las fingerez
Well-Known Member
sweet tune bro,not a massive fan of sway but that tune is alright
u like the uk rappers skinny man, giggs etc?
edit how could i forget killa kellalol

edit how could i forget killa kellalol
cucusoft not do it?
try anyvideoconverter thats what i use for like any video really convert to like any fomat tooSup las, not big on many UK rappers I'm into Stig as he's a local and syntax etc but can't really stand the whole London scene, all wannabe gangsters. And that gigs fella's flow is like setting concrete. Bout as interesting too haha.
I've given up on vids ill try again with the digicam that might be in a suitable format. But then again I could just take pics then......![]()
kool thanks man im going to have another bash at it but today i am getting wrecked im shooting at fitting 3 drunks into one day!!! gonna have an aerreto trebble for breaky a bong rip then off to see harry plopper, home lunch drink then maybe a sleep afore heading out to a meal with peeps tonight that should soak up drunk #2 and ive got the sniff for drunk 3. if im not in a state by 12 there's something severley wrong.try anyvideoconverter thats what i use for like any video really convert to like any fomat too
ive got the k-lite codec pack and the extra bits.try installing k-lite codec pack? that has the codecs so it can understand the language of the .3gp file (thats how i understand it, may be wrong)
yeah giggs is a bit slow but i like a few of his tunes lol. like plan b's old stuff, not the singing girly crap lmao
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alreet D bruski you know im having it large today!!! hope you n yours have a smasher too lad.Hey Donny, have a great night tha night lad. All the best to you on Hogmanay. Peace, DST
kool thanks man im going to have another bash at it but today i am getting wrecked im shooting at fitting 3 drunks into one day!!! gonna have an aerreto trebble for breaky a bong rip then off to see harry plopper, home lunch drink then maybe a sleep afore heading out to a meal with peeps tonight that should soak up drunk #2 and ive got the sniff for drunk 3. if im not in a state by 12 there's something severley wrong.
ive got the k-lite codec pack and the extra bits.![]()
on the rap ting see, now i really like plan B's crooner album hi's rapping was ish at best really, but apparently the next album is going to be totaLLY DIFFERENT AGAIN SO NWHO KNOWS OOPS .
alreet D bruski you know im having it large today!!! hope you n yours have a smasher too lad.
im celebrating without the mrs as she's being a grumpy cow. has decided shes not going to the meal that was her idea in the first place cos she doesnt like the people were going with !?!?! honestly sometimes i wish gadgees had fannies then we wouldnt have to deal with lasses and their fucking issues.
a happy new year to all! ( im off to look at cheap all in weeks in spain for next xmas/new year. 1 ticket only.......
Come on. There are enough 600 members to keep your pipe full during your stay. We could start a Club 600 travel thinking SA ? im thinking spain on my budget haha tho ive time to save i might book something extravagant see how much a flight out to the states is.
wish i was bro just chillin by the fire, its tyhe simple things eh. have a good one ladhey donny hope u have a fun an stuff toight. I shall be burning stuff in a fire pit tonight lmao
man i did a tour few years before i started growing, did cali to bc canada, it was amazing. you dont know how much i wish i could do it now.Come on. There are enough 600 members to keep your pipe full during your stay. We could start a Club 600 travel guide.
happy new year osc man?!Happy new year me old china
you too hem lad!Happy new year Bro Don..Have a good one
man lifes too short not to spend it with like folks man! appreciate the offer bro man i wish id known all you guys before i did that trip, we met a whole lot of kool peeps but not the likes of you guys. have a good one whatever you may do!WTF she didn't want to go to the dinner that was her idea???? fuck all.. Have a good night Donny,
Stay safe, Party Hard,
If ya come to the states your welcome to stay with me Lad..
dialed in nailed down and sealed tight im done in now hahah, ill worry bout it tomorrow. ive defrosated the bacon its all good!!!Haha hey bro we the same ish going on. What makes it more funny is I just read this after posting my woman problems too
duuuuude she txt like 15 mins back to say she was coming out and it was all good. hahah ive drunk as much as i can stand hahah she aint gonna be happy lmao but when is she hahaah birds eh lol
Sounds like you have things dialed in for proper new years eve celebration, have a good time tonght my friend catch ya on the flipside
wishing u a prosperous new yearx