the chitown sourkush thread

hey whats the best way to press keif into hash? I have tried it a long time ago and cant remember whats the best way
hey whats the best way to press keif into hash? I have tried it a long time ago and cant remember whats the best way

take a nice pile of kief..... stuff it into a ciggerette cellafane..... roll it up nice and tight.... wrap with some damp news paper... and set your oven for low....... like 200 f. put it on a cookie sheet and let it chill in there for 7-10 min......then take it out and put it in the freezer for 20 min...
you can do it in the oven or u can use a water bottle or what ever and fill it with boiling water and press the keif by rolling it over the top of the cellaphane
take a nice pile of kief..... stuff it into a ciggerette cellafane..... roll it up nice and tight.... wrap with some damp news paper... and set your oven for low....... like 200 f. put it on a cookie sheet and let it chill in there for 7-10 min......then take it out and put it in the freezer for 20 min...
ok cool thats the way i did it before probly goin to press some tomorrow
anyone gonna watch ufc 125 tomorro?..(sat) got a good looking fight card! got alot of strikers! i kno u like that fight card chi! all bangers!!
man i dont feel very good... my girl isnt gonna move with me.... were kinda breaking up now.. shitty... 6.5 years..... my stomache is feelin all fucked up...
man i dont feel very good... my girl isnt gonna move with me.... were kinda breaking up now.. shitty... 6.5 years..... my stomache is feelin all fucked up...

Now thats some bullshit..You breaking up because of the move? It sounds personal jack.
You can tell her 4 out of the 7 days a week ya should take trips back n forth...
Now thats some bullshit..You breaking up because of the move? It sounds personal jack.
You can tell her 4 out of the 7 days a week ya should take trips back n forth...

i cant do all that... i told her after 4 months she could move out and i would hold shit down untill she found a job or even if she didnt...

she dont wanna leave her family.. i love this dumb bitch... too much shit done happend.. but man i have to follow my dream..... i feel awful doe dog i really do
Honestly speaking if you been with her for that long and yall been thru thick n thin.It makes no sense to make her leave her fam.Why not go to a place legal thats closer?
Imo i wouldnt go because it would be like you threw the relationship out..I kow its your dream but you can still make it happen just not on a legal level yet..But thats what i would do and i have kids with mine so that could be a big difference.
chi i feel ya brother im kinda in tha same place with gettin on bulls with my fiance im following my dreams no matter what she knew what she was getting when we started this trip nd i dont pump my brakes keep ya head up shits gonna work out no matter what happens
i cant do all that... i told her after 4 months she could move out and i would hold shit down untill she found a job or even if she didnt...

she dont wanna leave her family.. i love this dumb bitch... too much shit done happend.. but man i have to follow my dream..... i feel awful doe dog i really do
damn man that sux bro i know how that is though i had and still might have that offer in cali and my girl said thats the one place she want move but if it happends i will have to folow that dream to man and we have been together for over 8 years so dont feel to bad if its meant to be then she will understand and make shit work

heres a update video [youtube]MlGPPc4kAoM&feature=feedu[/youtube]
damn chi dats a dilemma right there! i wouldnt leave my wife for that but id try make shit work no matta! id curve my dream but yet still follow it...6.5 years is a long time! after my daughter and a 3year relationship im married...and i wouldnt throw that whats in ur heart bredren dont make a mistake! and regret what ur final decision is! stay strong!
that 1st purple d plant will be readyh for harvest next week about 7 or 8 days !!! cant wait shit smells so dank
chi i feel ya brother im kinda in tha same place with gettin on bulls with my fiance im following my dreams no matter what she knew what she was getting when we started this trip nd i dont pump my brakes keep ya head up shits gonna work out no matter what happens
Now thats understandable since you were moving state to state
doing your thing before you met her but if you met her in one spot and you just want to up and leave to grow legally i think thats a bit selfish if you expect her to drop everything to come with you.
Howak plants are looking nie and good room is well lit up..
@chi I hope you make the right decision dog but like i said its kind of selfish if you expect her to just up and leave her family especially if you just came up with that decision.if you were a dude moving state to state and tahts how you met her she would understand it a bit more.