Well Here Goes Again


Well-Known Member
I made it 'rain' on #6 with 2 1/2 gal. 6.4 pH water then fed her (damn near sure it's a her from her clone too).
She got 3/4 tsp. Jack's, 1 tsp. Morbloom (0-10-10) & 1/2 tsp. Apple Juice in a quart of water to finish her 'rain'. So it's Jack's is up to 300% or the outdoor dose of 1 tbs./Gallon.
I moved #4 into the flowering chamber too.I re-arranged a bit too.:leaf:

12-28 P.R. #6.jpg12-28 P.R. #6 & #5.jpg12-28 P.R. Full with #4.jpg


Well-Known Member
man they all look so good. how is the temps doing in the frig's? that super skunk looks familiar, those leaves have a striking resemblance :???: they seem to like all that food your giving. i am having to up the doses on mine too, they are hungry like a fox!!! take care buddy, been meaing to get back to you, hope your holiday was/is good, mine is/was :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I made it 'rain' on #2 & #5 today. I finished it with the same dose as #6 got yesterday.
I put #6 on a smaller bucket to help get the canopy level.
I also fed the clones in the PC. 1/2 tsp. Jack's & 1/4 tsp. Morbloom, 1/4 tsp. Epsom Tea./qt.
I gave the Super Skunk their first 'rain' today. I finished it with a strong dose of da Fish Poop.(1 tsp/qt) I put them under the CMH now.

12-29 Purple Rain #2.jpg12-29 Purple Rain #5.jpg12-29 Purple Rain #6 New Bucket.jpg12-29 Purple Rain Canopy.jpg12-29 Purple Rain Full.jpg12-29 Super Skunk b4 'rain'.jpg12-29 Super Skunk under CMH.jpg


Well-Known Member
Daniels, you got some beautiful and healthy looking plants...great effin job. Cant wait to see them bud up bro!



Active Member
Daniels you have got quite the green thumb!! I've been trying to get one of those but my thumb is still a bit yellow! :peace: :D


Well-Known Member
Daniels, you got some beautiful and healthy looking plants...great effin job. Cant wait to see them bud up bro!

Me either. It's coming soon.

Daniels you have got quite the green thumb!! I've been trying to get one of those but my thumb is still a bit yellow! :peace: :D
Thanks. Seems to be coming together smoothly so far.

I got a second 1 gal. pot with a 16 oz. cup so both #1-A & #4-A are in one. They got a 'rain' finished with a 1/2 tsp. Jack's / qt. I was thinking of letting them veg in there till the move into the fridge.
After checking the ones in the E-Series I decided #2-A & #6-A are going into it with #1 & #4. The E-Series is full with these tall pheno Purple Rain. So I'll move #1-A & #4-A into the computer tomorrow.

So I'll fill the Fridge with #4 on it's 3rd day of 12/12 showing pre-flowers already. #1 is as tall as #4 but hungry. Then the 2 P.R. out of my 6 to flower there.
I'll start #1-A & #4-A to join #5-A into the E-Series.

Gumball, you mentioned upcanning the Super Skunk and I was on it today in preparation. I got three 1 gal. pots filled with a 4" pot buried till I up can them all. I have a more level veg table tonight. Then my experiment.

I drilled several holes in the fourth 1 gal. pot. I lined it with landscape fabric. Too medicated to run through it, but called it a air pot. Air root pruning? I wanted to try those smart pots (name?) and this seemed like it was worth a shot. Anyone feel free to elaborate or correct me.

I like the leaf shape of SS #3 the best & it's shape, so I picked it. I hope #3 is a female to keep this run up. I want the pollen from a SS, so a switch may have to happen. The plan is getting these into the FrigiDare when Noel is done in two to three weeks.


12-30 Purple Rain PCC #1-A.jpg12-30 Purple Rain #4-A.jpg12-30 Purple Rain #4-A roots.jpg12-30 Purple Rain PCC Pot.jpg12-30 Purple Rain 6-A, 2-A & 5-A.jpgAir Pot.jpgAir Pot 2.jpg12-30 Super Skunk #3 Air Pot.jpg12-30 Super Skunk.jpg


Well-Known Member
yes, air pot, air pruning, BRILLIANT!!! now that thing will drink to high heaven. try to compare that one to the other 3 and tell me your thoughts. i did that with a 6 inch net pot and that coconut lining on the reveg and did not get to see it out. i think that coconut lining would be a great medium in combo with an air pot or something, but I just think the lemon skunk i have in it is a slow strain/pheno.

on a seperate note, i think it is the fish poo curling the leaves. i flush the lemon skunk and refilled with the fish poo and some dynagro and the leaves have curled since. first time i used the fish poo and first time i seen it.


Well-Known Member
Great info and update D! Lookin good man! Happy you decided to get some pollen and going to have to try them air pots!


