What did you think of marijuana as a kid?

420 newbie

Active Member
My 1st experience with weed was when I was 10 and my older brother and sister were having a party and I told them that I was going to tell my parents about it. They got angry held me down and shotgunned me until I was really F'd up. One of my sisters girlfriends saw that I was really scared and took me a few houses down and put me on her couch to let me sleep it off. I don't really know how much time went by but I was awakened to see her mom with my pants off and blowing me. I freaked out and started screaming for my brother but he was obviously not there so she shoved what I believe was a dish towel into my mouth and held me down then started to rape me. I managed to get one of my hands loose and hit her in the face with a phone that was on the end table, it was the old desk type with a dial on it and it was pretty heavy so when I hit her she got off of me and I ran out of the house with my pants on one leg. When I got home my older sister called the cops and the lady (I believe then she may have been in her 40's) was arrested and hauled off to jail. I swore I would never smoke weed as long as I lived but about a year later my brother had another party and I tried it again and have smoked on and off ever since and have just started my first grow. (Not doin to good at it) So I guess I would have to say that I never even knew what weed was until that 1st time, but I have to say that after the second time I was DEFINATLY ready to toke and toke and toke away.

I actually do not remember any of what happened my brother and sister explained to me a few years later.


Well-Known Member
some people got all the luck,,,(and dont know what to do with it)..:peace:.. Thats good,,, raped,,,,yeah I hate it when women force oral sex on me,, yuk,lolololololololol.......:peace:........


Well-Known Member
Parents always said how horrible weed was and drugs in genera... n how people get killed over it n shit... i was always told myslf how i would nvr do tht shit !... once i got to high school , everyone was doing it. so me and a couple of friends decided to buy like 6 j's ( pre rolled, we were stupid and didnt no how to buy the shit lol ). We went way the fuck out in my friends woods like 10 miles from the nearest house. We camped out cuz we were scarred we were goin to see shit n not b able to driv n shitlol... we were such dumbasses...!

420 newbie

Active Member
What can I say, I was 10 and not only was it my 1st time getting high and the 1st sexual experience (neither voluntarily) so I didn't know what to do. Again I will say that I do not remember any of it, I have no memory of most of that year I did go to some therapy as a child but I don't think any of it made much difference in my life. I am over 40 now and have 3 children and a wife that I have spent 22 years married to.
I think we did well together my 2 oldest are in college and we have a young child that we have to start saving for all over again hence the reason I started to grow.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
my dad used 2 tell me when he was high "son, if anyone ever told me u did drugs..........i'd be glad to hear it was marijuana" but 4 some reason he doesnt like the fact that im smokin it now.weird


Well-Known Member
seems like we have similar stories,, mine are in college and Im using their rooms for my own personal,,, helps pay for tuition....:peace:.....
What can I say, I was 10 and not only was it my 1st time getting high and the 1st sexual experience (neither voluntarily) so I didn't know what to do. Again I will say that I do not remember any of it, I have no memory of most of that year I did go to some therapy as a child but I don't think any of it made much difference in my life. I am over 40 now and have 3 children and a wife that I have spent 22 years married to.
I think we did well together my 2 oldest are in college and we have a young child that we have to start saving for all over again hence the reason I started to grow.


Well-Known Member
The 1st time i saw the sweet ganja, i found my moms pipe. and new it was somthing i had seen on the show COPS. i went to her and told her that things like that are what the cops find in the show and it bad. my parents were devorcd and the first thing she said was...YOUR DAD DOES IT TOO! after that she said its not bad but can be very good. ive been fighting for medical marijuana ever sence i could!




New Member
The 1st time i saw the sweet ganja, i found my moms pipe. and new it was somthing i had seen on the show COPS. i went to her and told her that things like that are what the cops find in the show and it bad. my parents were devorcd and the first thing she said was...YOUR DAD DOES IT TOO! after that she said its not bad but can be very good. ive been fighting for medical marijuana ever sence i could!


your mom is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yes she is. i remember when i started smoking with her, we were in the car downtown, hella cars all around and she lights a joint. im like holly shit mom ther are people all around us! she said that they probly smoke too! its OK.


New Member
Yes she is. i remember when i started smoking with her, we were in the car downtown, hella cars all around and she lights a joint. im like holly shit mom ther are people all around us! she said that they probly smoke too! its OK.

Your mom is definitely awesome. I remember smoking with my friends dad once.. we were all 17 and he was in his 40's.. hahaha he sat bitch in a full car it was so funny driving around smoking with him.


Well-Known Member
I have smoked with 95% of my friends parents. They always get a kick out of the pot now-a-days, and they always get soooo baked.


Well-Known Member
Er.. Where do you guys live? Around here no one smokes. Stupid Mormons... Yer I thought just what people told me.. Then my friends started doing it and my life was shit so I was like fuck it I'm doing it and I've been doing it every day ever since. I'm going to get a lot of shit for saying this but weed can get bad.. It all depends on the person. For example I sold both my guitars I worked months for just for a 1/4.. Then when I ran out I got bored and tried DMX and nearly tried acid. That little taste of other stuff was all I needed to realize how REAL drugs are though. Never doing anything but weed, shrooms, and salvia again. If god didn't make it don't put it inside of you...


JAH(god) almost made acid(its a mold). And DMT is what you body releases when your born and when you die.
and opium is a naturally occuring plant material, as is cocaine in small doses, drugs occur all around in nature; what gets you high on ecstasy (actual mdma) is not present in the pill at all, it is in your own body. god made all drugs its what you do with them that makes them good/bad. for example, i personaly believe that lsd is a wonderful drug under the right circumstances, it is part of the reason my wife and i are married today and helps you keep a check on reality. on the other hand, i have a distant family member (marriage) who freaked out on acid and brutally murdered a girl and attempted to kill her boyfriend. depends on how you use it.


Well-Known Member
lol true story:
When I was nine I found about 5lbs near a freeway and turned it into the cops. dammit.
when i was in 7th or 8th grade we found a safe in the bushed and we opend it up and there was about 6 ounces in there. we smoked/sold it.