week as much as possible....
got fucked out of a gravy night the other night though..... we finished at 'lunch', 3:30... I had the next night off, so was excited as shit to go home and sleep with the wife till ten and get up like a 'normal' american and go about my day..... but the assholes kept us new cats for 3 more hours as a 'favor' basically b/c we're not getting the holiday pay for the 2days off for christmas, nor tonight...... Not happening tonight though, my ass is ghost as soon as we're finished..... fuck 'more hours'.


Well-Known Member
Lmao I'm just picking on you and you are a typical man don't listen!! I asked if there was a different topic you wanted to discuss lol I'm full of shit to say!! Haven't read the pm but love the subject I cracked up!


Lmao I'm just picking on you and you are a typical man don't listen!! I asked if there was a different topic you wanted to discuss lol I'm full of shit to say!! Haven't read the pm but love the subject I cracked up!
as always, it's just an attention grabber hiding another boring paragraph... se la vi .

reckon I need to start unfurling some of it.... it's piling up, and alot of it is funny as shit, as its not me :D


Well-Known Member
Lmao hey if find ya entertaining you crack me up!! But when you going to grow?? Like to see how those girls do mine were fine till the table collapsed!!