My computer at home has a very bad virus. Were about to buy a new one. Anyway heres the major updates now that I got a chance too use a diffrent comp...
212Watts all together now. I have 8 bulbs all with 2700klumens each.
One thing with growing...besides from learning how to grow (obv) you learn patience. I never had patience....but having to just sit back and let nature take it's course 90% of the time (the other 10 is you giving it nutes and such)...and when you fuck up...
I have killed 8 plants so far by dropping them. The only 2 original plants I still have infact are mother rose and chelsea. I keep on dorpping's because I stacked em up on a pile of books that weas unbalanced...pretty dumb. The first time I dropped 4, the second time 4. Now I just have 2 seedlings, 2 clones, and the 2 originals. Ive decided at a foot too put rosemary into flower. I wanna order some special strains and work on the new plants.
BUT! I have made my first 2 clones as well
Close up of new growth towards the bottom.
Awesome fan
Clonesss (misted regulary)
How lcose I came too losing Rose when she was younger