exhast advice needed


Well-Known Member
My grow box is 14" x 33" x 65". I'm running cfl's. I plan to upgrade to hps. What size exhaust would I want for a 400 watter ?


Well-Known Member
what kind of reflector are you gonna run? that small of a grow area i would think a 9 dollar bathroom vent fan would be enough


Well-Known Member
My tent is just a few inches larger....I use a 400w hps cooltube with a 150w hps (open)....I use a 200cfm var. vortex which runs at about 1/2 speed but I also have another vortex supplying fresh air and blowing onto the smaller hps. No heat probs at all....but if the light you're gonna buy is open.......be sure to supply some ventilation for cooling....