Today is a year and two days since my first post on the six hundred, what a year, what a thread! It has been nothing but pure pleasure hanging out at the six hundred. To celebrate, I'm going to the post office this morning...and you could be the next lucky winner of my mortgage. Oh wait, I don't have one so I'll have to think of another prize. Our little cold spell in florida is gone, back into the seventies for the next several days. Looks like I'm going to have to play golf again tomorrow, in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Winter in florida anyone, bring your sticks and your stone.
Anyway, just wanted to say on this last day of the year, be safe everyone, we want everyone to return next year, tomorrow. Tonight, I get to spend my evening entertaining a returning vet from Iraq and Afghanistan. My vietnam vet buddy, his son is returning from the service this evening, he left Germany last night, gets into texas today and tonight into Tampa around eight. They should be here ten or so. I plan on getting, ready for this, the guy's name is Odin, no joke, stoned as hell and I'll tell him what I always tell his father, it's my duty. What do ya' think of that Mr. Thor, Odin, your dad is coming to my house tonight. I can hardly contain the excitement. Should be a fun evening, he has been in the service for four years, one visit to amsterdam during that time is the only time he has smoked in four years. He's also never used a vaporizer, I can't wait to fire it up tonight and give the returning soldier a run for his money. My bet, the vaporizer wins.
Peace all. Have a happy and safe new year.