The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Few pics this morning...
The newer growth on the albino trait plant is half white, I was hoping it wasn't going to be only on one leaf...
Put some pics of it up when I get over to them today.
12.30.10 014.jpg12.30.10 009.jpg

12.30.10 007.jpg12.30.10 015.jpg12.30.10 004.jpg
12.30.10 012.jpg


Active Member
Damn..something I didn't notice....:roll: got post #4200..on page 420....maaaaannnnnnnnn......
we are busting everything today..
Bodes well for the New Growing Year....:fire:

Just wouldn't be right with out a little bondage
Ha ha got your microscope for christmas..
if you get a little bondage for new year...more power to Lady D....:clap:

nc...looking Great m8...
saw somewhere back on the thread that you had been having a little Test...:bigjoint:
Glad you liked it...
you are gonna have a whole heap of it to smoke through...
Looking Good man. am getting a verigated leaf on one of my new germs...
guess who..
Original JEM.....:o..
I'll get photos cold to pull it out of the cupboard..
get you guys to check it for deficiencies.. is a half coloured leaf..not tip..or rim...

I thought that I had seen just about everything JEM had to offer..
maybe this is just to lure me back to her.

ExpertSetup said JEM was the Holy Grail of colour...he wasn't far wrong.

Damn this thread is moving fasssst..
10,000 views in 1 week HHH...FullD created a Monster.....kiss-ass

Across the board improvement HHH...all with Water...
I sit with my Jaw hanging every morning...
you don't happen to have a spare fish tank air pump and a bottle of white wine vinegar sitting around do you Bro...:mrgreen:


Active Member
HHH..I'd rather buy a pump and a PH measure now than ferts...Amazing results.. know my favourite piece of kit..the glass table...Redundant...

they won't fit under it now....Maaannnn...:cool:

'Nuff said m8...;-)


Well-Known Member
There it is m8's.....


AND 4208 replies......

AF Marijuana Madness...

:hump: :hump: :hump:


Don't the post just Fly when you are having FUN....:bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :joint: :joint: :joint: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie :cool: :cool: :cool:
:bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :D :D :D
This is nuts, its a nice treat and one hell of the way to ring in the new year.
Thanks to all for the good times and laughs and the beautiful looking plants that re just amazing.

Ive gone from seeing decent looking plants to plants that are looking like photo girls
and producing their numbers, all with in 420 pages of madness and learning.

HHH..I'd rather but a pump and a PH measure now than ferts...Amazing.. know my favourite piece of kit..the glass table...Redundant...

they won't fit under it now....Maaannnn...:cool:
Then it may be time for a new table lol. Just going to have to get that dragon into dom and then they wont know what there looking at. got post #4200..on page 420....maaaaannnnnnnnn...... we are busting everything today.. lol mossys i did not even notice not shure i can do it as good as you lot but here is my go at macro as its friday night
trchs ah4.jpgtrchs ah1.jpgtrchs ah2.jpgtrchs ah3.jpg


Active Member
New Years Eve 061.jpgNew Years Eve 024.jpgNew Years Eve 049.jpgNew Years Eve 042.jpgNew Years Eve 005.jpgNew Years Eve 004.jpg
New Years Eve 059.jpgGave all of the plants that are showing sex and budding a little feeding today.
The ALF#3 is stinking nicely and the HBD smells of sweet fruit and skunk, The smell is so strong in the growroom I'm glad I have no neighbors to worry about.


Active Member
the purple trichs are sexy..

Missed 420 :( Look at the views on this bad boy.. I was posting on page 410 last night.. I got some catching up to do. phew.


Active Member
stoneyhomer..for the kit you have..I think the photos are Amazing m8...;-)

nc..which girl do you have your yellow striped leaf in....? you mean the one that BH has in his signature NOW...


TALENT I really Admire Bro.......:clap:
I Thank You.

Someone mentioned in the thread a while back that Delta-9 @ IC had an albino leaf..
do you know if it was in one of mine..?


Active Member
I have to tell you mossy that I have the one with the striped leaves mixed up, Its either a Bad Betty, JEM or ALF#3...
Which do you think it is Mossy?

I have a Sativa dom BlueSteak x DieselRyder F3 and the rest are dark green squat indica dom plants...
I'm excited about the Sativa dom pheno because I need a strain that gives a good heady buzz...