Well-Known Member
yes, air pot, air pruning, BRILLIANT!!! now that thing will drink to high heaven. try to compare that one to the other 3 and tell me your thoughts. i did that with a 6 inch net pot and that coconut lining on the reveg and did not get to see it out. i think that coconut lining would be a great medium in combo with an air pot or something, but I just think the lemon skunk i have in it is a slow strain/pheno.

on a seperate note, i think it is the fish poo curling the leaves. i flush the lemon skunk and refilled with the fish poo and some dynagro and the leaves have curled since. first time i used the fish poo and first time i seen it.
Me either. It's coming soon.

Thanks. Seems to be coming together smoothly so far.

I got a second 1 gal. pot with a 16 oz. cup so both #1-A & #4-A are in one. They got a 'rain' finished with a 1/2 tsp. Jack's / qt. I was thinking of letting them veg in there till the move into the fridge.
After checking the ones in the E-Series I decided #2-A & #6-A are going into it with #1 & #4. The E-Series is full with these tall pheno Purple Rain. So I'll move #1-A & #4-A into the computer tomorrow.

So I'll fill the Fridge with #4 on it's 3rd day of 12/12 showing pre-flowers already. #1 is as tall as #4 but hungry. Then the 2 P.R. out of my 6 to flower there.
I'll start #1-A & #4-A to join #5-A into the E-Series.

Gumball, you mentioned upcanning the Super Skunk and I was on it today in preparation. I got three 1 gal. pots filled with a 4" pot buried till I up can them all. I have a more level veg table tonight. Then my experiment.

I drilled several holes in the fourth 1 gal. pot. I lined it with landscape fabric. Too medicated to run through it, but called it a air pot. Air root pruning? I wanted to try those smart pots (name?) and this seemed like it was worth a shot. Anyone feel free to elaborate or correct me.

I like the leaf shape of SS #3 the best & it's shape, so I picked it. I hope #3 is a female to keep this run up. I want the pollen from a SS, so a switch may have to happen. The plan is getting these into the FrigiDare when Noel is done in two to three weeks.

Ok Daniels and Gumball can you guys please explain what this set up and air pruning is all about. Sorry just never heard of it but looks very interesting. I am confused on how it all works, is there a link that I can read about it? Thanks guys, I love learning on Daniels threads...too much valuable info on here. Sorry for bugging with all my nOOb questions. LOL

Peace All and Have a Happy and Green New Year! Be safe all!



Well-Known Member
Quick answer from http://www.smartpots.com/

What is air pruning?
Air pruning is a natural process occurring when a root comes in contact with the air on the side of the porous Smart Pot wall. The root tip stops growing (pruned) and causes the remaining root to extensively branch. Now, instead of fewer circling roots, the plant develops new lateral roots. New, fibrous roots fill the Smart Pot allowing the plant to maximize uptake of both moisture and nutrients. And when the roots grow well, the plant grows well. Upon comparison, root systems that developed in a Smart Pot have a much greater mass or volume then those found in hard-sided plastic containers. Plants grown in Smart Pots have greater root mass in less soil.

Read more: FAQ's about Smart Pots, Container Growing, Container Gardening, Hydroponic Gardening


Well-Known Member
Here's today's re-shuffling of these Purple Rain. #1 & #4 got fed the same flowering dose as the others after a 'rain'. They both went to the Fridge under the 150W CMH. The temps are holding around 75. I put #2-A & #6-A into the 1 gallon pots and got everything to fit.
#5 got a sunburn when it stretched overnight. I was lazy yesterday, when I should have moved the hood up. Too busy with all the other stuff but Oh, well. Fixed now.
So #1-A and #4-A are moved into the E-Series to flower.
Here's the Super Skunk with some room on the table now.
12-31 Purple Rain #4.jpg12-31 Purple Rain 2-A & 6-A.jpg12-31 Purple Rain #1, #4, #6-A & #2-A.jpg12-31 Purple Rain #5 sunburn.jpg12-31 Purple Rain #6, #2, #5 Full.jpg12-31 Purple Rain 1-A, 4-A & 5-A.jpg12-31 Super Skunk.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking great my friend! I just gotta ask a quick question and sorry if I missed it earlier. but did you cut the bottoms of the cups and 4" pots? If so, is it to avoid xplant shock?

I think your right about #3 SS. The leaves do look the best of the group. Short, fat, and stubby! Lots O indy in her.(fingers crossed)!




Well-Known Member
Looking great my friend! I just gotta ask a quick question and sorry if I missed it earlier. but did you cut the bottoms of the cups and 4" pots? If so, is it to avoid xplant shock?

I think your right about #3 SS. The leaves do look the best of the group. Short, fat, and stubby! Lots O indy in her.(fingers crossed)!


The cups have pinholes like the buried cups. It's a competition where roots have to stay inside a 16 oz. Party cup for the 6 clones. The 1 gallon pots just keep them stable. The 4" pots are normal, this just preps them for the transplant. I'll re-wet them & pull the empty. The hole will be perfect to up-can this way.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Daniels you are really kicking ass with your grow. I admire your work bro!!!

Hope everyone has a healthy and green New Year!!!! Be safe all.

